Romney is very well spoken


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
I don't know what the hell the lame stream media is talking about. Romney's a smooth operator and I very much enjoy listening to him. He builds upon arguments well and he doesn't ever start jibing to reach out to mindless dullards. And he uses speech that elevates the mindset for all.

None of this uh, uh, uh__ now let me be be clear__ where' my teleprompter? So that I can be clear. Uh__ uh__ uh__.
That's funny. Is that the best compliment you can give him?

She's fat, dumb and ugly, but she doesn't sweat much.
That's funny. Is that the best compliment you can give him?

She's fat, dumb and ugly, but she doesn't sweat much.

If you're going to use analogies, try to use ones that work. What you just did was a reach. I'd be shaking my head, feeling sorry for you if you were in front of me now.
I'd ask him where he got his car elevator from, I think I need one of those as well.

Very very funny.

He''s a loser with nice hair.

Here's a serious question for all you rw's who are hell bent on voting for a cypher -

EXACTLY what are his plans for his presidency?

WHAT is his "platform"?

What does he plan to do if he is elected?


Very very funny.

He''s a loser with nice hair.

Here's a serious question for all you rw's who are hell bent on voting for a cypher -

EXACTLY what are his plans for his presidency?

WHAT is his "platform"?

What does he plan to do if he is elected?


I'll platform it for ya. He won't be the worst president since FDR.

Very very funny.

He''s a loser with nice hair.

Here's a serious question for all you rw's who are hell bent on voting for a cypher -

EXACTLY what are his plans for his presidency?

WHAT is his "platform"?

What does he plan to do if he is elected?


I'll platform it for ya. He won't be the worst president since FDR.

IOW, you don't know.

Don't feel bad. Except that he plans to raise the working class taxes and give even bigger tax breaks to his cronies, no one else does either.

Anyone else?

Very very funny.

He''s a loser with nice hair.

Here's a serious question for all you rw's who are hell bent on voting for a cypher -

EXACTLY what are his plans for his presidency?

WHAT is his "platform"?

What does he plan to do if he is elected?


I'll platform it for ya. He won't be the worst president since FDR.

IOW, you don't know.

Don't feel bad. Except that he plans to raise the working class taxes and give even bigger tax breaks to his cronies, no one else does either.

Anyone else?

You'll say anything won't ya.
I'll platform it for ya. He won't be the worst president since FDR.

IOW, you don't know.

Don't feel bad. Except that he plans to raise the working class taxes and give even bigger tax breaks to his cronies, no one else does either.

Anyone else?

You'll say anything won't ya.

And you won't.

I've asked a very reasonable question.

What is his platform? What has he said? What are his plans?

Why are all of you rw's so afraid to admit that he has never said anything except what I've already written?

If I'm wrong, please feel free to post links that prove it.

IOW, you don't know.

Don't feel bad. Except that he plans to raise the working class taxes and give even bigger tax breaks to his cronies, no one else does either.

Anyone else?

You'll say anything won't ya.

And you won't.

I've asked a very reasonable question.

What is his platform? What has he said? What are his plans?

Why are all of you rw's so afraid to admit that he has never said anything except what I've already written?

If I'm wrong, please feel free to post links that prove it.


close gitmo
ban lobbyists from hias admin
post all bills for 3 days before signing
not use signing statements to end run around congress
keep unemployment below 8 per...

oh, wait

wrong liar

You'll say anything won't ya.

And you won't.

I've asked a very reasonable question.

What is his platform? What has he said? What are his plans?

Why are all of you rw's so afraid to admit that he has never said anything except what I've already written?

If I'm wrong, please feel free to post links that prove it.


close gitmo
ban lobbyists from hias admin
post all bills for 3 days before signing
not use signing statements to end run around congress
keep unemployment below 8 per...

oh, wait

wrong liar


The biggest mistake the rw's are making is in believing congress will suddenly send bills to a R prez for his sig.

That's why we still have gitmo. The Do Nothings would rather hurt Obama than help their country.

The bills have been posted, Obama has had no choice but to act without congress and I'm glad he has and as you well know, the last item on your list IS A LIE.

Or, do you have a link that proves President Obama ever said that?

(Hint: He didn't.)

Now, back to my question -

WTF has Mittens said he would do?
WHAT is his "platform"?

Very very funny.

He''s a loser with nice hair.

Here's a serious question for all you rw's who are hell bent on voting for a cypher -

EXACTLY what are his plans for his presidency?

WHAT is his "platform"?

What does he plan to do if he is elected?

Romney's plans for his presidency is a restoration of government to a smarter, simpler, smaller government. Link.

We already know several tenets of Obama's plans for his "platform:"

  1. It's all Bush's fault
  2. If you disagree with me on anything, you are a racist.
  3. Everyday occurrences in my opposition means something sinister, from his dog to his parking garage.
  4. He's secretive and therefore not ok.
  5. My secrets are ok.
And you won't.

I've asked a very reasonable question.

What is his platform? What has he said? What are his plans?

Why are all of you rw's so afraid to admit that he has never said anything except what I've already written?

If I'm wrong, please feel free to post links that prove it.


close gitmo
ban lobbyists from hias admin
post all bills for 3 days before signing
not use signing statements to end run around congress
keep unemployment below 8 per...

oh, wait

wrong liar


The biggest mistake the rw's are making is in believing congress will suddenly send bills to a R prez for his sig.

That's why we still have gitmo. The Do Nothings would rather hurt Obama than help their country.

The bills have been posted, Obama has had no choice but to act without congress and I'm glad he has and as you well know, the last item on your list IS A LIE.

Or, do you have a link that proves President Obama ever said that?

(Hint: He didn't.)

Now, back to my question -

WTF has Mittens said he would do?
WHAT is his "platform"?

Romney's platform

Obama is too big for his britches. Deciding it's okay to go against his constitutional requirements means he hasn't learned how to negotiate with people yet.

I could have told you from his lockstep voting record in the Senate he doesn't work well with others.
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Interesting that you rw's are saying exactly what Mittens says. Instead of a real platform, real plans, all he says is "Obama bad, me good".

rw's don't know what Mittens' platform is and, until Norquist, Rove etc tell him, neither does Mittens.

I honestly cannot imagine how the right can get any more dumbed down than they already are.

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