Romney: Income Inequality should be discussed in "Quiet Rooms"


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Not out in public.

Mitt Romney on Wall Street and inequality - YouTube

Why not? Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

But this isnt the first time a potential GOP'er slipped up and told the truth...and was punished for it:
‘Quiet Rooms’ and Republican Class War -- Daily Intel

During the 2000 Republican presidential nomination, John McCain opened up a brief violent fissure by assailing George W. Bush’s plan to cut taxes. McCain began by arguing that it was more prudent to use the temporary budget surplus to reduce the national debt, but he soon began making the case in moral terms, citing the widening gap between rich and poor and insisting it was wrong to cut taxes for the rich. Right-wingers were apoplectic, and even McCain’s GOP allies were shaken. Before that moment, McCain had been a largely conventional conservative with a handful of apostasies, and his campaign little more than an irritant. His populist opposition to the Bush tax cuts marked him as a full-fledged heretic and united the party Establishment against him in full fury.


The GOP Establishment’s deepest and most recurrent fear is an open debate over economic class. This is not a debate they feel they can win even among Republican voters, a majority of whom actually favor higher taxes on the rich. Romney’s assertion yesterday that economic inequality should not be discussed, or should only be mentioned in “quiet rooms,” is a too-frank expression of the GOP elite’s actual belief that the issue must be kept out of political debate.

So...Where are these quiet rooms? And why only discuss economic disparities there?
The GOP shouldn't get more than 1% of the vote in 2012.

I don't understand groups like Log Cabin Republicans or other similar groups. Why would gays support a political party that hates them? Likewise, why would any middle class member vote for a party that hates them and does anything they can to hurt them?

Fox is an amazing propaganda machine, that's for sure.
Interesting that you disagree that 'income inequality' should be discussed when making policy. 'Income inequality' should be discussed in quiet rooms - where rational people can make rational policy to deal with 'income inequality'.

I am not surprised that the left insist on 'misunderstanding' what Romney said.
So...Where are these quiet rooms?

What he means is that policy should be set in a sane environment, not by a mob.

However, I don't know if Romney knows that as long as crooks on Wall Street get away with their crimes in broad daylight, the more likely there will eventually be mob justice.
Ok, CG I got cha on record as being against open public debate.
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Ok, CG I got cha on record as being against open public debate.

You do? Really? Only if you're a complete fucking moron. What I don't do is take one sentence out of context to make a different meaning to the original intention. That is not a game I play. Context is important.

Rational, calm, honest debate by policy makers is what I got from his words. You, on the other hand, spin it into some 'secret debate'.

I got you on record as a liar.
So...Where are these quiet rooms?

What he means is that policy should be set in a sane environment, not by a mob.

However, I don't know if Romney knows that as long as crooks on Wall Street get away with their crimes in broad daylight, the more likely there will eventually be mob justice.

That's what anyone with an IQ over room temperature would understand. Apparently, the OP has not reached double digits.
Romney calls them "quiet rooms." At other times, they have been called by other people "smoke-filled rooms." Making decisions like this out of the public view might be a recipe for enlightened statesmanship except that the process is hopelessly corrupted by the selfish interest of the greedy. As it is, the time has come for an injection of democracy, which, with all its faults, remains what Churchill called it: the worst form of government, except for all others that have been tried.
Not out in public.

Mitt Romney on Wall Street and inequality - YouTube

Why not? Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

But this isnt the first time a potential GOP'er slipped up and told the truth...and was punished for it:
‘Quiet Rooms’ and Republican Class War -- Daily Intel

During the 2000 Republican presidential nomination, John McCain opened up a brief violent fissure by assailing George W. Bush’s plan to cut taxes. McCain began by arguing that it was more prudent to use the temporary budget surplus to reduce the national debt, but he soon began making the case in moral terms, citing the widening gap between rich and poor and insisting it was wrong to cut taxes for the rich. Right-wingers were apoplectic, and even McCain’s GOP allies were shaken. Before that moment, McCain had been a largely conventional conservative with a handful of apostasies, and his campaign little more than an irritant. His populist opposition to the Bush tax cuts marked him as a full-fledged heretic and united the party Establishment against him in full fury.


The GOP Establishment’s deepest and most recurrent fear is an open debate over economic class. This is not a debate they feel they can win even among Republican voters, a majority of whom actually favor higher taxes on the rich. Romney’s assertion yesterday that economic inequality should not be discussed, or should only be mentioned in “quiet rooms,” is a too-frank expression of the GOP elite’s actual belief that the issue must be kept out of political debate.

So...Where are these quiet rooms? And why only discuss economic disparities there?

because the lower classes are kept out of those rooms.
Not out in public.

Mitt Romney on Wall Street and inequality - YouTube

Why not? Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

But this isnt the first time a potential GOP'er slipped up and told the truth...and was punished for it:
‘Quiet Rooms’ and Republican Class War -- Daily Intel

During the 2000 Republican presidential nomination, John McCain opened up a brief violent fissure by assailing George W. Bush’s plan to cut taxes. McCain began by arguing that it was more prudent to use the temporary budget surplus to reduce the national debt, but he soon began making the case in moral terms, citing the widening gap between rich and poor and insisting it was wrong to cut taxes for the rich. Right-wingers were apoplectic, and even McCain’s GOP allies were shaken. Before that moment, McCain had been a largely conventional conservative with a handful of apostasies, and his campaign little more than an irritant. His populist opposition to the Bush tax cuts marked him as a full-fledged heretic and united the party Establishment against him in full fury.


The GOP Establishment’s deepest and most recurrent fear is an open debate over economic class. This is not a debate they feel they can win even among Republican voters, a majority of whom actually favor higher taxes on the rich. Romney’s assertion yesterday that economic inequality should not be discussed, or should only be mentioned in “quiet rooms,” is a too-frank expression of the GOP elite’s actual belief that the issue must be kept out of political debate.

So...Where are these quiet rooms? And why only discuss economic disparities there?

because the lower classes are kept out of those rooms.
That's what restricted country clubs and men's clubs are for.
Ok, CG I got cha on record as being against open public debate.

You do? Really? Only if you're a complete fucking moron. What I don't do is take one sentence out of context to make a different meaning to the original intention. That is not a game I play. Context is important.

Rational, calm, honest debate by policy makers is what I got from his words. You, on the other hand, spin it into some 'secret debate'.

I got you on record as a liar.

Did he say in public or quiet rooms? Because a quiet room is not public. What you got from his words means shit since you are not the arbiter of translation. What I got from his words is that a public debate is frowned upon or at the very least...A public debate is divisive.

So have those discussions in back roo...sorry, quiet rooms where I'm sure everyone will be heard....if they can get pass the doorman
Romney has caused a subprime disaster to us before.

Ghetto Shakedown

...The federal indictments charge that real estate dealers, lending institutions, lawyers and some FHA officials had conspired to inflate the reported value of cheap houses and sell them at high prices to people who could not really afford them. The ultimate loser was the U.S. taxpayer, since FHA guaranteed the mortgages and was left holding the low-value houses when the owners defaulted on their payments.

Responsibility for preventing such abuses rests with HUD Secretary George Romney, whose department includes the poorly administered FHA. In an eloquent if self-serving speech, Romney tried to divert attention to the broader problems of the ghetto, noting that bad housing was a result rather than a cause of ghetto squalor (see box).

That in no way could excuse what the indictments contend has happened in New York, where a Brooklyn federal grand jury charged 40 individuals and ten firms with 500 specific criminal acts, including bribery, fraud, conspiracy and giving false statements to the Government. More indictments were expected, involving a possible loss to the Government of up to $200 million....

...A real estate speculator would buy a ghetto house for $10,000. He would find a poor but working black, induce him to buy the house for $200 down, and promise that monthly mortgage payments would be low, perhaps lower than his present rent. Before guaranteeing a mortgage, FHA would send an appraiser to check the value of the property. The appraiser, who was part of the conspiracy, would get $100 from the speculator for claiming that the property was worth $20,000, and would falsify the detailed seven-page FHA appraisal form. The buyer would agree to pay that price.

To get his mortgage, the buyer would be urged to inflate his own income in his application to the FHA, which is supposed to determine whether a purchaser can really afford the housing. He would sometimes do this by listing a job he did not really hold. The indictments claim that in some cases Dun & Bradstreet would verify this baseless credit rating. FHA would agree to stand behind the mortgage, and Eastern Service would lend the buyer the money. The buyer would then often discover that the house was badly in need of repair, or that the mortgage payments were higher than he expected...
Interesting that you disagree that 'income inequality' should be discussed when making policy. 'Income inequality' should be discussed in quiet rooms - where rational people can make rational policy to deal with 'income inequality'.

I am not surprised that the left insist on 'misunderstanding' what Romney said.

I'm thinking these discussions should be had in a soundproof room.

With Romney and all the people who lost their jobs because he was greedy.

And they get baseball bats.
Interesting that you disagree that 'income inequality' should be discussed when making policy. 'Income inequality' should be discussed in quiet rooms - where rational people can make rational policy to deal with 'income inequality'.

I am not surprised that the left insist on 'misunderstanding' what Romney said.

I'm thinking these discussions should be had in a soundproof room.

With Romney and all the people who lost their jobs because he was greedy.

And they get baseball bats.

Your hysterical hyperbole has no basis in fact... but facts seem less relevant to your irrational hatred of Romney.
Interesting that you disagree that 'income inequality' should be discussed when making policy. 'Income inequality' should be discussed in quiet rooms - where rational people can make rational policy to deal with 'income inequality'.

I am not surprised that the left insist on 'misunderstanding' what Romney said.

I'm thinking these discussions should be had in a soundproof room.

With Romney and all the people who lost their jobs because he was greedy.

And they get baseball bats.

Your hysterical hyperbole has no basis in fact... but facts seem less relevant to your irrational hatred of Romney.

Hey, if you want to go with the "Let them Eat Cake" platform... knock yourself out.
I'm thinking these discussions should be had in a soundproof room.

With Romney and all the people who lost their jobs because he was greedy.

And they get baseball bats.

Your hysterical hyperbole has no basis in fact... but facts seem less relevant to your irrational hatred of Romney.

Hey, if you want to go with the "Let them Eat Cake" platform... knock yourself out.

That's not what he said, nor is it what he meant. But, you stick to your hysterical hyperbole.... it's so much more fun than logic.
Your hysterical hyperbole has no basis in fact... but facts seem less relevant to your irrational hatred of Romney.

Hey, if you want to go with the "Let them Eat Cake" platform... knock yourself out.

That's not what he said, nor is it what he meant. But, you stick to your hysterical hyperbole.... it's so much more fun than logic.

I think Romney's words speak for themselves.

"I like to be able to fire people"

"Corporations are people, too, my friend."

"I can't have illegals, I'm running for office, for pete's sake!"

"I'll bet you $10,000."

I can see why he'd want to have this conversation in a quiet room. In public, he says these asspoundingly stupid, insensitive things where even Conservatives are starting to realize they've been had!
Hey, if you want to go with the "Let them Eat Cake" platform... knock yourself out.

That's not what he said, nor is it what he meant. But, you stick to your hysterical hyperbole.... it's so much more fun than logic.

I think Romney's words speak for themselves.

"I like to be able to fire people"

"Corporations are people, too, my friend."

"I can't have illegals, I'm running for office, for pete's sake!"

"I'll bet you $10,000."

I can see why he'd want to have this conversation in a quiet room. In public, he says these asspoundingly stupid, insensitive things where even Conservatives are starting to realize they've been had!

Are you being deliberately thick as pig shit or do you genuinely not understand that meaning of the word 'context'?

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