Romney’s 5 Biggest Lies About Obama

I don't think "anyone" is better than Obama, but the economy has many people dissatisfied, as well it should.
I can't believe I even clicked on that site. First, the stated FIVE items that were either true or WELL open to differing interpretations! Second, nice title, "liberal view, no corporate money, no master!" You have to be kidding. First they have masters in the from liberals. No corporate money, hhhhuuummm what were those ads on the sides of the site? Corporate advertisement no? Third, they even attribute things that Romney didn't do or say!

Lastly, what about the FEW THOUSAND lies Obama and his team say DAILY about Republicans and Romney! Of course the liberal masters at your site won't let them info come out.

LiLOldBag. Neg
Romney’s 5 Biggest Lies About Obama
The 5 Biggest Lies About Obama In Mitt Romney’s Nevada Victory Speech

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Romney’s lies. He is a habitual pathological liar as many of the Radical Right Wing Extremists including Fox News, Rush, O’Reilly, Hannity, etc. Plus he has taught his boys to lie to support him. Misleading, hypocrisy, omission is all lying.
Book of Mormon say all liars are doom to fire and brimstone. Thrust down to hell.
(2 Nephi 9;34, Alma 1;17)

The Mormon Church has bragged the Book of Mormon is “the most correct book on the face of the earth”. Those words were uttered for the first time by none other than Joseph Smith himself on Sunday, October 28, 1841

The Book of Mormon has had 3,913 grammatical changes made to it since its inception.

These Mormon lies taught to many of you since you were little children differ greatly from the Good News found in the bible where the Rock of our Salvation teaches there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Mormon Beliefs: The Most Complete Website on Mormonism

Two To Wango Tango: Mitt Romney Sought Ted Nugent’s Endorsement, Should Answer For It
Two To Wango Tango: Mitt Romney Sought Ted Nugent’s Endorsement, Should Answer For It | Mediaite


“As for the natives, they’re near all dead of the smallpox. So the Lord has cleared our title to what we possess. And we shall be the place where the Lord shall create a new heaven and new earth.”
Gov. John Winthrop, Massachusetts Bay colony.

“From the standpoint of humanity aat large the extermination of the buffalo has been a blessing.”President Theodore Roosevelt
spot on! I was a mormon not by choice, my parents converted
Romney’s 5 Biggest Lies About Obama

1). Obama told people the stimulus would hold unemployment below 8%

So what is your point? That Obama never promised to bring down the unemployment rate below 8%, and because he was "successful" in never bringing down the unemployment rate we should re-elect his incompetent ass?

You libs are fucking insane. :cuckoo:
Romney’s 5 Biggest Lies About Obama

1). Obama told people the stimulus would hold unemployment below 8%

So what is your point? That Obama never promised to bring down the unemployment rate below 8%, and because he was "successful" in never bringing down the unemployment rate we should re-elect his incompetent ass?

You libs are fucking insane. :cuckoo:
what's more incompetent a potus that spends down a surplus, starts two wars, can't find the world best known terrorist .
completely mishandles katrina....
or a potus that stopped wall street from falling apart, kept the recession from becoming a depression.. kills the world best known terrorist...all without the help of the limp dicks in who's insane ..again? :lol:
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Attacking Romney's faith will get no extra votes, I HOPE.

You mean his faith today? Because it may change in an hour. The word of GOD never changes but he Mormon book changes with the weather. How can that be the word of GOD? It is the word of Joseph Smith. The bible say add mothing and take away nothing. The Book of Mormons were written thousands of years after the bible. Joseph Smith make the mormon religion a cult.
With his lying he's attacking his own faith.

11 Witnesses to the golden plates. Some left the church later but not ONE recanted seeing the plates.

Guess what else the bible says? It states that there are other works of God out there.

Ohh and provide a single verifiable altered passage or addition to the Book of Mormon.

Now what we do believe is that the leader of the Church is a Prophet. God can, if he chooses, talk to a prophet. He also delivers to a prophet new instructions and teachings. And no not all new information delivered to a prophet is by God speaking to him.

The Book of Mormon re establishes that God returned to man Prophets. No other religion in the Christian faith has a prophet. Why? Because after Jesus Prophets were no more. No new Prophets were provided.
Romney closed a secret Swiss bank account under an IRS amnesty.

What was in the Swiss bank account, Mr. Romney?
Romney was required to file a financial disclosure form, less detailed than taxes, when he filed for president. In fact, he argued that he should have to release his taxes because the disclosure form showed everything important. But 23 different investment funds shown on his taxes did not appear on his disclosure form -- and 11 of those are in those overseas, secret banking centers. That's a sign of what he's embarrassed to reveal -- and it's also a felony, if the government can prove it was deliberate and not just a sloppy oversight.

The biggest concern is Romney's Swiss bank account, one of the items not on his financial disclosure. Mitt had it from 2003 to 2010, when his adviser shut it down. He closed it in the middle of an amnesty that the IRS had declared for owners of previously unreported Swiss bank accounts -- if they came clean, they would not face criminal prosecution for not reporting it in previous years (which was illegal - plus most weren't paying taxes on that money). Was the sudden shutdown of Romney's secret Swiss bank account part of this amnesty program? We can't know unless and until he releases prior returns, like his dad who released 12 years of prior returns. And Mitt is still fiercely refusing to do so.
I have been researching, documenting and studying thousands upon thousands of Obama's campaign donations for the past month. Egregious abuse was immediately evident and I published the results of my ongoing investigation. Each subsequent post built a more damning case against Obama's illegal contribution activity.

The media took little notice of what I was substantiating. I went so far as to upload the documents so that anyone could do their own research. I asked readers to download the documents and a number of folks pitched in.

Despite dropping the groundbreaking bombshell story of "Palestinian" brothers from the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza who donated $33,000 to Obama's campaign, no big media picked up the story. Jihadis donating to Obama from Gaza? Could there be a bigger story? Foreign donations are illegal, but this story was all that and so much more. The "Palestinian" brothers were proud and vocal of their "love" for Obama. Their vocal support on behalf of "Palestinians" spoke volumes to Obama's campaign.

And yet still no media.

Archived-Articles: Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes
As Barack Obama reaped a stunning $150 million in campaign donations in September, bringing his total to more than $600 million, new questions have arisen about the source of his amazing funding.

By Obama’s own admission, more than half of his contributions have come from small donors giving $200 or less. But unlike John McCain’s campaign, Obama won’t release the names of these donors.

A Newsmax canvass of disclosed Obama campaign donors shows worrisome anomalies, including outright violations of federal election laws.

For example, Obama has numerous donors who have contributed well over the $4,600 federal election limit.

Many of these donors have never been contacted by the Obama campaign to refund the excess amounts to them.

And more than 37,000 Obama donations appear to be conversions of foreign currency.

According to a Newsmax analysis of the Obama campaign data before the latest figures were released, potential foreign currency donations could range anywhere from $12.8 million to a stunning $63 million in all. With the addition of $150 million raised in September, this amount could be much more.

When asked by Newsmax about excess contributions, Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said that contributions already identified as excess had been returned and that those the campaign was just learning about -- either through news accounts or from the Federal Election Commission -- “will be returned.”

“Every campaign faces the challenge of screening and reviewing its contributions,” LaBolt said. “And we have been aggressive about taking every available step to make sure our contributions are appropriate, updating our systems when necessary.”

But many of the donors Newsmax canvassed said they had “never” been contacted by the Obama campaign or seen any refunds, even though their contributions went over the limit months ago.

Read more on Obama's Secret Campaign Cash: Has $63 Million Flowed from Foreign Sources?
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
Google "Mitt's lies" and stand back.

He even puts Bush to shame. And, just like Bush, the rw's make excuses and lie for him.

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