Romney Campaign Bus Being Used For Hurricane Relief Efforts

you will not, you see the R and become rabid.

You are wrong there, but I do not think he will exceed my expectations, in a week he will be criticizing Obama for dragging his feet while congress does everything in it's power to sabotage the relief efforts. If they do otherwise and refuse to use this as political attack on the president I will gladly admit being pleasantly surprised in any way you find satisfactory.

sabatoge relief efforts, wtf are you talking about? oh mean not spend as much money as you would? It's really not difficult to see how a liberal thinks.....when a R is in power...just bitch they didnt spend enough....

The pattern so far has been to attempt to hold immediate help hostage for empty spending cuts, are you actually telling all present that you approve of these tactics? Does all help from republicans have to be so callous and conditional?

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