Romney impersonated a police officer


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Yes, I know; /yawn - who cares. Y'all know the drill.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”

Madden, a native Texan who graduated from Stanford in 1970 and went on to become a successful television producer and writer, has never forgotten that strange moment, which he has recounted to friends over the years as he observed his former classmate’s political ascent. The National Memo learned of the incident from a longtime Madden friend to whom he had mentioned it years ago.

Said Madden in a recent interview, “He told us that he had gotten the uniform from his father,” George Romney, then the Governor of Michigan, whose security detail was staffed by uniformed troopers. “He told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road. He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler.”

In Madden’s recollection, confirmed by his wife Susan, who also attended Stanford during those years, “we thought it was all pretty weird. We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.’ And after that, we didn’t have much interaction with him,” although both Madden and Romney were prep school boys living in the same dorm, called Rinconada.

Other eyewitnesses have previously recalled Romney’s alleged use of a police or trooper uniform in pranks during his high school years at the exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Yes, I know; /yawn - who cares. Y'all know the drill.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”

Madden, a native Texan who graduated from Stanford in 1970 and went on to become a successful television producer and writer, has never forgotten that strange moment, which he has recounted to friends over the years as he observed his former classmate’s political ascent. The National Memo learned of the incident from a longtime Madden friend to whom he had mentioned it years ago.

Said Madden in a recent interview, “He told us that he had gotten the uniform from his father,” George Romney, then the Governor of Michigan, whose security detail was staffed by uniformed troopers. “He told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road. He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler.”

In Madden’s recollection, confirmed by his wife Susan, who also attended Stanford during those years, “we thought it was all pretty weird. We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.’ And after that, we didn’t have much interaction with him,” although both Madden and Romney were prep school boys living in the same dorm, called Rinconada.

Other eyewitnesses have previously recalled Romney’s alleged use of a police or trooper uniform in pranks during his high school years at the exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Whoah! This is very interesting. They should try to correlate missing persons in the area and time frame. It wouldn't suprise me at all if Mittens turned out to be a real freak. It would make an interesting episode on "Criminal Minds"...or "Cold Cases".
And Obama impersonated an American citizen... So what?

Impersonating a police officer and "pulling people over" is not a "harmless" prank like they tried to pass off the hair cut incident.

If this is true it is evidence that Romney is a sick individual. I'm not going to go off on a tangent about this because if true or even partially true it is serious and not any kind of a joke.

I hope that for Mittens sake there is nothing to this rumor. Nothing good or acceptable could be spun out of it. If any of it could be proven or testafied to it would be an abrupt end to Mitten's political hopes and probably worse for him. It would blow up the republicans chances in November in more ways than could be calculated.
Ok, this is just creepy:

When Mitt Romney was a college freshman, he told fellow residents of his Stanford University dormitory that he sometimes disguised himself as a police officer – a crime in many states, including Michigan and California, where he then lived. And he had the uniform on display as proof.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”​

The funny thing (odd, not haha) is that if Romney liked wearing uniforms so much the country was more than happy to legitimately issue him one at the time and he didn't take them up on it. In fact, he seems to have gone out of his way not to, as did his father and his sons. It isn't a Mormon thing ---there are plenty of them in the military. For some reason though, the Romneys, despite claiming to be uber-patriots who fervently support all of America's wars, choose not to join up. It's a little bit odd.

And it's more than a little bit odd that young Mitt liked to parade around in a cop costume and scare his female classmates in high school, and then took the uniform with him to college. Considering that police uniforms carry with them automatic authority that make people submit in ways they normally wouldn't, you can't help but wonder what he did with it.

See also: The empty boys

Ok, this is just creepy:

When Mitt Romney was a college freshman, he told fellow residents of his Stanford University dormitory that he sometimes disguised himself as a police officer – a crime in many states, including Michigan and California, where he then lived. And he had the uniform on display as proof.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”​

The funny thing (odd, not haha) is that if Romney liked wearing uniforms so much the country was more than happy to legitimately issue him one at the time and he didn't take them up on it. In fact, he seems to have gone out of his way not to, as did his father and his sons. It isn't a Mormon thing ---there are plenty of them in the military. For some reason though, the Romneys, despite claiming to be uber-patriots who fervently support all of America's wars, choose not to join up. It's a little bit odd.

And it's more than a little bit odd that young Mitt liked to parade around in a cop costume and scare his female classmates in high school, and then took the uniform with him to college. Considering that police uniforms carry with them automatic authority that make people submit in ways they normally wouldn't, you can't help but wonder what he did with it.

See also: The empty boys


Bottom of the barrel stuff. Sad, actually.
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Yes, I know; /yawn - who cares. Y'all know the drill.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”

Madden, a native Texan who graduated from Stanford in 1970 and went on to become a successful television producer and writer, has never forgotten that strange moment, which he has recounted to friends over the years as he observed his former classmate’s political ascent. The National Memo learned of the incident from a longtime Madden friend to whom he had mentioned it years ago.

Said Madden in a recent interview, “He told us that he had gotten the uniform from his father,” George Romney, then the Governor of Michigan, whose security detail was staffed by uniformed troopers. “He told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road. He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler.”

In Madden’s recollection, confirmed by his wife Susan, who also attended Stanford during those years, “we thought it was all pretty weird. We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.’ And after that, we didn’t have much interaction with him,” although both Madden and Romney were prep school boys living in the same dorm, called Rinconada.

Other eyewitnesses have previously recalled Romney’s alleged use of a police or trooper uniform in pranks during his high school years at the exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

I am fascinated by the mindset of someone who - with no evidence other than the word of a former classmate - can create a 'fact' from a question.

This is how lies become 'truth'. And it is no a good thing... I am more than a tad disappointed in you BD. I thought you had more intellect than this.
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Yes, I know; /yawn - who cares. Y'all know the drill.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”

Madden, a native Texan who graduated from Stanford in 1970 and went on to become a successful television producer and writer, has never forgotten that strange moment, which he has recounted to friends over the years as he observed his former classmate’s political ascent. The National Memo learned of the incident from a longtime Madden friend to whom he had mentioned it years ago.

Said Madden in a recent interview, “He told us that he had gotten the uniform from his father,” George Romney, then the Governor of Michigan, whose security detail was staffed by uniformed troopers. “He told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road. He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler.”

In Madden’s recollection, confirmed by his wife Susan, who also attended Stanford during those years, “we thought it was all pretty weird. We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.’ And after that, we didn’t have much interaction with him,” although both Madden and Romney were prep school boys living in the same dorm, called Rinconada.

Other eyewitnesses have previously recalled Romney’s alleged use of a police or trooper uniform in pranks during his high school years at the exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

I am fascinated by the mindset of someone who - with no evidence other than the word of a former classmate - can create a 'fact' from a question.

This is how lies become 'truth'. And it is no a good thing... I am more than a tad disappointed in you BD. I thought you had more intellect than this.

Lies are all they have left.
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

If Obama had been rumored to have impersonated a police officer I can assure you I would have been insistant of an explaination. This isn't "hinky" or "kinky" behavior we are talking about. This is a real big deal in it's effects if found true. This has NOTHING to do with Obama so try and get a grip on the topic. This needs to be vetted immediately not because Romney is a republican but because if true it will destroy his chances and the GOP needs time to replace him. If you think Romney could survive this if factual you are crazier than a coot.
You know what you get with "manufactured lies"?????? "Manufactured outrage".:lol:
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

If Obama had been rumored to have impersonated a police officer I can assure you I would have been insistant of an explaination. This isn't "hinky" or "kinky" behavior we are talking about. This is a real big deal in it's effects if found true. This has NOTHING to do with Obama so try and get a grip on the topic. This needs to be vetted immediately not because Romney is a republican but because if true it will destroy his chances and the GOP needs time to replace him. If you think Romney could survive this if factual you are crazier than a coot.

If.... little word, big meaning. BD represents it as 'true'.... her thread title does not question, it makes a statement.

What it is... is nothing more than a claim from someone who knew him back in the day. Until it is substantiated, it's nothing more than that. A claim.... and it is likely to be nothing more than someone desperately seeking their '15 minutes'.
Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

If Obama had been rumored to have impersonated a police officer I can assure you I would have been insistant of an explaination. This isn't "hinky" or "kinky" behavior we are talking about. This is a real big deal in it's effects if found true. This has NOTHING to do with Obama so try and get a grip on the topic. This needs to be vetted immediately not because Romney is a republican but because if true it will destroy his chances and the GOP needs time to replace him. If you think Romney could survive this if factual you are crazier than a coot.

If.... little word, big meaning. BD represents it as 'true'.... her thread title does not question, it makes a statement.

What it is... is nothing more than a claim from someone who knew him back in the day. Until it is substantiated, it's nothing more than that. A claim.... and it is likely to be nothing more than someone desperately seeking their '15 minutes'.

"If" is a small word...OK fair enough. Maybe is a bit bigger. At first I though this was just a joke and reacted accordingly. Did a google and apparently there is "something" to this. Not saying it is true...that would be almost too bizarre. It is such unacceptable behavior though it has to be investigated. Ya...I know... it sounds rediculous on the surface. BUT what if it is not just some wackadoodle wanting his 15 min of fame? What if there is more than one credible witness that saw the uniform and can recall Mittens stating "he pulled people over"? OK...What "IF"? All kidding aside if even that much is true are you willing to overlook such bizarre behavior?

Unless Mittens can reasonably deny this story and/or it happened on halloween he is in deep doo doo.

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