Romney in trouble if...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Either Newt or Santorum back out

Trouble ahead for Romney? - Public Policy Polling

Of course, the problem is neither of them will.

Interestingly, Santorum does much better than Newt does in a head to head with Romney.

I can support Romney or Santorum, I dont know that I can support Newt. Maybe conservatives should be rallying around Santorum instead.
Either Newt or Santorum back out

Trouble ahead for Romney? - Public Policy Polling

Of course, the problem is neither of them will.

Interestingly, Santorum does much better than Newt does in a head to head with Romney.

I can support Romney or Santorum, I dont know that I can support Newt. Maybe conservatives should be rallying around Santorum instead.
I'm looking closely at Santorum also. I still think Newt is a better debater than any of the remaining candidates and could beat Obama in serious debate.
Either Newt or Santorum back out

Trouble ahead for Romney? - Public Policy Polling

Of course, the problem is neither of them will.

Interestingly, Santorum does much better than Newt does in a head to head with Romney.

I can support Romney or Santorum, I dont know that I can support Newt. Maybe conservatives should be rallying around Santorum instead.

I will vote for Newt in the general election, reluctantly.

I will probably vote third party if Romney wins.

My ideal candidate is Santorum.

Santorum I think has the best chance of winning a general election besides Romney.
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If people find out what he did to his dog.

Taking a pet on a family trip is hardly going to cause problems for Romney. After all, starting a political career at a terrorist's house didn't hurt Obama, and that's a bit more serious.
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I'm looking closely at Santorum also. I still think Newt is a better debater than any of the remaining candidates and could beat Obama in serious debate.

There are going to be two or three debates. We don't need someone who can win a debate, though it would be nice. We need someone who can govern this nation. Newt cant even govern himself.
If people find out what he did to his dog.

Taking a pet on a family trip is hardly going to cause problems for Romney. After all, starting a political career at a terrorist's house didn't hurt Obama, and that's a bit more serious.

Yea, sure. The dog riding for 12 hours on the roof of the family car down the freeway is not the normal way Americans treat their pets. At least Democrats don't treat their pets that way that I know of. Some would think that hosing the poor thing down after it became so terrified it shit all over itself is cruel. Obviously not Republicans. I guess cruelty isn't really an issue for the party of "Let him die" that applauds executions.
Santorum wouldn't be a bad candidate. However I'm not convinced that if Rick drops out his voters would move over to Newt, at least not entirely. And Mitt is right at the tipping point where he carries states by a big enough margin it doesn't matter if Rick and Newt throw in together. They both stayed in the game and fractured the base just long enough to give Mitt a win.
I can support Romney or Santorum, I dont know that I can support Newt. Maybe conservatives should be rallying around Santorum instead.
Social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists, perhaps – actual conservatives have no one in the race.

Of course actual conservatives haven’t had a candidate since Goldwater.
Either Newt or Santorum back out

Trouble ahead for Romney? - Public Policy Polling

Of course, the problem is neither of them will.

Interestingly, Santorum does much better than Newt does in a head to head with Romney.

I can support Romney or Santorum, I dont know that I can support Newt. Maybe conservatives should be rallying around Santorum instead.

Oh, please, the reason why Santorum isn't being savaged by the GOP establishment is because they know he has more money and no chance. So the establishment wants to keep him in as long as possible because even in a place like Florida where he outspent 5-1 and had every establishment figure behind him, Romney couldn't clear 50%.

Romney will get the nomination, and then lose to Obama by a margin that will Make McCain feel a lot better about himself.
If people find out what he did to his dog.

Taking a pet on a family trip is hardly going to cause problems for Romney. After all, starting a political career at a terrorist's house didn't hurt Obama, and that's a bit more serious.

NOt really.

First, as much as you want to try to paint Ayers (who was never convicted of anything due to misconduct by the FBI) as a "terrorist", the point is, most people realized the Vietnam War was a horrible idea and the government lied to us. So there simply is not going to be hostility towards someone who acted badly at a time when a lot of people acted badly.

From the hippy pissing on the flag to the rich kid who got a deferrment from the draft, people didn't act right. The only ones who can hold their heads up high are those who went over there. If Obama could beat McCain, who was a HERO in that war, he's not going to have an issue with Romney, who went to France on a bullshit 'missionary' job annoying people with the Book of Mormon.

On the other hand, no one is going to sympathize with someone who mistreated a dog. We're funny like that. We watch a movie like I am Legend where the whole human race dies, but people are sad when Wil Smith's dog died.

I personally think what Romney did to workers at AmPad and GS Steel is a lot worse than what he did to poor Seamus, but it's an emotional, touchy-feely kind of world.

Seamus will get more sympathy than a terrorist at Abu Grahib.

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