Romney vs Obama: The argument I hope Romney uses


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
If Romney wins the nomination, it's guaranteed the left will not only be uncivil, but will launch the filthiest, nastiest attack campaign they have ever assembled, even worse than their Sarah Palin jihad. And in that, they'll bring up some of Romney's past failures in business and/or government. And it's true. Romney has had some successes and some failures.

And when these are brought up in debate, I hope Romney answers something like this:

"Yes, I have had some good things, and some bad things in my past business experiences. Many young executives experience both success and failure, thats the nature of business. It's why businesses come and go. Business involves a lot of trial and error, and the time for that is as a young executive or a young politician. I have become wiser and more refined because of those trials and errors. The place, however, for learning from trial and error is at the entry level, NOT the White House. And the United States does not have the time to wait for President Obama to experiment with these trials and errors simply because he never led anything before being elected to the presidency, we do not have time to wait out four more years of President Obama learning on the job."

Watching the debate, I was hoping Romney would start leaning towards that argument. Hope he is just saving it for the presidential debates.
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If Romney wins the nomination, it's guaranteed the left will not only be uncivil, but will launch the filthiest, nastiest attack campaign they have ever assembled, even worse than their Sarah Palin jihad. And in that, they'll bring up some of Romney's past failures in business and/or government. And it's true. Romney has had some successes and some failures.

And when these are brought up in debate, I hope Romney answers something like this:

"Yes, I have had some good things, and some bad things in my past business experiences. Many young executives experience both success and failure, thats the nature of business. It's why businesses come and go. Business involves a lot of trial and error, and the time for that is as a young executive or a young politician. I have become wiser and more refined because of those trials and errors. The place, however, for learning from trial and error is at the entry level, NOT the White House. And the United States does not have the time to wait for President Obama to experiment with these trials and errors simply because he never led anything before being elected to the presidency, we do not have time to wait out four more years of President Obama learning on the job."

Watching the debate, I was hoping Romney would start leaning towards that argument. Hope he is just saving it for the presidential debates.

The Obama campaign is already planning their "personal" attack on Romney.

Obama plan: Destroy Romney - Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin -
Ah. I'm glad they are abiding by Obama's call for civility.
If Romney wins the nomination, it's guaranteed the left will not only be uncivil, but will launch the filthiest, nastiest attack campaign they have ever assembled, even worse than their Sarah Palin jihad. And in that, they'll bring up some of Romney's past failures in business and/or government. And it's true. Romney has had some successes and some failures.

And when these are brought up in debate, I hope Romney answers something like this:

"Yes, I have had some good things, and some bad things in my past business experiences. Many young executives experience both success and failure, thats the nature of business. It's why businesses come and go. Business involves a lot of trial and error, and the time for that is as a young executive or a young politician. I have become wiser and more refined because of those trials and errors. The place, however, for learning from trial and error is at the entry level, NOT the White House. And the United States does not have the time to wait for President Obama to experiment with these trials and errors simply because he never led anything before being elected to the presidency, we do not have time to wait out four more years of President Obama learning on the job."

Watching the debate, I was hoping Romney would start leaning towards that argument. Hope he is just saving it for the presidential debates.

If the Republicans are dumb enough to nominate Romney, they'll deserve to lose.

Romney made his fortune screwing working folks out of jobs. As Mike Huckabee devastatingly said about the man in 2008, "He looks like the guy who lays you off!"
If Romney wins the nomination, it's guaranteed the left will not only be uncivil, but will launch the filthiest, nastiest attack campaign they have ever assembled, even worse than their Sarah Palin jihad. And in that, they'll bring up some of Romney's past failures in business and/or government. And it's true. Romney has had some successes and some failures.

And when these are brought up in debate, I hope Romney answers something like this:

"Yes, I have had some good things, and some bad things in my past business experiences. Many young executives experience both success and failure, thats the nature of business. It's why businesses come and go. Business involves a lot of trial and error, and the time for that is as a young executive or a young politician. I have become wiser and more refined because of those trials and errors. The place, however, for learning from trial and error is at the entry level, NOT the White House. And the United States does not have the time to wait for President Obama to experiment with these trials and errors simply because he never led anything before being elected to the presidency, we do not have time to wait out four more years of President Obama learning on the job."

Watching the debate, I was hoping Romney would start leaning towards that argument. Hope he is just saving it for the presidential debates.

He should just say "it is better to try and fail, than never to have tried." and leave it at that. No American should need to explain failure - failure is how we learn to succeed. I have no issue with people who fail. I have an issue with those who have never even tried whining about other people's 'failure'.
If Romney wins the nomination, it's guaranteed the left will not only be uncivil, but will launch the filthiest, nastiest attack campaign they have ever assembled, even worse than their Sarah Palin jihad. And in that, they'll bring up some of Romney's past failures in business and/or government. And it's true. Romney has had some successes and some failures.

And when these are brought up in debate, I hope Romney answers something like this:

"Yes, I have had some good things, and some bad things in my past business experiences. Many young executives experience both success and failure, thats the nature of business. It's why businesses come and go. Business involves a lot of trial and error, and the time for that is as a young executive or a young politician. I have become wiser and more refined because of those trials and errors. The place, however, for learning from trial and error is at the entry level, NOT the White House. And the United States does not have the time to wait for President Obama to experiment with these trials and errors simply because he never led anything before being elected to the presidency, we do not have time to wait out four more years of President Obama learning on the job."

Watching the debate, I was hoping Romney would start leaning towards that argument. Hope he is just saving it for the presidential debates.

That's a tad too wordy. That's a Newt Response and it's not going to be followed by the average voter all the way to the end.

Romney won't need to talk about himself at all. This is a referendum on the Big 0.

All Romney needs to say is this:

"We all know that the Big 0 can't do it. It's time for a change."

This isn't about the war, the environment, education, equal rights, class warfare or anything but the economy. Everything in America depends on one thing and it's the economy, Stupid. Keep it simple and keep it coming.

"Obama is a good man who has done his best for us. The problem is that his best is not getting the job done.

We all know that he can't do it. It's time for a change."
If Romney wins the nomination, it's guaranteed the left will not only be uncivil, but will launch the filthiest, nastiest attack campaign they have ever assembled, even worse than their Sarah Palin jihad. And in that, they'll bring up some of Romney's past failures in business and/or government. And it's true. Romney has had some successes and some failures.

And when these are brought up in debate, I hope Romney answers something like this:

"Yes, I have had some good things, and some bad things in my past business experiences. Many young executives experience both success and failure, thats the nature of business. It's why businesses come and go. Business involves a lot of trial and error, and the time for that is as a young executive or a young politician. I have become wiser and more refined because of those trials and errors. The place, however, for learning from trial and error is at the entry level, NOT the White House. And the United States does not have the time to wait for President Obama to experiment with these trials and errors simply because he never led anything before being elected to the presidency, we do not have time to wait out four more years of President Obama learning on the job."

Watching the debate, I was hoping Romney would start leaning towards that argument. Hope he is just saving it for the presidential debates.

Show me someone who's never fucked up, and I'll show you someone who's never done anything, and this fuckup in chief proves it.
If Romney wins the nomination, it's guaranteed the left will not only be uncivil, but will launch the filthiest, nastiest attack campaign they have ever assembled, even worse than their Sarah Palin jihad. And in that, they'll bring up some of Romney's past failures in business and/or government. And it's true. Romney has had some successes and some failures.

And when these are brought up in debate, I hope Romney answers something like this:

"Yes, I have had some good things, and some bad things in my past business experiences. Many young executives experience both success and failure, thats the nature of business. It's why businesses come and go. Business involves a lot of trial and error, and the time for that is as a young executive or a young politician. I have become wiser and more refined because of those trials and errors. The place, however, for learning from trial and error is at the entry level, NOT the White House. And the United States does not have the time to wait for President Obama to experiment with these trials and errors simply because he never led anything before being elected to the presidency, we do not have time to wait out four more years of President Obama learning on the job."

Watching the debate, I was hoping Romney would start leaning towards that argument. Hope he is just saving it for the presidential debates.

The Obama campaign is already planning their "personal" attack on Romney.

Obama plan: Destroy Romney - Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin -

He doesn't have to plan too hard. The other GOP candidates are doing a nice job of it already. All Obama has to do is set back and enjoy the show of watching the GOP candidates self destruct. LMAO!!

Romney can just say that the best way to create jobs is to fire everyone, then hire the young workers who are not pregnant back at a much lower salary with no benefits while he pockets 11 million dollars.

Heck..that's the plan for moving forward!
Bucs.........Romney doesnt need an argument. All he needs to do is show up.

Watching the debate, I was hoping Romney would start leaning towards that argument. Hope he is just saving it for the presidential debates.

The nice thing about having no genuine convictions is that you can pick and choose your arguments as convenience dictates.
If Romney wins the nomination, it's guaranteed the left will not only be uncivil, but will launch the filthiest, nastiest attack campaign they have ever assembled, even worse than their Sarah Palin jihad. managed to get a "poor Sarah the Victim" quip in there. Well done!

The left has no need to be uncivil towards Romney. All the left has to do is spice together video of Mitt Romney flip flopping on every single issue ever. They won't even need to have debates...Romney can just debate himself.

And of course there's the latest...which he, again, did all by himself. Perhaps he can claim that his problem is genetic...

The "Mitt-Churian" Candidate

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