Romney Releases Tax Info: Time For Obama To Disclose '08 Donors


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
we need to start demanding we see this

by John Nolte21 Sep 201268post a comment

By the end of today, GOP nominee Mitt Romney will have disclosed two full years worth of tax returns and twenty years worth of top-line tax information. From early reports, what we've learned is that the Romney's been very successful in life, paid the appropriate rate for investment earnings on monies he's already paid taxes on, and that unlike our stingy President and Vice president, he and Mrs. Romney have donated upwards of 30% -- millions upon millions to charity.

The media and Obama campaign have been whining, distracting, and crybabying for this information for months now. But we all know that getting what they want will never shut them up because the tax return narrative was never about anything other than beating Romney senseless at the request of the Obama campaign.

In a just world, though, the narrative would now turn towards demanding some vitally important transparency from our sitting president -- especially over something that is as relevant today as it ever was: The names and addresses of those who financed somewhere around 25% of President Obama's 2008 $600 million campaign.

Now that Obama and the DNC have pretty much caught up to Romney in the 2012 money game, the corrupt media is no longer as obsessed and concerned as they once were about all that awful outside fundraising. But money has been a big story throughout the 2012 election, and yet we still have absolutely no idea where a ton of Obama's 2008 contributions came from.

To be clear, I'm not talking about outside PACs and super PACs .

I'm talking about over 100 million of non-disclosed dollars that went right into the Obama campaign coffers.

Here's how this all came down….

In 2008, Obama broke his promise to accept federal campaign matching funds in order to raise unlimited money through his own fundraising operation -- much of it through the campaign's website. By law, a presidential candidate is required to disclose the names and addresses of those behind all of his donations … except small-dollar donations, defined as anything $200 or less.

In the spirit of transparency, John McCain disclosed the names and addresses of every single one of his donors, including small dollar donors.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, hid behind the law and as of now still hasn't disclosed the names and addresses of any of his small dollar donors. This means that the public has absolutely no idea who it was who donated upwards of $125 million to our sitting president's campaign.

At no time, not during the 2008 election or this one, has the same media obsessed over taxes returns Mitt Romney has already filed with IRS ever once pressured Obama to follow John McCain's lead and tell us just who it was that financed around a quarter of his record-breaking $600 million campaign, most of it over the WORLD wide web.

all of it here
Romney Releases Tax Info: Time For Obama To Disclose '08 Donors
Let's be honest. Even if Obama released everything you're looking to see Steph. Would you even understand what you are looking at?
Let's be honest. Even if Obama released everything you're looking to see Steph. Would you even understand what you are looking at?

Double standard and a cop out. Grats, the party of stupid. Mitt came through, Obama didn’t so by all means attack Republicans more.

I still won’t vote for Mitt, but both sides of the voter spectrum are ridiculous human beings. You guys really should see yourselves falling over your own hypocrisies.

Odd how the Dem voters base care little to nothing when the most owned man in world history ends up being a Democrat. Or when he starts a war... or expands old wars... or sends more on military than Bush... Or expands the war of terror to America with the NDAA... Or does tax credits with his stimulus.... or extends the Bush era tax cuts, or expands homeland security, the patriot act, TSA blah blah blah blah blah...
Let's be honest. Even if Obama released everything you're looking to see Steph. Would you even understand what you are looking at?

I have to ask… For the record, did you even look at Mitt's tax returns or were you too stupid to know what you were looking at so you had someone else do it for you? I'll bet 1 out of maybe 500,000 thousand of the people that demanded Mitt tax returns even looked at them. If Obama posted his grades or papers he wrote I’d bet tens of millions look… Mr. Transparent fails to live up to his word yet again!
we need to start demanding we see this

by John Nolte21 Sep 201268post a comment

By the end of today, GOP nominee Mitt Romney will have disclosed two full years worth of tax returns and twenty years worth of top-line tax information. From early reports, what we've learned is that the Romney's been very successful in life, paid the appropriate rate for investment earnings on monies he's already paid taxes on, and that unlike our stingy President and Vice president, he and Mrs. Romney have donated upwards of 30% -- millions upon millions to charity.

The media and Obama campaign have been whining, distracting, and crybabying for this information for months now. But we all know that getting what they want will never shut them up because the tax return narrative was never about anything other than beating Romney senseless at the request of the Obama campaign.

In a just world, though, the narrative would now turn towards demanding some vitally important transparency from our sitting president -- especially over something that is as relevant today as it ever was: The names and addresses of those who financed somewhere around 25% of President Obama's 2008 $600 million campaign.

Now that Obama and the DNC have pretty much caught up to Romney in the 2012 money game, the corrupt media is no longer as obsessed and concerned as they once were about all that awful outside fundraising. But money has been a big story throughout the 2012 election, and yet we still have absolutely no idea where a ton of Obama's 2008 contributions came from.

To be clear, I'm not talking about outside PACs and super PACs .

I'm talking about over 100 million of non-disclosed dollars that went right into the Obama campaign coffers.

Here's how this all came down….

In 2008, Obama broke his promise to accept federal campaign matching funds in order to raise unlimited money through his own fundraising operation -- much of it through the campaign's website. By law, a presidential candidate is required to disclose the names and addresses of those behind all of his donations … except small-dollar donations, defined as anything $200 or less.

In the spirit of transparency, John McCain disclosed the names and addresses of every single one of his donors, including small dollar donors.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, hid behind the law and as of now still hasn't disclosed the names and addresses of any of his small dollar donors. This means that the public has absolutely no idea who it was who donated upwards of $125 million to our sitting president's campaign.

At no time, not during the 2008 election or this one, has the same media obsessed over taxes returns Mitt Romney has already filed with IRS ever once pressured Obama to follow John McCain's lead and tell us just who it was that financed around a quarter of his record-breaking $600 million campaign, most of it over the WORLD wide web.

all of it here
Romney Releases Tax Info: Time For Obama To Disclose '08 Donors

When the hell was he ever "taxed already" on it? it doesn't show up anywhere in the past twenty years, BTW way it's bullshit that the money your money makes should pay a lower rate than the money you make by giving up a part of your life.
It's mildly astounding that apparently no one on the Right knows the difference between a tax return and a campaign donor.

Hay foot, straw foot! (lol, look it up)
Yesterday Romney released his 2011 return. Obama has already released his 2011 return.

Romney's disclosure doesn't warrant any reciprocal disclosure from Obama that hasn't already been made.
we need to start demanding we see this

by John Nolte21 Sep 201268post a comment

By the end of today, GOP nominee Mitt Romney will have disclosed two full years worth of tax returns and twenty years worth of top-line tax information. From early reports, what we've learned is that the Romney's been very successful in life, paid the appropriate rate for investment earnings on monies he's already paid taxes on, and that unlike our stingy President and Vice president, he and Mrs. Romney have donated upwards of 30% -- millions upon millions to charity.

The media and Obama campaign have been whining, distracting, and crybabying for this information for months now. But we all know that getting what they want will never shut them up because the tax return narrative was never about anything other than beating Romney senseless at the request of the Obama campaign.

In a just world, though, the narrative would now turn towards demanding some vitally important transparency from our sitting president -- especially over something that is as relevant today as it ever was: The names and addresses of those who financed somewhere around 25% of President Obama's 2008 $600 million campaign.

Now that Obama and the DNC have pretty much caught up to Romney in the 2012 money game, the corrupt media is no longer as obsessed and concerned as they once were about all that awful outside fundraising. But money has been a big story throughout the 2012 election, and yet we still have absolutely no idea where a ton of Obama's 2008 contributions came from.

To be clear, I'm not talking about outside PACs and super PACs .

I'm talking about over 100 million of non-disclosed dollars that went right into the Obama campaign coffers.

Here's how this all came down….

In 2008, Obama broke his promise to accept federal campaign matching funds in order to raise unlimited money through his own fundraising operation -- much of it through the campaign's website. By law, a presidential candidate is required to disclose the names and addresses of those behind all of his donations … except small-dollar donations, defined as anything $200 or less.

In the spirit of transparency, John McCain disclosed the names and addresses of every single one of his donors, including small dollar donors.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, hid behind the law and as of now still hasn't disclosed the names and addresses of any of his small dollar donors. This means that the public has absolutely no idea who it was who donated upwards of $125 million to our sitting president's campaign.

At no time, not during the 2008 election or this one, has the same media obsessed over taxes returns Mitt Romney has already filed with IRS ever once pressured Obama to follow John McCain's lead and tell us just who it was that financed around a quarter of his record-breaking $600 million campaign, most of it over the WORLD wide web.

all of it here
Romney Releases Tax Info: Time For Obama To Disclose '08 Donors

When the hell was he ever "taxed already" on it? it doesn't show up anywhere in the past twenty years, BTW way it's bullshit that the money your money makes should pay a lower rate than the money you make by giving up a part of your life.

When the hell was he ever "taxed already" on it?

He earned money, paid taxes on it and invested some of what remained.
Now you're whining about the taxes he pays on those investments of already taxed dollars.
Let's be honest. Even if Obama released everything you're looking to see Steph. Would you even understand what you are looking at?

Double standard and a cop out. Grats, the party of stupid. Mitt came through, Obama didn’t so by all means attack Republicans more.

I still won’t vote for Mitt, but both sides of the voter spectrum are ridiculous human beings. You guys really should see yourselves falling over your own hypocrisies.

Odd how the Dem voters base care little to nothing when the most owned man in world history ends up being a Democrat. Or when he starts a war... or expands old wars... or sends more on military than Bush... Or expands the war of terror to America with the NDAA... Or does tax credits with his stimulus.... or extends the Bush era tax cuts, or expands homeland security, the patriot act, TSA blah blah blah blah blah...

Done yet?

When you are, let me know what any of that had to do with what I said.

Let's be honest. Even if Obama released everything you're looking to see Steph. Would you even understand what you are looking at?

I have to ask… For the record, did you even look at Mitt's tax returns or were you too stupid to know what you were looking at so you had someone else do it for you? I'll bet 1 out of maybe 500,000 thousand of the people that demanded Mitt tax returns even looked at them. If Obama posted his grades or papers he wrote I’d bet tens of millions look… Mr. Transparent fails to live up to his word yet again!

Sure didn't. Haven't seen a direct link to them, have you? Not that I care enough to look, but I've only seen articles referring to them.

And for the record, people have been asking for the last 5-10 years of tax returns. Releasing one isolated year hardly quiets anything down.

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