Rommney will be the GOP nominee - deal with it


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Instead of undermining him - the Repub and independents should be uniting to get obama out of office in 2012
Instead of undermining him - the Repub and independents should be uniting to get obama out of office in 2012

Better learn to spell his name right if you're going to vote for him, don't you think???
My dog has a better chance of beating Obama then Romney. Seriously.

Even with 9% official unemployment (actualy more like 15%) - the most prolonged/ worst economy since THE GREAT DEPRESSION????????????????????????
My dog has a better chance of beating Obama then Romney. Seriously.

Even with 9% official unemployment (actualy more like 15%) - the most prolonged/ worst economy since THE GREAT DEPRESSION????????????????????????

Well, that's what happens when 48 percent of your nation are made up of welfare takers and non-income tax payers. They become Obama voters and it becomes harder and harder for republicans that want to cut to win. hell, the dog would be considered cute and get votes for that alone.
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Mitt Romney is just the best of the worst. He'll likely be the nominee but he isn't going anywhere after that.
My dog has a better chance of beating Obama then Romney. Seriously.

Even with 9% official unemployment (actualy more like 15%) - the most prolonged/ worst economy since THE GREAT DEPRESSION????????????????????????

If your argument is that ANYONE can beat Obama with 9% unemployment, then why should conservatives and Republicans settle for a RINO who makes John McCain look like a rock-ribbed stalwart?

Romney will be a horrible candidate for the following reason-

1) About 22% of the country will never vote for a Mormon, including about 20% of Republicans.

2) The fact he invented ObamaCare, takes that issue off the table for the election.

3) Romney isn't likeable. He's lost 3 out of the 4 elections he's been in.

4) His sleazy slash and burn business practices have put hundreds of working people out of jobs. Not a good guy to run when public opinion is starting to turn its ire on Wall Street.

5) His race-baiting on immigration in this nomination fight will drive hispanics to the Democratic side.

In short, Romney will lose to Obama by a bigger margin than McCain did.
That is the THIRD time in two days that a nutter on here has said they would vote for Obama rether than a particular GOP nominee. I find that to be very interesting. They could, obviously, write in anyone they choose......thereby not providing direct support for Obama. If these people really thought that Obama was so friggin' awful and bad for the country......that is what they would do. That they are even considering casting a ballot in favor of the man is, to me, further indication that he'll be re-elected.

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