Romney pledges lives of US citizens for defense of Israel.


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
Merritt Island, FL
In Jerusalem, Romney Delivers Strong Defense of Israel -

JERUSALEM – Mitt Romney said Sunday that preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities would be his “highest national security priority” if elected president, in a speech that emphasized the shared values and interests he sees between Israel and the United States but which offered few specifics about the policies he would implement to pursue them.

“We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative to deny Iran’s leaders the means to follow through on their malevolent intentions,” Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told an audience of about 300, including a large contingent of American donors who flew here for the speech. “We must not delude ourselves into thinking that containment is an option.”

Unlike the Obama administration, which generally speaks about stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Mr. Romney echoed the language of Israel’s leaders, who talk instead about blocking Tehran from even the capability to develop one. His top foreign policy aide, Dan Senor, also went beyond Mr. Obama’s statements that all options should remain on the table and that Israel has the right to defend itself by suggesting Mr. Romney is ready to support a unilateral military strike by Israel.

“If Israel has to take action on its own,” Mr. Senor said before the speech, “the governor would respect that decision.”

The campaign, in the middle of a seven-day overseas tour that began in London and continues Monday in Poland, appeared throughout the day to be struggling with the delicate diplomacy required of a candidate abroad. After reports of Mr. Senor’s comments were published, he issued a new statement that did not mention unilateral action, and later he said he was not necessarily referring to a military strike. Mr. Romney himself stuck to his promise not to criticize President Obama on foreign soil, though his speech did include one vague shot at Democrats.

“We cannot stand silent as those who seek to undermine Israel voice their criticisms,” he said. “And we certainly should not join in that criticism. Diplomatic distance in public between our nations emboldens Israel’s adversaries.”

He also referred pointedly to Jerusalem as “the capital of Israel,” something Obama administration officials, in keeping with decades of official American policy, are unwilling to do because Palestinians also envision the city as the future capital of their hoped-for state. The line drew a standing ovation from some in the crowd.

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all we need to do is giver Israel a nod, and they would kick the shit out of Iran, and if anyone else wants to jump in, we can send them a "message"
What are people's problems? Israel got its homeland BACK (see they had it first) when the UN (the liberals favorite body) Oked it and helped.....and the 20 year old (yeah not old enough to buy booze yet) Palestinian state was backhanded.....guess what....I DO NOT CARE....they lost, sucks for them.....The huns took over Rome, sucked for them, Rome beat Carthage, sucked for them, when you lose, it sucks for you, we beat the British, sucked for them.....get over it.....move on

PAlestine was made up, Israel has much more historical value and relevance than PAlestine, a 20 year old country, that was manufactured by Britain in the first place, sorry no dice
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In Jerusalem, Romney Delivers Strong Defense of Israel -

JERUSALEM – Mitt Romney said Sunday that preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities would be his “highest national security priority” if elected president, in a speech that emphasized the shared values and interests he sees between Israel and the United States but which offered few specifics about the policies he would implement to pursue them.

“We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative to deny Iran’s leaders the means to follow through on their malevolent intentions,” Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told an audience of about 300, including a large contingent of American donors who flew here for the speech. “We must not delude ourselves into thinking that containment is an option.”

Unlike the Obama administration, which generally speaks about stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Mr. Romney echoed the language of Israel’s leaders, who talk instead about blocking Tehran from even the capability to develop one. His top foreign policy aide, Dan Senor, also went beyond Mr. Obama’s statements that all options should remain on the table and that Israel has the right to defend itself by suggesting Mr. Romney is ready to support a unilateral military strike by Israel.

“If Israel has to take action on its own,” Mr. Senor said before the speech, “the governor would respect that decision.”

The campaign, in the middle of a seven-day overseas tour that began in London and continues Monday in Poland, appeared throughout the day to be struggling with the delicate diplomacy required of a candidate abroad. After reports of Mr. Senor’s comments were published, he issued a new statement that did not mention unilateral action, and later he said he was not necessarily referring to a military strike. Mr. Romney himself stuck to his promise not to criticize President Obama on foreign soil, though his speech did include one vague shot at Democrats.

“We cannot stand silent as those who seek to undermine Israel voice their criticisms,” he said. “And we certainly should not join in that criticism. Diplomatic distance in public between our nations emboldens Israel’s adversaries.”

He also referred pointedly to Jerusalem as “the capital of Israel,” something Obama administration officials, in keeping with decades of official American policy, are unwilling to do because Palestinians also envision the city as the future capital of their hoped-for state. The line drew a standing ovation from some in the crowd.

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So his views are inline with the current presidents.

Were you trying to make a point?
In Jerusalem, Romney Delivers Strong Defense of Israel -

JERUSALEM – Mitt Romney said Sunday that preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities would be his “highest national security priority” if elected president, in a speech that emphasized the shared values and interests he sees between Israel and the United States but which offered few specifics about the policies he would implement to pursue them.

“We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative to deny Iran’s leaders the means to follow through on their malevolent intentions,” Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told an audience of about 300, including a large contingent of American donors who flew here for the speech. “We must not delude ourselves into thinking that containment is an option.”

Unlike the Obama administration, which generally speaks about stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Mr. Romney echoed the language of Israel’s leaders, who talk instead about blocking Tehran from even the capability to develop one. His top foreign policy aide, Dan Senor, also went beyond Mr. Obama’s statements that all options should remain on the table and that Israel has the right to defend itself by suggesting Mr. Romney is ready to support a unilateral military strike by Israel.

“If Israel has to take action on its own,” Mr. Senor said before the speech, “the governor would respect that decision.”

The campaign, in the middle of a seven-day overseas tour that began in London and continues Monday in Poland, appeared throughout the day to be struggling with the delicate diplomacy required of a candidate abroad. After reports of Mr. Senor’s comments were published, he issued a new statement that did not mention unilateral action, and later he said he was not necessarily referring to a military strike. Mr. Romney himself stuck to his promise not to criticize President Obama on foreign soil, though his speech did include one vague shot at Democrats.

“We cannot stand silent as those who seek to undermine Israel voice their criticisms,” he said. “And we certainly should not join in that criticism. Diplomatic distance in public between our nations emboldens Israel’s adversaries.”

He also referred pointedly to Jerusalem as “the capital of Israel,” something Obama administration officials, in keeping with decades of official American policy, are unwilling to do because Palestinians also envision the city as the future capital of their hoped-for state. The line drew a standing ovation from some in the crowd.

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Pretty sure much like all of Mitt's family..including his father and grandfather..

Mitt's sons will not be putting their lives on the line..for this effort.

It's great to be able to commit the sons of other men to die for your causes..ain't it?
What are people's problems? Israel got its homeland BACK (see they had it first) when the UN (the liberals favorite body) Oked it and helped.....and the 20 year old (yeah not old enough to buy booze yet) Palestinian state was backhanded.....guess what....I DO NOT CARE....they lost, sucks for them.....The huns took over Rome, sucked for them, Rome beat Carthage, sucked for them, when you lose, it sucks for you, we beat the British, sucked for them.....get over it.....move on

PAlestine was made up, Israel has much more historical value and relevance than PAlestine, a 20 year old country, that was manufactured by Britain in the first place, sorry no dice

Pure bullshit.
What are people's problems? Israel got its homeland BACK (see they had it first) when the UN (the liberals favorite body) Oked it and helped.....and the 20 year old (yeah not old enough to buy booze yet) Palestinian state was backhanded.....guess what....I DO NOT CARE....they lost, sucks for them.....The huns took over Rome, sucked for them, Rome beat Carthage, sucked for them, when you lose, it sucks for you, we beat the British, sucked for them.....get over it.....move on

PAlestine was made up, Israel has much more historical value and relevance than PAlestine, a 20 year old country, that was manufactured by Britain in the first place, sorry no dice

Pure bullshit.

Ok Obama cocksucker, which part?
PAlestine was made after the Ottman Empire collapsed, so 1920ish. It was made by the British, keep up so far?
In Jerusalem, Romney Delivers Strong Defense of Israel -

JERUSALEM – Mitt Romney said Sunday that preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities would be his “highest national security priority” if elected president, in a speech that emphasized the shared values and interests he sees between Israel and the United States but which offered few specifics about the policies he would implement to pursue them.

“We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative to deny Iran’s leaders the means to follow through on their malevolent intentions,” Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told an audience of about 300, including a large contingent of American donors who flew here for the speech. “We must not delude ourselves into thinking that containment is an option.”

Unlike the Obama administration, which generally speaks about stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Mr. Romney echoed the language of Israel’s leaders, who talk instead about blocking Tehran from even the capability to develop one. His top foreign policy aide, Dan Senor, also went beyond Mr. Obama’s statements that all options should remain on the table and that Israel has the right to defend itself by suggesting Mr. Romney is ready to support a unilateral military strike by Israel.

“If Israel has to take action on its own,” Mr. Senor said before the speech, “the governor would respect that decision.”

The campaign, in the middle of a seven-day overseas tour that began in London and continues Monday in Poland, appeared throughout the day to be struggling with the delicate diplomacy required of a candidate abroad. After reports of Mr. Senor’s comments were published, he issued a new statement that did not mention unilateral action, and later he said he was not necessarily referring to a military strike. Mr. Romney himself stuck to his promise not to criticize President Obama on foreign soil, though his speech did include one vague shot at Democrats.

“We cannot stand silent as those who seek to undermine Israel voice their criticisms,” he said. “And we certainly should not join in that criticism. Diplomatic distance in public between our nations emboldens Israel’s adversaries.”

He also referred pointedly to Jerusalem as “the capital of Israel,” something Obama administration officials, in keeping with decades of official American policy, are unwilling to do because Palestinians also envision the city as the future capital of their hoped-for state. The line drew a standing ovation from some in the crowd.

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Every President since Israels Birth has done the same. You stupid fuck. The Defense of Israel has been a US position always.
What are people's problems? Israel got its homeland BACK (see they had it first) when the UN (the liberals favorite body) Oked it and helped.....and the 20 year old (yeah not old enough to buy booze yet) Palestinian state was backhanded.....guess what....I DO NOT CARE....they lost, sucks for them.....The huns took over Rome, sucked for them, Rome beat Carthage, sucked for them, when you lose, it sucks for you, we beat the British, sucked for them.....get over it.....move on

PAlestine was made up, Israel has much more historical value and relevance than PAlestine, a 20 year old country, that was manufactured by Britain in the first place, sorry no dice

Pure bullshit.

What are you Denying that Palestine was Set up in the 1920's by the UK?

You lefties have such a selective view of History.
In Jerusalem, Romney Delivers Strong Defense of Israel -

JERUSALEM – Mitt Romney said Sunday that preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities would be his “highest national security priority” if elected president, in a speech that emphasized the shared values and interests he sees between Israel and the United States but which offered few specifics about the policies he would implement to pursue them.

“We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative to deny Iran’s leaders the means to follow through on their malevolent intentions,” Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told an audience of about 300, including a large contingent of American donors who flew here for the speech. “We must not delude ourselves into thinking that containment is an option.”

Unlike the Obama administration, which generally speaks about stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Mr. Romney echoed the language of Israel’s leaders, who talk instead about blocking Tehran from even the capability to develop one. His top foreign policy aide, Dan Senor, also went beyond Mr. Obama’s statements that all options should remain on the table and that Israel has the right to defend itself by suggesting Mr. Romney is ready to support a unilateral military strike by Israel.

“If Israel has to take action on its own,” Mr. Senor said before the speech, “the governor would respect that decision.”

The campaign, in the middle of a seven-day overseas tour that began in London and continues Monday in Poland, appeared throughout the day to be struggling with the delicate diplomacy required of a candidate abroad. After reports of Mr. Senor’s comments were published, he issued a new statement that did not mention unilateral action, and later he said he was not necessarily referring to a military strike. Mr. Romney himself stuck to his promise not to criticize President Obama on foreign soil, though his speech did include one vague shot at Democrats.

“We cannot stand silent as those who seek to undermine Israel voice their criticisms,” he said. “And we certainly should not join in that criticism. Diplomatic distance in public between our nations emboldens Israel’s adversaries.”

He also referred pointedly to Jerusalem as “the capital of Israel,” something Obama administration officials, in keeping with decades of official American policy, are unwilling to do because Palestinians also envision the city as the future capital of their hoped-for state. The line drew a standing ovation from some in the crowd.

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Every President since Israels Birth has done the same. You stupid fuck. The Defense of Israel has been a US position always.

Mitt isn't the US President.
Why wouldn't we have Israel's back? You think it's good policy to betray allies?
Why wouldn't we have Israel's back? You think it's good policy to betray allies?

They're pro american, he'd rather have someone who thinks like he does, like the antiamerican, christian and jew hating islamofacists.
Vanishing the Palestinians


When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man". They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism’s central problem ever since. How to "vanish the Palestinians" and get an empty land? The latest manifestation of this imperative is the barrier wall, which Israel is currently building to separate and enclose Palestinian towns and villages in the lands it occupied after 1967. There are those who rightly point to the wall’s illegality and infringement of human rights. And the International Court of Justice has just affirmed this view resoundingly in its ruling, passed on 9.7.04 by 14 of the 15 judges, that the wall was an illegal structure when in the occupied Palestinian territories and that Israel would have to tear it down and make restitution for the damage it has caused to thousands of Palestinians. This position is entirely valid, but critics, in my view, have missed one crucial aspect of the wall’s purpose, which is, to "vanish" the Palestinians, to make them so invisible that Israelis can go on pretending that there is no "other man".

More: Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
In Jerusalem, Romney Delivers Strong Defense of Israel -

JERUSALEM – Mitt Romney said Sunday that preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities would be his “highest national security priority” if elected president, in a speech that emphasized the shared values and interests he sees between Israel and the United States but which offered few specifics about the policies he would implement to pursue them.

“We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative to deny Iran’s leaders the means to follow through on their malevolent intentions,” Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told an audience of about 300, including a large contingent of American donors who flew here for the speech. “We must not delude ourselves into thinking that containment is an option.”

Unlike the Obama administration, which generally speaks about stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Mr. Romney echoed the language of Israel’s leaders, who talk instead about blocking Tehran from even the capability to develop one. His top foreign policy aide, Dan Senor, also went beyond Mr. Obama’s statements that all options should remain on the table and that Israel has the right to defend itself by suggesting Mr. Romney is ready to support a unilateral military strike by Israel.

“If Israel has to take action on its own,” Mr. Senor said before the speech, “the governor would respect that decision.”

The campaign, in the middle of a seven-day overseas tour that began in London and continues Monday in Poland, appeared throughout the day to be struggling with the delicate diplomacy required of a candidate abroad. After reports of Mr. Senor’s comments were published, he issued a new statement that did not mention unilateral action, and later he said he was not necessarily referring to a military strike. Mr. Romney himself stuck to his promise not to criticize President Obama on foreign soil, though his speech did include one vague shot at Democrats.

“We cannot stand silent as those who seek to undermine Israel voice their criticisms,” he said. “And we certainly should not join in that criticism. Diplomatic distance in public between our nations emboldens Israel’s adversaries.”

He also referred pointedly to Jerusalem as “the capital of Israel,” something Obama administration officials, in keeping with decades of official American policy, are unwilling to do because Palestinians also envision the city as the future capital of their hoped-for state. The line drew a standing ovation from some in the crowd.

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Where did Mitt say "I pledge the lives of US citizens to defend Israel"?


he didn't

Negged for being a lying hackjob.

Israel is our ally, and the jews are a voting base, so they get pandered too, just like obama panders to them

Yall fuckholes shoulda backed Paul.

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