Romney will fight medical marijuana tooth and nail

When the BBC and comedian Robin Williams, not know for being conservative, do documentaries about the dangers of kinda points out the medical marijuana scam is pure shit.

If you need pain medication, smoking a joint that can vary in pain relief from joint to joint isn't a medically sound method, especially when marijuana can cause brain damage, lung damage and psychosis.

dude if your dying of cancer and just want some relief that the cancer meds dont deliver.....does the possibility of getting lung damage matter?......
No...I'm for law and order.

Letting people ruin their lives and others lives with marijuana doesn't seem too bright, especially since alcohol already does that quite well.

We don't need more medical costs on society, more people on welfare, etc because they are stoned all day on marijuana and other drugs. Many times people get bored with marijuana and move on to harder it's very stupid to make marijuana so easy to get and glamorized at the same time.

You must like higher medical costs and higher taxes to cover the fucked up people on drugs....

then fucking ban Alcohol and Cigarettes.......they are much more deadly and costly than the "weed" your so scared of....but somehow i think you enjoy drinking every now and we cant go there....
no republicans actually want to get cures and help develope pain medicines, all liberals want to do is toke up and each some doritos

mj does work as a medicine, like it or not, and the after affects, and use is not harmfull like alcohol.

Uh, who uses alcohol? What is this 1870? Your doctor give you whiskey for pain? Might want to see a new one, if you still have that right. And they can give you the effects of marijuana in a pill, you dont need Head shops to be free of pain.

doesnt work as well for a lot of people with cancer.....when they start fucking with the ingredients.....things change....
Seriously? Medical Marijuana is a growing business in California. It's huge.

This sorta fails the "conservative" sniff test on many levels.
-It violates a person's liberty.
-It crushes a business sector.
-It grows government.
-It adds to government spending.
-It reduces government revenue.

Romney will fight medical marijuana tooth and nail - YouTube

Yeah baby.

While I disagree with Romney's position on this 100% I feel your spin on it is a bit off, i'll explain.

- It violates a person's liberty. You were confusing libertarians with conservatives on this one
- It crushes a business sector. How many people does the medical marijuana sector employ anyway? Is it large enough to even be considered a business sector. You might be onto something with that one but I'd need more information.
- It grows government - you need to back this up, I just don't see how it grows govt so tell me how you feel it does this.
- It adds to govt spending - again how does it do this?
- It reduces govt revenue - Yes I agree that they would lose the tax money from medical marijuana sales.

The reason I disagree with Romney on this is because I support medical marijuana. However I'm not as fired up at him on this because we the people have given the federal govt the authority to oversee how drugs are scheduled and handled in the USA. Unlike health insurance and marrige it is a federal, not a state, issue.

At least he is being honest about his positions unlike the other guy who is out there dishonestly claiming domestic policy success and that he never said stuff he said.

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