Romney with mom on Time Mag cover in 1970


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
when he was 23, and she was running for the Senate.

Looks clean-cut and wholesome.

May offset the dog-cruelty and hazing stuff.
I've never voted for a president in the general election that was younger than myself.

This may be my last chance to vote for someone who is older than myself.

The closest has beeen George W - and he was a good 6 or so years older.
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The Time mag cover certainly won't hurt Romneys image.

Reinforces he came from good stock.
when he was 23, and she was running for the Senate.

Looks clean-cut and wholesome.

May offset the dog-cruelty and hazing stuff.

Why would how he looks "offset" what he DID?

No idea. The better question, however, is how is it going to offset things that there is no proof that he did? i mean more than the fact that we can prove Obama has done worse.
Why would how he looks "offset" what he DID?

Makes me wonder if he looked good while he was committing assault and battery on a fellow classmate.

Did you look good when you were beating your wife?

Is that the very best defense you can come up with?
Can you produce several witnesses that say I beat my wife?
What's with you rw's that you'll tell any lie to further your cause - which is to take America down.

Heck, while we're at it, how about some PROOF of the birther crap? How about some PROOF of any of the LIES you rw's spout.
I can't believe the left ie Rachel Madcow etc is still harping on the dog-cruelty and the hazing incidents.

The hazing is no different from what goes on during Hell Week during fraternity initiation.

Bullying is the worst in middle school.......................................................

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