Romney Demonstrates Dearth Of Charm and Foreign Policy Expertiese All At Once!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone notices that Republican Governor Romney: Is not a Jackie Kennedy type of international star after all(?)! He's not even nominated yet, and already the English are making him "walk-back" his remarks about the London Olympics.

The GOP-friendly press has even commented, Wall Street Journal.

U.K. Leaders Defend Games After Romney Comments - Washington Wire - WSJ

Like the Ivy League, the Wall Street Journal thinks that hoarding among the rich is not only normal, but is even acceptable, as policy. When Reagan took what deficit there was, and spread it around among the engineers and profiteers: Even the liberal U. S. Press Corps called the whole thing, "A Revolution." Mostly, the new victims were low income Blacks and Hispanics, not yet 30. Mostly, it was a "Revolution" of the arrest of the usual suspects.

Now the Romney brand even has the English, ready to have a "Revolution," back(?), just possibly, understanding the new "Tea Party(?)!"

In contrast to the Romney, inept, out-of-touch brand: Even Barack Obama can comment on behalf of the United States: That actually he is the fellow who accompanies Michele on any European tour they make!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even "Jimmy" Crow(?), the near-crow, might want to ask just how many athletes, at the London Games, have been declared ineligible to participate--on behalf of Mitt!)
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The whole business of asking him about the readiness of the Olympics was a set up. First, Romney was told about the problems with not enough security people and that immigration officials were on strike. Then, oddly, he is asked about their preparedness, which is not a typical question for a visitor.

There are some serious concerns and it should be okay to talk about it since that is what's being discussed in Britain. It's not a secret that they have some issues to resolve before the Olympics.

Lack of charm and respect is when a president gives back the Churchill bust or gives a tacky gift of DVDs in the wrong format.
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Lack of Diplomacy and Public Relations: Is So Far Now Demonstrated as a part of the Romney Brand!

In the link:

“Mitt Romney is perhaps the only politician who could start a trip that was supposed to be a charm offensive by being utterly devoid of charm and mildly offensive,” a columnist for the U.K.’s Telegraph newspaper wrote. “His derisory comments questioning Britain’s preparedness for the Olympics in an interview with NBC were a strange way to build bridges with a country that he says should be restored as the umbilical ally of the United States, and a strange way to demonstrate the persuasive qualities needed as leader of the free world.”

". . . .Mr. Cameron added: “We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere,” Mr. Cameron said. Some members of the British press interpreted that comment as a veiled retort to Mr. Romney, who organized the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City."

Republicans tend to look fondly on the "Middle of NoWhere," ever since Ronald Reagan got a ride on the Twenty Mule Team, on TV. Borax is mined at Trona, CA, near to Death Valley: Otherwise itself not regarded a major, urban Olympiad Location.

The Communists did better, anyone notices, in the major urban center, Beijing.

The "Reagan Revolution" is otherwise notable for the creation of now famous gangland, Rap Music!

The Party of Abraham Lincoln is notably so "caring" about this particular sector of the species.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Making sure that Jesse Owens "Types," don't show up, again--to offend(?)!)
Republicans don't give a shit about diplomacy anyway, If the British think Republicans are obnoxious and insular then it must be their problem.
The Democratic Party is famously, heading down South for a National Convention. They will be highlighting the impact of hi-tech industry, even in the less urban environments.

Then there is what the Republicans are likely to encounter in Tampa Bay!

And it makes the news!

Why Political Conventions Still Matter - Peter Fenn (

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sending the famous Republican, "undisclosed location," to even newer depths, this year!)

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