Romney on Education


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The Associated Press: Romney to propose voucher-like education overhaul

WASHINGTON (AP) — Shifting from the economy to education, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was proposing a voucher-style system that could significantly alter the public school system and revive the debate over school choice.

Romney, who has been reluctant to stray far from the economic issues at the core of the presidential campaign, was outlining the proposal during a speech Wednesday at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

A Romney aide who previewed the speech for reporters said the candidate would let low-income and disabled students use federal funding to attend public schools, public charter schools and, in some cases, private schools. Federal funds could also be applied to tutors or digital courses.

The plan is line with GOP reforms aimed at giving students more educational choices. But it's unclear how schools in areas that depend on the federal funding would fare.

The proposal was not expected to include any new federal money for education.

It's a start.

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