“romney worked hard the american way?”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

“Romney earned his living by working hard selling of the stock, little by little, he inherited from this father.
Blacks did not inherit anything from the hard work they slave ancestors did for 200 years of free hard labor. They started from the ground up with nothing. Not even 40 acres and the mule this country promised them. Romney started from the top. He never worked a day in his life either so how can he run a country that is at the bottom. Obama started from the bottom when he took office. Bush had cleaned out the Government’s bank account.
How much of what his dad and granddaddy made their millions was inherited from the hard work of slave labor?
Starting at the top is not the American way
This country was built on “immigrant” labor and some of them were Blacks stolen from their homes in Africa, put on slave ships, brought here and forced into 200 years of free labor. No cheap labor.
Blacks on welfare and food stamps are just inheriting from the 200 years their ancestor provided free labor. Native American nor Blacks could never be compensated for what was stolen from them by this country.
How much taxes has Ann paid for her hard labor?
Ann/Mitt it’s hard to be something you are not.

"Slavery was abolished, but something just as evil took it’s place. Racism, segregation, discrimination and Jim Crow."

“As for the natives, they’re near all dead of the smallpox. So the Lord has cleared our title to what we possess. And we shall be the place where the Lord shall create a new heaven and new earth."
Gov. John Winthrop, Massachusetts Bay colony.

“Romney earned his living by working hard selling of the stock, little by little, he inherited from this father.
Blacks did not inherit anything from the hard work they slave ancestors did for 200 years of free hard labor. They started from the ground up with nothing. Not even 40 acres and the mule this country promised them. Romney started from the top. He never worked a day in his life either so how can he run a country that is at the bottom. Obama started from the bottom when he took office. Bush had cleaned out the Government’s bank account.
How much of what his dad and granddaddy made their millions was inherited from the hard work of slave labor?
Starting at the top is not the American way
This country was built on “immigrant” labor and some of them were Blacks stolen from their homes in Africa, put on slave ships, brought here and forced into 200 years of free labor. No cheap labor.
Blacks on welfare and food stamps are just inheriting from the 200 years their ancestor provided free labor. Native American nor Blacks could never be compensated for what was stolen from them by this country.
How much taxes has Ann paid for her hard labor?
Ann/Mitt it’s hard to be something you are not.

"Slavery was abolished, but something just as evil took it’s place. Racism, segregation, discrimination and Jim Crow."

“As for the natives, they’re near all dead of the smallpox. So the Lord has cleared our title to what we possess. And we shall be the place where the Lord shall create a new heaven and new earth."
Gov. John Winthrop, Massachusetts Bay colony.

LilOlLooney rides again.

Andrew Carnegie was an immigrant, too. Most tycoons that we now consider "old money" were self made coming from poor surroundings. But of course, even those we are to deride, aren't we? Unless they give it all up and act like liberal versions of Franciscan monks self flagellating themselves on the alter of socialism which did nothing to help them.
Lol. Nice try. Romeny didn't inherit anything from his father. He worked right after college.

"What I got from my parents when they passed away I gave away to charity and to my kids. And so what I’ve earned has been earned through my education, my values, living in the greatest country in the world, through some luck and through hard work," he said.
Wow, Romney worked hard the "American Way". Dad a governor and a car company CEO. Romney went to Harvard longer than Obama, but unlike Obama, he wasn't bothered with one of those pesky "student loans". And what did he learn? He likes to fire people. How to pack for long road trips. How to send jobs to China. How to make money from bankruptcy.

Yet, he's a Republican.
Romney is not going to get away from who he really is, a person of wealth and privilege, it's an integral part of him. He simply does not know and can never know what wage earners go through to keep their family together.
Clearly, Progressives are unhappy in America, so we should give them a one way ticket to the Progressive Mecca of their choice
Clearly, Progressives are unhappy in America, so we should give them a one way ticket to the Progressive Mecca of their choice

I'll pony up.
Clearly, Progressives are unhappy in America, so we should give them a one way ticket to the Progressive Mecca of their choice
I hear Egypt is nice this time of year. They've been making lots of noise how great it is to see the people over there self actualizing.
"Well, he didn’t have as much as I think some people anticipated. And I did get a check from my dad when he passed away. I shouldn’t say a check, but I did inherit some funds from my dad. But I turned and gave that away to charity. In this case I gave it to a school which Brigham Young University established in his honor" Mitt Romney Interview with Brian Lamb on C-Span 2006

So while the claim that he didn't inherit money from his Dad is misleading, he did in fact inherit money from is Dad but then turned and donated that money to a good cause. I could never disagree with anyone willing to donate to help kids in college. On a side note Mitt Romney did have to rely on his Dad as well to for 42,000.00 dollars for his first home. While all this is far from the several million he is worth now and as can be seen that money is largely the result of interest earned on investment. I suppose one would have to then debate over " is investing actaully working for a living or is it more like gambling" I get interest on my checking account, as well as my CD's etc. but I would hardly call myself working for that earned income. In the end though Mitt Romney's claims while somewhat misleading, are still technically correct.

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