Romney's Big Speech


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Game on folks :)
"Americans have always been eternal optimists. But over the last three and a half years, we have seen hopes and dreams diminished by false promises and weak leadership. Everywhere I go, Americans are tired of being tired, and many of those who are fortunate enough to have a job are working harder for less.

For every single mom who feels heartbroken when she has to explain to her kids that she needs to take a second job … for every grandparent who can’t afford the gas to visit his or her grandchildren … for the mom and dad who never thought they’d be on food stamps … for the small business owner desperately cutting back just to keep the doors open one more month – to all of the thousands of good and decent Americans I’ve met who want nothing more than a better chance, a fighting chance, to all of you, I have a simple message: Hold on a little longer. A better America begins tonight."

Romney's Big Speech: "It’s Still About The Economy … And We’re Not Stupid"
i kept checking MSNBC to see if they were showing it,,,nope,,,rachel maddgerbil was on,,,,I think only 42 cockroaches were watching her.
I missed some of it as I was channel surfing before I caught it, maybe 5 minutes late,,,but cant wait to see the re-run.
i kept checking MSNBC to see if they were showing it,,,nope,,,rachel maddgerbil was on,,,,I think only 42 cockroaches were watching her.
I missed some of it as I was channel surfing before I caught it, maybe 5 minutes late,,,but cant wait to see the re-run.
Rachel showed Romney's speech in it's entirety.
Did any of you actually watch it?

Please watch it. Don't depend on some jackass on fux to TELL you what he said. WATCH IT FOR YOURSELF.

He's a blithering idiot.
i kept checking MSNBC to see if they were showing it,,,nope,,,rachel maddgerbil was on,,,,I think only 42 cockroaches were watching her.
I missed some of it as I was channel surfing before I caught it, maybe 5 minutes late,,,but cant wait to see the re-run.
Rachel showed Romney's speech in it's entirety.

you mean I was watching a replay? when did he do it?
His optimism is a breath of fresh air.:thup:

Wasn't it though? There was no,"well American is good, but", that we've gotten so used to hearing for the last few years. I'm also so looking forward to the end of hearing excuses.
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His optimism is a breath of fresh air.:thup:

Wasn't it though? There was no,"well American is good, but", that we've gotten so used to hearing for the last few years. I'm so looking forward to the end of hearing excuses. scolding, no mocking, no shaming...let's see how long he can stay on track with a positive message, while Obama is forced to attack since he can't brag about his administration's achievements.

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