Romney for it before he was against it.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney the master of flip flopping.
He was for welfare waivers before he was against them.
He was against dream act before the was for it.
He was for socialized healthcare before he was against it.
He was for planned parenthood before he was against it.

With the man we will never know what side of the fence he is on
Repubs remind me of Chaka Khan. They look at Mitt and say "Tell me something good, Tell me that you want me yeaaaaaa"

And Mitt strokes their cheek (both of them) and says "baby you know its about me and you. Those things I did in the past, that was a phase"

And Repubs, like a girl who wants and needs love, believes it despite the black eyes and cheating.

Romney the master of flip flopping.
He was for welfare waivers before he was against them.
He was against dream act before the was for it.
He was for socialized healthcare before he was against it.
He was for planned parenthood before he was against it.

With the man we will never know what side of the fence he is on
It takes a special kinda person to vote for a man like that.

Romney the master of flip flopping.
He was for welfare waivers before he was against them.
He was against dream act before the was for it.
He was for socialized healthcare before he was against it.
He was for planned parenthood before he was against it.

With the man we will never know what side of the fence he is on

So, I guess you're accusing Romney of being like Obama...

Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.

Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.

Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.

Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.

Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.

Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.

Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.

Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.

Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.

Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.

The Top 10 Obama Flip Flops by Ari Fleischer | Facebook

Need more? Should I go on with more example of not knowing which side of the fence Barry's on on any given day?

Romney the master of flip flopping.
He was for welfare waivers before he was against them.
He was against dream act before the was for it.
He was for socialized healthcare before he was against it.
He was for planned parenthood before he was against it.

With the man we will never know what side of the fence he is on

Kerry holds the title.

Obama..a very close second.

But fools are blind. Would you like a free optometrist check up. We can arrange it.

Romney the master of flip flopping.
He was for welfare waivers before he was against them.
He was against dream act before the was for it.
He was for socialized healthcare before he was against it.
He was for planned parenthood before he was against it.

With the man we will never know what side of the fence he is on

So, I guess you're accusing Romney of being like Obama...
I don't know if that's what she is saying... But that absolutely works for me.

Romney the master of flip flopping.
He was for welfare waivers before he was against them.
He was against dream act before the was for it.
He was for socialized healthcare before he was against it.
He was for planned parenthood before he was against it.

With the man we will never know what side of the fence he is on
.....Until you check his background.....


Patriarch; Extraordinaire!!!

"It was in the summer of 1983 that a pregnant woman in her late thirties--Carrel Hilton Sheldon--was informed by her doctor that she had a life-threatening blood clot lodged in her pelvic region. In treating the clot, Sheldon was administered an overdose of the blood thinner Heparin, an overdose that not only resulted in significant internal bleeding, but also extensive damage to her kidneys, to the point where she was on the verge of needing a transplant. Her life was clearly in peril.

Sheldon's doctor advised her that the overdose of Heparin might have also harmed her eight-week-old fetus and, given the possible fatal repercussions to her, he recommended that she abort her pregnancy.

According to an account later written anonymously by Sheldon for the LDS women's journal, Exponent II, it was after receiving this counsel from Williams supporting the potentially life-saving procedure that she experienced an uninvited visit in her hospital room from her Mormon bishop at the time, 36-year-old Mitt Romney, who adamantly opposed the abortion.

"He regaled me with stories of his sister and her retarded child and what a blessing the child had been to the family," Sheldon wrote of the incident. "He told me that 'as your bishop, my concern is with the child.'"

In 1981, when he was only 34-years-old, he was named bishop of a ward just outside of Boston and was serving in that capacity when he confronted Sheldon about her pending abortion.

There was no empathy forthcoming from Romney, according to Sheldon, no warmth or sympathy. Moreover, Sheldon contends, Romney cast doubt on her story about the stake president's approval. He simply didn't believe her. He threatened to call him and track him down. "At a time when I would have appreciated nurturing and support from spiritual leaders and friends," Sheldon wrote, "I got judgment, criticism, prejudicial advice, and rejection."

Romney the master of flip flopping.
He was for welfare waivers before he was against them.
He was against dream act before the was for it.
He was for socialized healthcare before he was against it.
He was for planned parenthood before he was against it.

With the man we will never know what side of the fence he is on
.....Until you check his background.....


Patriarch; Extraordinaire!!!

"It was in the summer of 1983 that a pregnant woman in her late thirties--Carrel Hilton Sheldon--was informed by her doctor that she had a life-threatening blood clot lodged in her pelvic region. In treating the clot, Sheldon was administered an overdose of the blood thinner Heparin, an overdose that not only resulted in significant internal bleeding, but also extensive damage to her kidneys, to the point where she was on the verge of needing a transplant. Her life was clearly in peril.

Sheldon's doctor advised her that the overdose of Heparin might have also harmed her eight-week-old fetus and, given the possible fatal repercussions to her, he recommended that she abort her pregnancy.

According to an account later written anonymously by Sheldon for the LDS women's journal, Exponent II, it was after receiving this counsel from Williams supporting the potentially life-saving procedure that she experienced an uninvited visit in her hospital room from her Mormon bishop at the time, 36-year-old Mitt Romney, who adamantly opposed the abortion.

"He regaled me with stories of his sister and her retarded child and what a blessing the child had been to the family," Sheldon wrote of the incident. "He told me that 'as your bishop, my concern is with the child.'"

In 1981, when he was only 34-years-old, he was named bishop of a ward just outside of Boston and was serving in that capacity when he confronted Sheldon about her pending abortion.

There was no empathy forthcoming from Romney, according to Sheldon, no warmth or sympathy. Moreover, Sheldon contends, Romney cast doubt on her story about the stake president's approval. He simply didn't believe her. He threatened to call him and track him down. "At a time when I would have appreciated nurturing and support from spiritual leaders and friends," Sheldon wrote, "I got judgment, criticism, prejudicial advice, and rejection."

Romney the master of flip flopping.
He was for welfare waivers before he was against them.
He was against dream act before the was for it.
He was for socialized healthcare before he was against it.
He was for planned parenthood before he was against it.

With the man we will never know what side of the fence he is on

Thank you for your timely and insightful thread. :lol: Is this the best argument you can muster for supporting Obama?

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