Romney: Obama has ‘diminished American leadership’ around the world


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Romney: Obama has ‘diminished American leadership’ around the world

Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama of having "diminished American leadership" around the world with his foreign policy approach and suggested his administration had put the lives of American service members at risk by leaking classified national security details to the media.

In a hard-hitting speech before the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno, Nev., the presumptive Republican nominee slammed Obama on an array of foreign policy fronts—including what he described as Obama's "shabby treatment" of Israel. And echoing his usual message on the campaign trail, Romney trashed Obama's handling of the nation's economy, arguing it has made America's position in the world even weaker.

"The president's policies have made it harder to recover from the deepest recession in 70 years, exposed the military to cuts that no one can justify, compromised our national security secrets, and in dealings with other nations, given trust where it is not earned, insult where it is not deserved, and apology where it is not due," Romney declared. "American leadership depends, as it always has, on our economic strength, on our military strength, and on our moral strength. If any of these falter, no skill of diplomacy or presidential oratory can compensate."

Romney stepped up pressure on Obama to investigate whether members of his administration are leaking classified security details to benefit his presidency. He called on Obama to appoint a special counsel--calling the leaks a "national security crisis" that puts the "lives of American servicemen and women… at stake."

"Exactly who in the White House betrayed these secrets? Did a superior authorize it? These are things that Americans are entitled to know--and they are entitled to know right now," Romney said. "If the president believes--as he said last week--that the buck stops with him, then he owes all Americans a full and prompt accounting of the facts."

Romney tells it like it is. The buck stops with the president. We need to know. And now!
Romney: Obama has ‘diminished American leadership’ around the world

Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama of having "diminished American leadership" around the world with his foreign policy approach and suggested his administration had put the lives of American service members at risk by leaking classified national security details to the media.

In a hard-hitting speech before the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno, Nev., the presumptive Republican nominee slammed Obama on an array of foreign policy fronts—including what he described as Obama's "shabby treatment" of Israel. And echoing his usual message on the campaign trail, Romney trashed Obama's handling of the nation's economy, arguing it has made America's position in the world even weaker.

"The president's policies have made it harder to recover from the deepest recession in 70 years, exposed the military to cuts that no one can justify, compromised our national security secrets, and in dealings with other nations, given trust where it is not earned, insult where it is not deserved, and apology where it is not due," Romney declared. "American leadership depends, as it always has, on our economic strength, on our military strength, and on our moral strength. If any of these falter, no skill of diplomacy or presidential oratory can compensate."

Romney stepped up pressure on Obama to investigate whether members of his administration are leaking classified security details to benefit his presidency. He called on Obama to appoint a special counsel--calling the leaks a "national security crisis" that puts the "lives of American servicemen and women… at stake."

"Exactly who in the White House betrayed these secrets? Did a superior authorize it? These are things that Americans are entitled to know--and they are entitled to know right now," Romney said. "If the president believes--as he said last week--that the buck stops with him, then he owes all Americans a full and prompt accounting of the facts."

Romney tells it like it is. The buck stops with the president. We need to know. And now!

Well, I'll be dang!

Finally stepping up and making this election about OBAMA

Romney is running up the pressure for Obama to defend his record. The economy, the White House leaks, the weaker position we have in the world. When will the people start paying attention to this election and make Obama defend his record?
Finally! It's about time Romney grew a pair and went on the offensive. He's been letting Obama play "Bain this, Bain that" for way too long.
Obama took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

Obama was behind taking out Qaddafi without the loss of a single American life.

al Qaeda has been decimated by this administration after Republicans let them into Iraq.

Remember, it was Mitt who said to let the car industry die. Why would he know what he's talking about in foreign policy? His policies are the old, failed "Bush Policies".
Let's see if Obama has an answer to this or he just skips merrily on his way with Hope, and "Gee, I tried!"
Neither Mitt or Obama has a foreign policy worth anything. If you have to buy friends, I'd suggest that they aren't really friends.
Obama took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.
WAit I'm confused is it good or bad to kill? And how did republicans let him go? And you think Obama killed Osama? WOW.....cult alert...Heil Obama!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama was behind taking out Qaddafi without the loss of a single American life.

Really, what did he do?

al Qaeda has been decimated by this administration after Republicans let them into Iraq.
Republicans got them into Iraq and then killed them...And arent you opposed to violence?

Remember, it was Mitt who said to let the car industry die. Why would he know what he's talking about in foreign policy? His policies are the old, failed "Bush Policies".

The only reason OBama helped GM was to save unions, there are no fundamental changes so we'll be back in the same's like clockwork...

Wait a second.... he didnt kill them (think of that as "you didnt build that")
Finally! It's about time Romney grew a pair and went on the offensive. He's been letting Obama play "Bain this, Bain that" for way too long.

i agree with u and this is a nice shot across the bow. its time for the romney camp to say "we wanted to try it the nice way and u got low, so now we will counter" and it was a good start.
Obama took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

Obama was behind taking out Qaddafi without the loss of a single American life.

al Qaeda has been decimated by this administration after Republicans let them into Iraq.

Remember, it was Mitt who said to let the car industry die. Why would he know what he's talking about in foreign policy? His policies are the old, failed "Bush Policies".

wasnt this another bush started and used bushes policies that Obama was going to stop because Obama ran against all of Bushs policy? So does Bush get credit here or is it all Obama?
It will be interesting to see what will happen after the convention and Romney is officially the candidate...all the funds that will become available to his campaign. I'm not sure how Obama will keep up with counter attacks.
It will be interesting to see what will happen after the convention and Romney is officially the candidate...all the funds that will become available to his campaign. I'm not sure how Obama will keep up with counter attacks.

counter attacks, lets just start with the truths and the failures of Obama, than the counter attacks, than pointing out all the failures towards the people of this country, like the BP oil, the trail of 4 navy seals, and the whole DoJ mess.
Obama took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

Obama was behind taking out Qaddafi without the loss of a single American life.

al Qaeda has been decimated by this administration after Republicans let them into Iraq.

Remember, it was Mitt who said to let the car industry die. Why would he know what he's talking about in foreign policy? His policies are the old, failed "Bush Policies".

wasnt this another bush started and used bushes policies that Obama was going to stop because Obama ran against all of Bushs policy? So does Bush get credit here or is it all Obama?

Credit for what? There is no credit from Iraq. It was and is "fiasco".
It will be interesting to see what will happen after the convention and Romney is officially the candidate...all the funds that will become available to his campaign. I'm not sure how Obama will keep up with counter attacks.

counter attacks, lets just start with the truths and the failures of Obama, than the counter attacks, than pointing out all the failures towards the people of this country, like the BP oil, the trail of 4 navy seals, and the whole DoJ mess.

Obama got $20,000,000,000.00 from BP to clean up the mess BP created.
Not only did Republicans apologize to BP for being made to pay, they blocked any investigation into BP culpability.

Seals took out Bin Laden on Obama's orders.

Gun running is something that started under Bush. Does gun running sound anything like something this administration would do? And the conspiracy that Obama did it because he wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment? This from the guy whose expanded gun rights beyond any other president in the last couple of hundred years?????
Romney thinks Obama cut too much out of defense. We already spend more on defense than all countries combined. Is this a hint that Romney will crank up the spending on military if he wins the White House?
Obama will crack under the pressure. He can't handle opposition, everything he ever had was given to him: his ghost written books, his education, the Presidency of the Law Review, operatives dug out the Ryan's divorce files for him, he never worked for anything, it was all built for him.
It will be interesting to see what will happen after the convention and Romney is officially the candidate...all the funds that will become available to his campaign. I'm not sure how Obama will keep up with counter attacks.

counter attacks, lets just start with the truths and the failures of Obama, than the counter attacks, than pointing out all the failures towards the people of this country, like the BP oil, the trail of 4 navy seals, and the whole DoJ mess.

Obama got $20,000,000,000.00 from BP to clean up the mess BP created.
Not only did Republicans apologize to BP for being made to pay, they blocked any investigation into BP culpability.

Seals took out Bin Laden on Obama's orders.

Gun running is something that started under Bush. Does gun running sound anything like something this administration would do? And the conspiracy that Obama did it because he wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment? This from the guy whose expanded gun rights beyond any other president in the last couple of hundred years?????

it took Obama some time before he knew there was a problem in the gulf.

Obama's Oil Spill Response: On Top of It, or Too Little Too Late?

How much credit does Obama get for bin Laden’s reported death? - The Washington Post

again Bush policy to get Bin Laden and Obama was against everything Bush did and yet Obama kept it.

If u also get Gitmo is still up and running and we are still in both wars.

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