Romney endorses Ryan plan for ending Medicare


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY we know it.

One of the key stories of the day — perhaps the one that will have the greatest long term political impact — has to be that Mitt Romney has now fully embraced Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan.

After previously hedging on the Ryan plan, Romney is now fully declaring his support for it, as a way to wound the surging Newt Gingrich among conservative voters. Newt, you’ll recall, famously referred to the Ryan plan as “right wing social engineering,” and Romney, in a post on his Web site, has revived this Newt quote, and is suggesting he’d sign it into law as president, in order to portray himself as the only true conservative in the race.

Christmas comes early for the Democrats!

Mitt Romney fully embraces Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

First question everyone should be asking themselves upon hearing this news?

How long before Romney tries to flip-flop out from under this one?
Any good politician knows that Medicare is pretty much untouchable at this point and time... and no... it's not sustainable while we are fighting a war and keeping the damned Bush tax cuts around.
Any good politician knows that Medicare is pretty much untouchable at this point and time... and no... it's not sustainable while we are fighting a war and keeping the damned Bush tax cuts around.

It was designed to be unsustainable. And it's not untouchable in the least. Perpetuating a lie makes you enslaved to a lie.
How come it doesn't matter to the pub/bags that Ryan's "plan" is unworkable and will require raising the debt ceiling?
Leaving people to die, or spend every last dime trying to get Health Care is a reasonable option? Most retirees don't have the damned money to spend on private health insurance. You have to know this.
Leaving people to die, or spend every last dime trying to get Health Care is a reasonable option? Most retirees don't have the damned money to spend on private health insurance. You have to know this.

People have survived thousands of years without government assistance. they will continue to do so even if we reform or abolished the current system.
Any good politician knows that Medicare is pretty much untouchable at this point and time... and no... it's not sustainable while we are fighting a war and keeping the damned Bush tax cuts around.

Hopefully by year 6 in Obama's second term, this will all be a thing of the past. We will see.
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Any good politician knows that Medicare is pretty much untouchable at this point and time... and no... it's not sustainable while we are fighting a war and keeping the damned Bush tax cuts around.

It was designed to be unsustainable. And it's not untouchable in the least. Perpetuating a lie makes you enslaved to a lie.

Medicare is NOT FREE.
Didn't Newt endorse the Ryan plan, after first criticizing it?
It's not going to be the GOP's year.
Any good politician knows that Medicare is pretty much untouchable at this point and time... and no... it's not sustainable while we are fighting a war and keeping the damned Bush tax cuts around.

It was designed to be unsustainable. And it's not untouchable in the least. Perpetuating a lie makes you enslaved to a lie.

Medicare is NOT FREE.

No it's not. If it was, we wouldn't have a problem financing it would we?
Leaving people to die, or spend every last dime trying to get Health Care is a reasonable option? Most retirees don't have the damned money to spend on private health insurance. You have to know this.

People have survived thousands of years without government assistance. they will continue to do so even if we reform or abolished the current system.

Yeah... too bad doctors don't accept chickens anymore as payment... How fuckin' dishonest of you.
Leaving people to die, or spend every last dime trying to get Health Care is a reasonable option? Most retirees don't have the damned money to spend on private health insurance. You have to know this.

People have survived thousands of years without government assistance. they will continue to do so even if we reform or abolished the current system.

Yeah... too bad doctors don't accept chickens anymore as payment... How fuckin' dishonest of you.

Silly be. Speaking the truth is dishonest nowdays.

Meanwhile promising people to pay for them when you have no money is totally honest in your world.
There's only "no money" because we aren't making it a priority. We'd rather pander to Pharmaceutical companies, Med/tech companies, for profit hospitals and the like... not to mention the ever-present Military Industrial Complex.

But we can't fuck with Big money can we... only the little guy is allowed to be fucked with.
There's only "no money" because we aren't making it a priority. We'd rather pander to Pharmaceutical companies, Med/tech companies, for profit hospitals and the like... not to mention the ever-present Military Industrial Complex.

But we can't fuck with Big money can we... only the little guy is allowed to be fucked with.

That isnt at all why we have no money. We have no money because of corruption. And because the system was never designed to be indefinite.
Romney endorses Ryan plan for ending Medicare

Now, Ryan's done a major-league....​

(We should soon hear the thundering-herd o' Teabaggers, running closely-behind-him.)

"I reject her philosophy,” Ryan says firmly. “It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview. If somebody is going to try to paste a person’s view on epistemology to me, then give me Thomas Aquinas,” who believed that man needs divine help in the pursuit of knowledge. “Don’t give me Ayn Rand he says."


"Despite Ryan’s newly-professed distaste for Rand, were she alive today, she would likely applaud Ryan for his draconian GOP budget, which cuts food stamps and other programs for the poor, ends Medicare as we know it, gives $3 trillion in tax breaks for corporations and the rich, and raises taxes on the poorest Americans."


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