Romney's evil money!


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Washington State
Every day I come on here I see another new thread about Romney and how he is not 'connected' with the average man or another thread about how rich Romney is. I am really getting tired of it. Weather it is his 77,000 dollar horse, not knowing what a donut is or his latest fundraisers, the left here seems the need to attack his character based on his wealth and nothing more. It is downright confusing as to what you are trying to get at. At least when JoeB attacks his wealth it is about how he acquired it, not that he is wealthy. The only thing the left seems to care about is the fact that he has money in the first place.

Here is the problem though:

What in the hell do you want in a president? Do you really want the average man? Seriously? You want someone that was UNSUCCESSFUL, an average Joe? Maybe your neighbor? How about the local McDonalds worker. They will be able to relate, connected to the average American and you wont have to worry about all that money.

Get real. People are looking for someone that is successful to take the highest office in the country and to pretend otherwise is asinine to say the least. There is a lot of room to attack Romney on, it completely baffles me that the left is choosing the fact he is successful as their main point. It is utter bullshit, any all of you know it. Stop with the bullshit attacks and focus on something of sustenance.
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Every day I come on here I see another new thread about Romney and how he is not 'connected' with the average man or another thread about how rich Romney is. I am really getting tired of it. Weather it is his 77,000 dollar horse, not knowing what a donut is or his latest fundraisers, the left here seems the need to attack his character based on his wealth and nothing more. It is downright confusing as to what you are trying to get at. At least when JoeB attacks his wealth it is about how he acquired it, not that he is wealthy. The only thing the left seems to care about is the fact that he has money in the first place.

Here is the problem though:

What in the hell do you want in a president? Do you really want the average man? Seriously? You want someone that was UNSUCCESSFUL, an average Joe? Maybe your neighbor? How about the local McDonalds worker. They will be able to relate, connected to the average American and you wont have to worry about all that money.

Get real. People are looking for someone that is successful to take the highest office in the country and to pretend otherwise is asinine to say the least. There is a lot of room to attack Romney on, it completely baffles me that the left is choosing the fact he is successful as their main point. It is utter bullshit, any all of you know it. Stop with the bullshit attacks and focus on something of sustenance.

The Left attacks Romney because they are Desperate, they Know their savior Obama is and always has been a worthless Hack :)

Heck, most 5th Graders could have done better than Obama, I would really like to see Obama on the show "are you smarter than a 5th grader"


Every day I come on here I see another new thread about Romney and how he is not 'connected' with the average man or another thread about how rich Romney is. I am really getting tired of it. Weather it is his 77,000 dollar horse, not knowing what a donut is or his latest fundraisers, the left here seems the need to attack his character based on his wealth and nothing more. It is downright confusing as to what you are trying to get at. At least when JoeB attacks his wealth it is about how he acquired it, not that he is wealthy. The only thing the left seems to care about is the fact that he has money in the first place.

Here is the problem though:

What in the hell do you want in a president? Do you really want the average man? Seriously? You want someone that was UNSUCCESSFUL, an average Joe? Maybe your neighbor? How about the local McDonalds worker. They will be able to relate, connected to the average American and you wont have to worry about all that money.

Get real. People are looking for someone that is successful to take the highest office in the country and to pretend otherwise is asinine to say the least. There is a lot of room to attack Romney on, it completely baffles me that the left is choosing the fact he is successful as their main point. It is utter bullshit, any all of you know it. Stop with the bullshit attacks and focus on something of sustenance.

If anyone wants to write me in, feel free. I'm not rich by American standards, but I do lead a successful middle class life and I believe I could do a better job of leading the free world than either of the tools with an actual shot at the job.

Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics and then build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
The joke is that Obama is every bit among the wealthy as Romney. He vacations in spots most of us can only read about. He plays golf when most of us have to work. His wife jets off to hot spots and we get to read about it.
Why they attack him is obvious, he is on the other side. That is not my issue. I don't really like Romney either to be honest but I am not going to claim that I have a problem with the fact that he is successful. It is rather dumb to attack him on those grounds as you would not want anyone but a successful person in that seat.

I am not trying to inflame a partisan argument. I am generally flabbergasted by the tactics here.
Every day I come on here I see another new thread about Romney and how he is not 'connected' with the average man or another thread about how rich Romney is. I am really getting tired of it. Weather it is his 77,000 dollar horse, not knowing what a donut is or his latest fundraisers, the left here seems the need to attack his character based on his wealth and nothing more. It is downright confusing as to what you are trying to get at. At least when JoeB attacks his wealth it is about how he acquired it, not that he is wealthy. The only thing the left seems to care about is the fact that he has money in the first place.

Here is the problem though:

What in the hell do you want in a president? Do you really want the average man? Seriously? You want someone that was UNSUCCESSFUL, an average Joe? Maybe your neighbor? How about the local McDonalds worker. They will be able to relate, connected to the average American and you wont have to worry about all that money.

Get real. People are looking for someone that is successful to take the highest office in the country and to pretend otherwise is asinine to say the least. There is a lot of room to attack Romney on, it completely baffles me that the left is choosing the fact he is successful as their main point. It is utter bullshit, any all of you know it. Stop with the bullshit attacks and focus on something of sustenance.

If anyone wants to write me in, feel free. I'm not rich by American standards, but I do lead a successful middle class life and I believe I could do a better job of leading the free world than either of the tools with an actual shot at the job.

Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics and then build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.

Lol - I didn't catch that!!!

The joke is that Obama is every bit among the wealthy as Romney. He vacations in spots most of us can only read about. He plays golf when most of us have to work. His wife jets off to hot spots and we get to read about it.

Not really. Obama IS wealthy but they are in a different class here. Romney is FAR more wealthy than Obama, by a long shot.
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The joke is that Obama is every bit among the wealthy as Romney. He vacations in spots most of us can only read about. He plays golf when most of us have to work. His wife jets off to hot spots and we get to read about it.

The difference is that Obama had to borrow money to get rich, not just get born.
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Every day I come on here I see another new thread about Romney and how he is not 'connected' with the average man or another thread about how rich Romney is. I am really getting tired of it. Weather it is his 77,000 dollar horse, not knowing what a donut is or his latest fundraisers, the left here seems the need to attack his character based on his wealth and nothing more. It is downright confusing as to what you are trying to get at. At least when JoeB attacks his wealth it is about how he acquired it, not that he is wealthy. The only thing the left seems to care about is the fact that he has money in the first place.

Here is the problem though:

What in the hell do you want in a president? Do you really want the average man? Seriously? You want someone that was UNSUCCESSFUL, an average Joe? Maybe your neighbor? How about the local McDonalds worker. They will be able to relate, connected to the average American and you wont have to worry about all that money.

Get real. People are looking for someone that is successful to take the highest office in the country and to pretend otherwise is asinine to say the least. There is a lot of room to attack Romney on, it completely baffles me that the left is choosing the fact he is successful as their main point. It is utter bullshit, any all of you know it. Stop with the bullshit attacks and focus on something of sustenance.

If anyone wants to write me in, feel free. I'm not rich by American standards, but I do lead a successful middle class life and I believe I could do a better job leading the free world than either of the tools with an actual shot at the job.

Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics and then build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.

Lol - I didn't catch that!!!

The joke is that Obama is every bit among the wealthy as Romney. He vacations in spots most of us can only read about. He plays golf when most of us have to work. His wife jets off to hot spots and we get to read about it.

Not really. Obama IS wealthy but they are in a different class here. Romney is FAR more wealthy than Obama, by a long shot.

Me either and I gave Joe a Like :badgrin:

The joke is that Obama is every bit among the wealthy as Romney. He vacations in spots most of us can only read about. He plays golf when most of us have to work. His wife jets off to hot spots and we get to read about it.

Not really. Obama IS wealthy but they are in a different class here. Romney is FAR more wealthy than Obama, by a long shot.

I wont argue that Romney has more money than Obama. That is irrelevant. But Obama is just as out of touch from average people as he claims Romney is.
This is a meme that goes back to George HW Bush and Clinton's claim that Bush was unfamiliar with grocery scanners. The Dems use it because they think it works.
With Willard, it's not just that he's wealthy, we've had wealthy Presidential candidates before (although he is the wealthiest since Steve Forbes ran in 2000), it's that he is out of touch.

Those other candidates did not display the extreme out-of-touchidness that Willard displays almost every time he or his wife speaks.

We've even had Presidents and Presidential candidates that were born into their wealth, like Mittens, that did not seem as out of touch as Willard. The Kennedy family is a prime example, but I think military service had something to do with their ability to relate to the "average guy". The Bush family too.

Willard was born rich, has always been rich and will always be rich. He's spent his whole life surrounded by wealth and the wealthy and just doesn't know how to relate to those of us who are not one of the 3,140 richest people in America.

Will being a privileged wealthy businessman make him a good President? How has that worked out in the past?
Politicians are not in touch with the average person none of them not Romney, or Obama or Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter some just put on a better act about it than other's.
Politicians are not in touch with the average person none of them not Romney, or Obama or Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter some just put on a better act about it than other's.

Everyone else you mentioned can speak and relate to the average person. Romney simply can't. (which is why, in a recent poll, 57% of likely voters said they would want to sit next to President Obama on a plane...only 31% would sit next to Willard)
Politicians are not in touch with the average person none of them not Romney, or Obama or Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter some just put on a better act about it than other's.

Everyone else you mentioned can speak and relate to the average person. Romney simply can't. (which is why, in a recent poll, 57% of likely voters said they would want to sit next to President Obama on a plane...only 31% would sit next to Willard)

No out of everyone I mentioned some can just act like they can relate to the average person better. Reagan and Clinton could Carter and H.W. Bush could not or at least not as well Bush could fake it pretty good the two men he ran against Gore and Kerry could not at all and Obama can fake this better than Romney.
Every day I come on here I see another new thread about Romney and how he is not 'connected' with the average man or another thread about how rich Romney is. I am really getting tired of it. Weather it is his 77,000 dollar horse, not knowing what a donut is or his latest fundraisers, the left here seems the need to attack his character based on his wealth and nothing more. It is downright confusing as to what you are trying to get at. At least when JoeB attacks his wealth it is about how he acquired it, not that he is wealthy. The only thing the left seems to care about is the fact that he has money in the first place.

Here is the problem though:

What in the hell do you want in a president? Do you really want the average man? Seriously? You want someone that was UNSUCCESSFUL, an average Joe? Maybe your neighbor? How about the local McDonalds worker. They will be able to relate, connected to the average American and you wont have to worry about all that money.

Get real. People are looking for someone that is successful to take the highest office in the country and to pretend otherwise is asinine to say the least. There is a lot of room to attack Romney on, it completely baffles me that the left is choosing the fact he is successful as their main point. It is utter bullshit, any all of you know it. Stop with the bullshit attacks and focus on something of sustenance.

I think most of the attacks "from the left" on how Romney acquired his money have been on point.

Now, yeah, it would be nice if we had a Bill Gates running. I can respect Bill Gates in that he made his money making cool products that have made all of our lives better. (Drilling down into his other practices, like intentionally driving rivals out of business, is another matter.) BIll was an average guy who started a business in his garage. He gets it.

Romney? Born on third base and thought he hit a triple. Went into companies and looted them for the assets. WHen he says things like "I like to be able to fire people" or "I'm unemployed, too.", he just shows that he doesn't get what this recession has done to average folks.
Politicians are not in touch with the average person none of them not Romney, or Obama or Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter some just put on a better act about it than other's.

Everyone else you mentioned can speak and relate to the average person. Romney simply can't. (which is why, in a recent poll, 57% of likely voters said they would want to sit next to President Obama on a plane...only 31% would sit next to Willard)

Obama is not in touch with average people. Thus his "guns and religion" comment.
I'd prefer to sit next to Obama on an airplane too. It means he isn't riding Airforce One and thus not president.
Politicians are not in touch with the average person none of them not Romney, or Obama or Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter some just put on a better act about it than other's.

Everyone else you mentioned can speak and relate to the average person. Romney simply can't. (which is why, in a recent poll, 57% of likely voters said they would want to sit next to President Obama on a plane...only 31% would sit next to Willard)

Obama is not in touch with average people. Thus his "guns and religion" comment.
I'd prefer to sit next to Obama on an airplane too. It means he isn't riding Airforce One and thus not president.

What was wrong with his guns and religion comment?

I think he was right on the money with that. People vote against their own economic interests because the right has learned to push their buttons on social issues. Hell, I fell for it for years.

I'd rather have the economic prosperity we had in the 1990's than a gun or a bible, neither of which is really useful.
Politicians are not in touch with the average person none of them not Romney, or Obama or Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter some just put on a better act about it than other's.

Everyone else you mentioned can speak and relate to the average person. Romney simply can't. (which is why, in a recent poll, 57% of likely voters said they would want to sit next to President Obama on a plane...only 31% would sit next to Willard)

I wouldn't mind sitting next to Mittens on a plane. First of all it would probably be a private jet. You wouldn't have to waste any time with TSA dweebs getting on it. Secondly because it was a private would probably be flying off to some place interesting.. Thirdly Romney is a pussy rich kid and as soon as he opened his pie hole you would only have to give him a look in the eye like you had broken chicken necks on squids like him before and he would look away and not bother you. In fact he would probably immediately become your in flight bitch and you could have him fetch ya champaign and other treats of the rich and famous. I would just let the pilot drop him off at his cult retreat or whatever and take the plane somewhere REAL interesting.
Everyone else you mentioned can speak and relate to the average person. Romney simply can't. (which is why, in a recent poll, 57% of likely voters said they would want to sit next to President Obama on a plane...only 31% would sit next to Willard)

Obama is not in touch with average people. Thus his "guns and religion" comment.
I'd prefer to sit next to Obama on an airplane too. It means he isn't riding Airforce One and thus not president.

What was wrong with his guns and religion comment?

I think he was right on the money with that. People vote against their own economic interests because the right has learned to push their buttons on social issues. Hell, I fell for it for years.

I'd rather have the economic prosperity we had in the 1990's than a gun or a bible, neither of which is really useful.

The fact that you dont understand Americans is not surprising.
People who voted for Obama voted against their own economic interests. How well would he have done promising 8-% unemployment, record low workforce participation, US debt downgrades, trashing the rule of law, and record low GDP growth?
Every day I come on here I see another new thread about Romney and how he is not 'connected' with the average man or another thread about how rich Romney is. I am really getting tired of it. Weather it is his 77,000 dollar horse, not knowing what a donut is or his latest fundraisers, the left here seems the need to attack his character based on his wealth and nothing more. It is downright confusing as to what you are trying to get at. At least when JoeB attacks his wealth it is about how he acquired it, not that he is wealthy. The only thing the left seems to care about is the fact that he has money in the first place.

Here is the problem though:

What in the hell do you want in a president? Do you really want the average man? Seriously? You want someone that was UNSUCCESSFUL, an average Joe? Maybe your neighbor? How about the local McDonalds worker. They will be able to relate, connected to the average American and you wont have to worry about all that money.

Get real. People are looking for someone that is successful to take the highest office in the country and to pretend otherwise is asinine to say the least. There is a lot of room to attack Romney on, it completely baffles me that the left is choosing the fact he is successful as their main point. It is utter bullshit, any all of you know it. Stop with the bullshit attacks and focus on something of sustenance.

The Left attacks Romney because they are Desperate, they Know their savior Obama is and always has been a worthless Hack :)

Heck, most 5th Graders could have done better than Obama, I would really like to see Obama on the show "are you smarter than a 5th grader"



And if he did go on that program he would still need his telepromter.
Every day I come on here I see another new thread about Romney and how he is not 'connected' with the average man or another thread about how rich Romney is. I am really getting tired of it. Weather it is his 77,000 dollar horse, not knowing what a donut is or his latest fundraisers, the left here seems the need to attack his character based on his wealth and nothing more. It is downright confusing as to what you are trying to get at. At least when JoeB attacks his wealth it is about how he acquired it, not that he is wealthy. The only thing the left seems to care about is the fact that he has money in the first place.

Here is the problem though:

What in the hell do you want in a president? Do you really want the average man? Seriously? You want someone that was UNSUCCESSFUL, an average Joe? Maybe your neighbor? How about the local McDonalds worker. They will be able to relate, connected to the average American and you wont have to worry about all that money.

Get real. People are looking for someone that is successful to take the highest office in the country and to pretend otherwise is asinine to say the least. There is a lot of room to attack Romney on, it completely baffles me that the left is choosing the fact he is successful as their main point. It is utter bullshit, any all of you know it. Stop with the bullshit attacks and focus on something of sustenance.

The Left attacks Romney because they are Desperate, they Know their savior Obama is and always has been a worthless Hack :)

Heck, most 5th Graders could have done better than Obama, I would really like to see Obama on the show "are you smarter than a 5th grader"



And if he did go on that program he would still need his telepromter.

Even with his Teleprompter he thinks there are 57 States :banghead:


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