Romney campaign spells 'America' wrong in new iPhone app


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Romney campaign spells 'America' wrong in new iPhone app | Fox News
Could Mitt Romney actually be running for president of "Amercia?"

Twitter went wild Tuesday night when it was discovered that the Romney campaign had misspelled the word "America" on its new iPhone app that launched only hours earlier.
But after the "Amercia" gaffe was discovered, Twitter users took great glee in imagining what "Amercia" stood for and what policies Romney had planned for the nation, such as "Amercia-n exceptionalism."

"Whew, I hear Mitt's updating that misspelled Amercia on his app. He's just going with Untied States now," read one tweet.

"Does Mitt Romney believe that Obama was born in Keyna," another asked.

Another tweeted, "AMERCIA TEH BUETIFLU."

They would take this as an UnAmerican activity if it were the Obama admin that did it
For Pete's sake. There's enough real crap to batter Romney with than picking on some staffer who didn't error-check enough.

chillax, dude. It was a simple mistake in editing, and I thought it was funny enough to post. Am an equal opportunity 'make fun of'-er ;)

Please. we dont point out when Romney makes mistakes. We are just partisan hacks [/sarcasm]

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