Romney Contributed $10,000 to Radical Gay Group In 2004


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Romney Contributed $10,000 to Radical Gay Group In 2004
Right Wing News ^ | 1-31-2012 | Steve Baldwin

Romney Contributed $10,000 to Radical Gay Group In 2004 | Right Wing News
Over the last few weeks or so, various elements of the mainstream media have reported that, aside from gay marriage, Romney continues to support much of the gay agenda. He does not talk about his positions on gay issues but if questioned, he invariably comes down on the liberal side. Indeed, Romney has come out in support of allowing gays to serve openly in the military, “anti-discrimination” laws, domestic partnerships and gay adoption rights. Of course, all of these positions come at the expense of the constitutional rights of others, military morale, and what’s best for children, but Romney does not appear to care, yet he continues to portray himself as a social conservative.
For those familiar with Romney’s gubernatorial record, these stances are not shocking. He has always been a strong advocate for the homosexual agenda but many conservative groups, writers, and even talk show hosts have declined to write or talk about it for reasons that are mystifying. Indeed, Massachusetts pro-family leader Amy Contrada has written a 1,000-page book – Mitt Romney’s Deception –documenting in incredible detail the hundreds of actions and policies pursued by Governor Romney in support of the homosexual agenda. The book is a plethora of shocking information yet very few conservative writers will review the book.

Contrada’s book makes clear beyond any doubt that Romney initiated what was perhaps the most aggressive effort in American history to advance gay rights. He appointed gay judges, issued gay proclamations, gave a “parents of the year” award to a gay couple, funded gay school programs, promoted gay pride parades, gay proms, and much more. Additionally, Governor Romney aggressively and unilaterally implemented the Goodridge gay marriage decision even though the court never ordered him to do so. Moreover, he personally issued special “one-day” permits for 189 same sex couples to marry. So much for opposing gay marriage “at every opportunity” as his campaign claims he did.

Anyone believeing that marriage should be between a Man and A Woman shouldn't ever vote for Romney! Any social conserative that doesn't believes gay behavior should be within our schools, streets, ect should fight against Romney!!! This is a fight within the republican party to see how serious are we on this issue. If you believe in conserative idea's vote Gingrich!!!
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It must be true! Someone wrote a book.... and we all know that people never lie in books. Except when they do.

FYI: I support equal rights for gays. I'm also not a racist - which Matthew is. I wouldn't support any candidate that attracts racists and homophobes
Romney Contributed $10,000 to Radical Gay Group In 2004
Right Wing News ^ | 1-31-2012 | Steve Baldwin

Romney Contributed $10,000 to Radical Gay Group In 2004 | Right Wing News
Over the last few weeks or so, various elements of the mainstream media have reported that, aside from gay marriage, Romney continues to support much of the gay agenda. He does not talk about his positions on gay issues but if questioned, he invariably comes down on the liberal side. Indeed, Romney has come out in support of allowing gays to serve openly in the military, “anti-discrimination” laws, domestic partnerships and gay adoption rights. Of course, all of these positions come at the expense of the constitutional rights of others, military morale, and what’s best for children, but Romney does not appear to care, yet he continues to portray himself as a social conservative.
For those familiar with Romney’s gubernatorial record, these stances are not shocking. He has always been a strong advocate for the homosexual agenda but many conservative groups, writers, and even talk show hosts have declined to write or talk about it for reasons that are mystifying. Indeed, Massachusetts pro-family leader Amy Contrada has written a 1,000-page book – Mitt Romney’s Deception –documenting in incredible detail the hundreds of actions and policies pursued by Governor Romney in support of the homosexual agenda. The book is a plethora of shocking information yet very few conservative writers will review the book.

Contrada’s book makes clear beyond any doubt that Romney initiated what was perhaps the most aggressive effort in American history to advance gay rights. He appointed gay judges, issued gay proclamations, gave a “parents of the year” award to a gay couple, funded gay school programs, promoted gay pride parades, gay proms, and much more. Additionally, Governor Romney aggressively and unilaterally implemented the Goodridge gay marriage decision even though the court never ordered him to do so. Moreover, he personally issued special “one-day” permits for 189 same sex couples to marry. So much for opposing gay marriage “at every opportunity” as his campaign claims he did.

Anyone believeing that marriage should be between a Man and A Woman shouldn't ever vote for Romney! Any social conserative that doesn't believes gay behavior should be within our schools, streets, ect should fight against Romney!!! This is a fight within the republican party to see how serious are we on this issue. If you believe in conserative idea's vote Gingrich!!!

If you believe in conserative idea's vote Gingrich!!!

I dont believe in liberal superficial polarizations,americans are americans,but alternative lifestyles shouldnt be categorized the same as a traditional family. Scientific and moral reasons voth to support my argument.opposing genders are a balance of nature.for starters..
And there simply has to be a line drawn of whats right and wrong,alternative lifestyles are what they are,alternative,not the rule..and i have extremely strong convictions on this....
So what's "radical" about this gay group? Are they planning to overthrow the government and have non-gay guys go to special schools to learn to be interior decorators?
What does this topic have to do with the REAL problems facing this country? Gay marriage and gay rights don't even make the "Top 100" of things that we should be worrying about.

How about unemployment? Runaway government spending? Bankrupt state and local governments? Bank closings? Looming hyper-inflation? The upcoming U.S. stock market collapse? The devaluation of the U.S. dollar? The collapse of the Euro? The crumbling of our infrastructure? The myth of government-initiated "job creation"? The list goes on and on and on.

Who gives a shit about whether a politician supports. or doesn't support, gay "rights"?

Marriage is a fundamental building block of society. The real problems facing this country stem from the real problems facing American families.
Marriage is a fundamental building block of society. The real problems facing this country stem from the real problems facing American families.

Indeed. Rick Santorum has been addressing this through his camapign and sadly most people don't seem to care about it...with most focus on the economy (understandibly), but the issues of family do speak to the real root of what's going on. If there are no strong family unit in this's all down hill and the issue of the economy is acedemic.
Ah, that bastion of fine non partisan journalism, the Right Wing News..

Yah know, there's something in its masthead that gives the impression it's a less than objective publication....but I'm not sure what it is...hhhmmmmm
Marriage is a fundamental building block of society. The real problems facing this country stem from the real problems facing American families.

Indeed. Rick Santorum has been addressing this through his camapign and sadly most people don't seem to care about it...with most focus on the economy (understandibly), but the issues of family do speak to the real root of what's going on. If there are no strong family unit in this's all down hill and the issue of the economy is acedemic.

What exactly is a "family unit"? Are you talking about a "traditional", dad, 2.3 kids, white picket fence, etc.?

What happens to the "family unit" when dad loses his job, mom has to go to work at a minimum wage job, the family loses their home via foreclosure, etc., etc, etc.?

How many "family units" have been dissolved (via divorce, suicide, murder, etc.) due to the stresses of unemployment, overspending, etc.?

Fix the economy, and the many of the "family units" will also be fixed.

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