Romney vs. Bachmann

Romney vs. Bachmann

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Sep 15, 2008
If you had to choose between these two candidates for President, who would you vote for?

If you had to choose between these two candidates for President, who would you vote for?


If thats the case Im writing in again.

Now I wrote in Mickey mouse and Donald duck last go round. Damn if democrats didnt put that in the Obama column. SORRY GUYS!!
You could trust Bachmann more for sure. She stands by her principles. Romney is very wishy-washy. Some days he's a Liberal and on others he's a Conservative. You can never really pin him down on anything. But who knows,maybe that's the right way to go in getting elected? It seems like most Americans like Politicians who don't take a stand on anything. They feel comfortable & safe with these people for some reason. It's a strange trend but it does seem to be the current trend. So Romney is probably more Electable but i still trust Bachmann more.
This election will all be about the economy. Nobody has more credibility on the economy than Romney. It will be easier for Romney to beat Obama than it will be for Bachmann. The center will decide this election, not the right. Bachmann has a greater chance of moving the center to Obama than Romney.
This election will all be about the economy. Nobody has more credibility on the economy than Romney. It will be easier for Romney to beat Obama than it will be for Bachmann. The center will decide this election, not the right. Bachmann has a greater chance of moving the center to Obama than Romney.

Not really.

First, you fall into the whole 'Only a moderate can win" trap.

Sorry, Moderates don't win on the GOP side. McCain, Dole, Jerry Ford. All losers!

Committed conservatives win. Moderates lose.

Second, what credibility does Romney actually have? That he ran a big investment corporation that put Americans out of good paying jobs to make a few douchebags rich? Seriously?
I voted for Romney simply because Bachmann has a less of a chance to beat The MONUMENTAL MARXIST, RACIST, PROTECTOR of MUSLIMS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, FRAUD, Obami Salaami.

Actually, Bachmann is more to my liking.
If you had to choose between these two candidates for President, who would you vote for?


Elvis, are you secretly trying to find out who USMB's most delusional nutter is with all these election polls?
This election will all be about the economy. Nobody has more credibility on the economy than Romney. It will be easier for Romney to beat Obama than it will be for Bachmann. The center will decide this election, not the right. Bachmann has a greater chance of moving the center to Obama than Romney.

Not really.

First, you fall into the whole 'Only a moderate can win" trap.

Sorry, Moderates don't win on the GOP side. McCain, Dole, Jerry Ford. All losers!

Committed conservatives win. Moderates lose.

Second, what credibility does Romney actually have? That he ran a big investment corporation that put Americans out of good paying jobs to make a few douchebags rich? Seriously?

The GOP does much better when they nominate borrow and spend "conservatives" like Bush and Reagan.
Romney is a RINO, and I'm hoping and praying he doesn't get the nomination.

I am however hoping Bachman does, and yes, I will vote for her.
This election will all be about the economy. Nobody has more credibility on the economy than Romney. It will be easier for Romney to beat Obama than it will be for Bachmann. The center will decide this election, not the right. Bachmann has a greater chance of moving the center to Obama than Romney.

Not really.

First, you fall into the whole 'Only a moderate can win" trap.

Sorry, Moderates don't win on the GOP side. McCain, Dole, Jerry Ford. All losers!

Committed conservatives win. Moderates lose.

Second, what credibility does Romney actually have? That he ran a big investment corporation that put Americans out of good paying jobs to make a few douchebags rich? Seriously?

Really? The only "committed conservative" that I can recall winning is Ronald Reagan. W certainly didn't run as a "committed conservative" in 00. He ran as a "compassionate conservative." And Bush hardly turned out to be a conservative. Foreign wars, big deficits, Medicare Part D. His father ran on a "kinder, gentler America." Hardly the stuff of "committed conservatives."

All committed ideologues believe that only their way can win. If only everyone could see the obvious "truth" of their ideology, then everyone would agree that their's is the best way. It doesn't matter if the ideologue is on the left or the right. But ideologues are generally poor assessors of reality because they tend to look at the world through distorted ideological prisms. In truth, no one who has won the Presidency has done so while losing moderates, at least not in my lifetime. Bachmann can win, but she will have a harder time winning than Romney because it will be easier to paint her as an extremist, a la Sharon Angle and Christine O'Donnell.
FTR, the market certainly doesn't think Bachmann is a better candidate than Romney. Intrade has Obama at a 55% chance of winning in 2012, Romney 14% and Bachmann 2%. Perry is currently leading the Republicans at 15%.
Romney's chances at the presidency would be maximized by his taking on Obama in a primary. Provided the Marxist element has not entire abandoned The Democrat Party entirely after their New Messiah's dismal track record.
Toro- books you never see in the library-

"Great Moderates of History".

The only thing you find in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead skunks.

Romney will lose because 22% of Americans ADMIT that they'd neve vote for a Mormon. (The real number is a lot higher, and will go higher still once the Mainstream Media starts talking about how crazy Mormon beliefs are.)

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