Romney Slams GOP Leaders - Including His Own VP Nominee - for 2011 Budget Deal


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2011
sw mizzouri
Now isn't that just like Mittens taking to task those in his party and his VP pick .
Can the repulicants keep from going to pieces?

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., as chair of the House Budget Committee, was part of the team that signed off on the budget deal with the White House, mandating immediate spending cuts, creating a "Super-committee" tasked to finding $1.5 trillion in further deficit rediction, and raising a self-imposed sword of Damocles - $1.2 trillion in cuts to the Pentagon and domestic spending that few in Congress wanted - if the Super-committee failed.

Writing at the National Review Online at the time, Ryan said the bill was a "reasonable, responsible effort to cut government spending, avoid a default, and help create a better environment for job creation."

But today Mitt Romney said Ryan, the man he picked as his running mate on the Republican presidential ticket, and other House GOP leaders made a "big mistake" in agreeing to that deal, which was part of the summer 2011 negotiations over raising the debt ceiling.

Romney said the $1.2 in mandated cuts was "an extraordinary miscalculation in the wrong direction."

"Republican leaders agreed to that deal to the extend the debt ceiling," NBC's David Gregory reminded Romney.

"And that's a big mistake," Romney said. "I thought it was a mistake on the part of the White House to propose it. I think it was a mistake for Republicans to go along with it."

Romney Slams GOP Leaders - Including His Own VP Nominee - for 2011 Budget Deal - Yahoo! News

He is right, it was a mistake because the super committee failed. It was never supposed to actually pan out like this and yet here we are. They all thought the idea would work, give a small group extra power, put a time bomb in their hands if they fail to come to a deal and they STILL failed. Go figure.
Now isn't that just like Mittens taking to task those in his party and his VP pick .
Can the repulicants keep from going to pieces?

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., as chair of the House Budget Committee, was part of the team that signed off on the budget deal with the White House, mandating immediate spending cuts, creating a "Super-committee" tasked to finding $1.5 trillion in further deficit rediction, and raising a self-imposed sword of Damocles - $1.2 trillion in cuts to the Pentagon and domestic spending that few in Congress wanted - if the Super-committee failed.

Writing at the National Review Online at the time, Ryan said the bill was a "reasonable, responsible effort to cut government spending, avoid a default, and help create a better environment for job creation."

But today Mitt Romney said Ryan, the man he picked as his running mate on the Republican presidential ticket, and other House GOP leaders made a "big mistake" in agreeing to that deal, which was part of the summer 2011 negotiations over raising the debt ceiling.

Romney said the $1.2 in mandated cuts was "an extraordinary miscalculation in the wrong direction."

"Republican leaders agreed to that deal to the extend the debt ceiling," NBC's David Gregory reminded Romney.

"And that's a big mistake," Romney said. "I thought it was a mistake on the part of the White House to propose it. I think it was a mistake for Republicans to go along with it."

Romney Slams GOP Leaders - Including His Own VP Nominee - for 2011 Budget Deal - Yahoo! News

lovely unbaised headline from Yahoo snooze...and this is so important it should be posted a few more times
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Now isn't that just like Mittens taking to task those in his party and his VP pick .
Can the repulicants keep from going to pieces?

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., as chair of the House Budget Committee, was part of the team that signed off on the budget deal with the White House, mandating immediate spending cuts, creating a "Super-committee" tasked to finding $1.5 trillion in further deficit rediction, and raising a self-imposed sword of Damocles - $1.2 trillion in cuts to the Pentagon and domestic spending that few in Congress wanted - if the Super-committee failed.

Writing at the National Review Online at the time, Ryan said the bill was a "reasonable, responsible effort to cut government spending, avoid a default, and help create a better environment for job creation."

But today Mitt Romney said Ryan, the man he picked as his running mate on the Republican presidential ticket, and other House GOP leaders made a "big mistake" in agreeing to that deal, which was part of the summer 2011 negotiations over raising the debt ceiling.

Romney said the $1.2 in mandated cuts was "an extraordinary miscalculation in the wrong direction."

"Republican leaders agreed to that deal to the extend the debt ceiling," NBC's David Gregory reminded Romney.

"And that's a big mistake," Romney said. "I thought it was a mistake on the part of the White House to propose it. I think it was a mistake for Republicans to go along with it."

Romney Slams GOP Leaders - Including His Own VP Nominee - for 2011 Budget Deal - Yahoo! News

interesting... but what would he have done? he doesn't say. maybe he'd have not agreed to raise the debt ceiling and crash the entire economy.

i'm also not sure he's correct when he says that the president suggested the deal and the congress signed on to it. might be, but i don't remember.

what i do know is they were holding our economy hostage on an issue that really is a non-issue.
Romney is right, it was a mistake because the super committee failed. It was never supposed to actually pan out like this and yet here we are. They all thought the idea would work, give a small group extra power, put a time bomb in their hands if they fail to come to a deal and they STILL failed. Go figure.

1. The democracy is unworkable when lobbyists like Grover Nordquist control Congress and the Senate by controlling large donations. I support the fiscal cliff. Its necessary to do both crucial actions, raise taxes back to the Clinton Rates AND cut spending from $4T to $3T. These actions w/o fingerprints will save the economy at the cost of 1% more unemployment for about 3-months.

2. That Romney whines about the fiscal cliff means that he doesn't know the arithmetic of the Budget. He doesn't get how serious the situation is?! Then again, Ryan should have more than enough info to make informed decisions?!

This election is really for the uninformed, both sides suck, and it looks like the fiscal cliff is our only hope for fiscal sanity...
The only ones holding this economy HOSTAGE is Obama and his comrades in arms administration..

vote them out
Romney is right, it was a mistake because the super committee failed. It was never supposed to actually pan out like this and yet here we are. They all thought the idea would work, give a small group extra power, put a time bomb in their hands if they fail to come to a deal and they STILL failed. Go figure.

1. The democracy is unworkable when lobbyists like Grover Nordquist control Congress and the Senate by controlling large donations. I support the fiscal cliff. Its necessary to do both crucial actions, raise taxes back to the Clinton Rates AND cut spending from $4T to $3T. These actions w/o fingerprints will save the economy at the cost of 1% more unemployment for about 3-months.

2. That Romney whines about the fiscal cliff means that he doesn't know the arithmetic of the Budget. He doesn't get how serious the situation is?! Then again, Ryan should have more than enough info to make informed decisions?!

This election is really for the uninformed, both sides suck, and it looks like the fiscal cliff is our only hope for fiscal sanity...

Sequestration does not do that though. It just makes cuts and it does so in the most asinine way: without regard to what’s being cut at all. You can support it all you want but it was never meant to be.

The real lesson to take away from this is that the fuckers in congress failed to cut THREE FUCKING PERCENT out of the budget. That’s right, 1.5 trillion dollars over ten years needed to be cut from a budget around 40 trillion. How they failed to do this is beyond me.

As far as fingerprints go, no. That is the opposite of what we need. We do not need more politicians scapegoating tough decisions and we REALLY need a voting populous that is going to take them to task. As much as I would like to blame the politicians for this mess, it is the American people that have become too fat and lazy to learn anything about what’s going on or what needs to be done. They will not bother until it is too late.
Sequestration demands that the cuts be made, one way or another. I personally don't care how the morons cut spending. If anyone with sense takes the NYT challenge to balance the Budget it is soooo simple its ridiculous. Defense needs to be cut, foreign aid needs to be cut, education needs to be cut, Fannie & Freddie need to be axed, SS & Medicare need to be fixed, Obamacare needs to be axed, etc.

The voters have less sway than the lobbyists <apparently>. If the dems want to raise revenue they should look to Wall Street and implement a "transaction tax" to fund entitlements. The GOP would need to commit to closing loop-holes to raise revenue and balance the Budget.

Maybe you don't get that the $17-trillion Debt will eventually need to be re-financed at higher interest, and that's when the system collapses.

He is right, it was a mistake because the super committee failed. It was never supposed to actually pan out like this and yet here we are. They all thought the idea would work, give a small group extra power, put a time bomb in their hands if they fail to come to a deal and they STILL failed. Go figure.

It "failed" because it gave Republicans exactly what they "said" they wanted. To cut spending. it is..
Romney is right, it was a mistake because the super committee failed. It was never supposed to actually pan out like this and yet here we are. They all thought the idea would work, give a small group extra power, put a time bomb in their hands if they fail to come to a deal and they STILL failed. Go figure.

1. The democracy is unworkable when lobbyists like Grover Nordquist control Congress and the Senate by controlling large donations. I support the fiscal cliff. Its necessary to do both crucial actions, raise taxes back to the Clinton Rates AND cut spending from $4T to $3T. These actions w/o fingerprints will save the economy at the cost of 1% more unemployment for about 3-months.

2. That Romney whines about the fiscal cliff means that he doesn't know the arithmetic of the Budget. He doesn't get how serious the situation is?! Then again, Ryan should have more than enough info to make informed decisions?!

This election is really for the uninformed, both sides suck, and it looks like the fiscal cliff is our only hope for fiscal sanity...

Sequestration does not do that though. It just makes cuts and it does so in the most asinine way: without regard to what’s being cut at all. You can support it all you want but it was never meant to be.

The real lesson to take away from this is that the fuckers in congress failed to cut THREE FUCKING PERCENT out of the budget. That’s right, 1.5 trillion dollars over ten years needed to be cut from a budget around 40 trillion. How they failed to do this is beyond me.

As far as fingerprints go, no. That is the opposite of what we need. We do not need more politicians scapegoating tough decisions and we REALLY need a voting populous that is going to take them to task. As much as I would like to blame the politicians for this mess, it is the American people that have become too fat and lazy to learn anything about what’s going on or what needs to be done. They will not bother until it is too late.

How they failed begins with lobbyists and ends with congress people.

Big money and special interests rule that place.

It's disgusting.

He is right, it was a mistake because the super committee failed. It was never supposed to actually pan out like this and yet here we are. They all thought the idea would work, give a small group extra power, put a time bomb in their hands if they fail to come to a deal and they STILL failed. Go figure.

It "failed" because it gave Republicans exactly what they "said" they wanted. To cut spending. it is..

Now, fair. The Boehner said he only got 95% of what the GOP wanted. You must know that their idea of compromise is getting 100% of what they wanted.

He is right, it was a mistake because the super committee failed. It was never supposed to actually pan out like this and yet here we are. They all thought the idea would work, give a small group extra power, put a time bomb in their hands if they fail to come to a deal and they STILL failed. Go figure.

It "failed" because it gave Republicans exactly what they "said" they wanted. To cut spending. it is..
No it did not. R’s want reform in entitlements, something sequestration does not do. It also emphasizes cuts on the rights sacred cow – the military. So, the left gets their sacred cow without any impact and the rights cow gets slaughtered. How is it they got everything they wanted?

I did not give the left what they really wanted though, increased revenue. The sequestration was specifically designed to be sour to both sides of the isle, and it was sour to both. It failed because congress is broken. The event that no one thought was actually going to happen is going to happen anyway.
Sequestration demands that the cuts be made, one way or another. I personally don't care how the morons cut spending. If anyone with sense takes the NYT challenge to balance the Budget it is soooo simple its ridiculous. Defense needs to be cut, foreign aid needs to be cut, education needs to be cut, Fannie & Freddie need to be axed, SS & Medicare need to be fixed, Obamacare needs to be axed, etc.
Well, I can agree with you there. I was referring to the OP’s premise and what Romney said. WE might agree that is what we want but the right and the left did not want this. The purpose that sequestration was SUPPOSED to fill was an adjunct failure: to motivate the sides to come to an agreement. If they had actually done their job we would also have achieved larger savings too as the target was another 300 billion higher than sequestration was.

Again, I think it is worthy to point out that the cuts were mere percentage points that they failed to achieve when we actually need something closer to ten times that to balance this budget. If we cant get 3 how are we going to get 30? I have no idea, the government has become so bloated they cant even operate properly.

The voters have less sway than the lobbyists <apparently>. If the dems want to raise revenue they should look to Wall Street and implement a "transaction tax" to fund entitlements. The GOP would need to commit to closing loop-holes to raise revenue and balance the Budget.

Maybe you don't get that the $17-trillion Debt will eventually need to be re-financed at higher interest, and that's when the system collapses.
I do. Where would you have pulled that I don’t from my post? I firmly believe in reducing the deficit and, eventually, the debt. That does not change the fact that sequestration failed in what it was supposed to achieve.
What was the purpose of picking Paul Ryan again? So far he's made Ryan flip flop on every one of his "signature" pieces of legislation. :lol:

He carried water for George W. Bush for eight years, betraying every principle he's pretended to develop since Obama took office. Now he'll carry water for Romney and do the same.

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