Romney affends poor people? Absolutely not.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney said he was concerned about the middle class, the new poor and not the long standing poor, who are the elderly, disabled and poor for other reason than the economy who have a safety net and he was absolutely right. If the middle class is not working they will not provide any revenue that provides for the long standing poor. But the also said in the same sentence that is there are hole in provision for the poor he will fix them. The poor have medical care, housing subsidies, food stamps and welfare or SSI monetary grants. Included in this is the elderly and disabled. They don’t work, don’t have credit cards and paying mortgages. They would not have these if not for working middle class. And the went on to say he does not have to worry about the rich.
He was absolutely right and even his own tried to twist his words and take them out of context. It is not Obama who is pitting republicans against republicans it is other republicans.
Again the poor Romney was talking about was the new poor, the middle class who are the working class that is unemployed and losing their healthcare and their homes and don’t have a safety net.
Nanny state was create by Bush and just another name for Radical Right Wing Extremists screw up.
Obama is not the one beating up on republican candidates, republicans eating their own are doing a great job themselves.
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Romney say her are safety nets for the poor and if there are holes in in them he will fix them. So Romney believe the poor, disabled and elderly should be taken care of. Most of the seniors and the new poor, middle class have already contributed to the system and we owe them.
Mormons are well know for the warehouse of contributions for those in need. No matter what the need is. It is Mormon’s believe to take care of the poor. That kind of make him more of a Christian than the radical right winger bible toting Christians.

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