Romania’s 20-Year Nightmare: Unraveling Socialized Health Care


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Say No To Socialism » Romania’s 20-Year Nightmare: Unraveling Socialized Health Care

In my other life in Communist Romania, I managed a large intelligence organization that, among other tasks, was charged with keeping alive a nationalized health care system which in the end bankrupted the country and generated popular contempt. That system, very similar to the Affordable Health Care for America Act, was a bureaucratic nightmare. And it still is a nightmare in the former Soviet empire.

A European Union report on post-Communist Romania’s “Health Care System in Transition” stated that this system “devastated the country,” whose infant mortality rate (20.2 per 1,000) was among the highest in Europe and whose death rate was 70% higher that the EU average. The world’s leading general medical journal, The Lancet, reported that even twenty years after the Soviet Union collapsed, “life expectancy at birth is 66 years for Russians; 16 years less than for people in Japan and 14 less than the European Union average.”[ii]
Dumb fuck, we are not Romania. The health care systems of Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and even little Costa Rica have results in longevity and infant mortality that are much better than the results we get in our nation. In fact, by the CIA world book data, even Cuba does better than we do.
Dumb fuck, we are not Romania. The health care systems of Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and even little Costa Rica have results in longevity and infant mortality that are much better than the results we get in our nation. In fact, by the CIA world book data, even Cuba does better than we do.

You're comparing apples and oranges, dipshit. we will be Romania after Obamacare is fully implemented.

If you believe Cuba has a good healthcare system, then you are a special kind of stupid, right up there with Michael Moore.
Dumb fuck, we are not Romania. The health care systems of Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and even little Costa Rica have results in longevity and infant mortality that are much better than the results we get in our nation. In fact, by the CIA world book data, even Cuba does better than we do.

You're comparing apples and oranges, dipshit. we will be Romania after Obamacare is fully implemented.

If you believe Cuba has a good healthcare system, then you are a special kind of stupid, right up there with Michael Moore.

Romania is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, if you give a bureaucrat money their he’ll put it in his pocket. Greece has the same problem with corruption. Red illustrates highly corrupt nations.

Immigrants from any Eastern European country say we're crazy to try it Democrat way, they've seen how badly it fails 100% of the time
Dumb fuck, we are not Romania. The health care systems of Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and even little Costa Rica have results in longevity and infant mortality that are much better than the results we get in our nation. In fact, by the CIA world book data, even Cuba does better than we do.

So what country did Ted Kennedy pick for his healthcare? Cuba? Costa Rica?

[ame=]Russian immigrant goes toe to toe with socialist OWS - YouTube[/ame]
Listening to crap like that, no wonder you're so uninformed.


That's the best counterpoint you have?

Credability, sir, demands you produce evidence of one immigrant to the USA from a country with socialized medicine who critisizes the US health program.


I won't hold my breath.

That's the best counterpoint you have?

Credability, sir, demands you produce evidence of one immigrant to the USA from a country with socialized medicine who critisizes the US health program.


I won't hold my breath.

Credibility disappeared as soon as ACA was compared to Soviet bloc health care.
Dumb fuck, we are not Romania. The health care systems of Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and even little Costa Rica have results in longevity and infant mortality that are much better than the results we get in our nation. In fact, by the CIA world book data, even Cuba does better than we do.

So what country did Ted Kennedy pick for his healthcare? Cuba? Costa Rica?

Say No To Socialism » Romania’s 20-Year Nightmare: Unraveling Socialized Health Care

In my other life in Communist Romania, I managed a large intelligence organization that, among other tasks, was charged with keeping alive a nationalized health care system which in the end bankrupted the country and generated popular contempt. That system, very similar to the Affordable Health Care for America Act, was a bureaucratic nightmare. And it still is a nightmare in the former Soviet empire.

A European Union report on post-Communist Romania’s “Health Care System in Transition” stated that this system “devastated the country,” whose infant mortality rate (20.2 per 1,000) was among the highest in Europe and whose death rate was 70% higher that the EU average. The world’s leading general medical journal, The Lancet, reported that even twenty years after the Soviet Union collapsed, “life expectancy at birth is 66 years for Russians; 16 years less than for people in Japan and 14 less than the European Union average.”[ii]

That is fascinating and I'd sure like to hear more about your life.
You are spot on with your analysis. National HC is a proven disaster everywhere it's been tried.
Say No To Socialism » Romania’s 20-Year Nightmare: Unraveling Socialized Health Care

In my other life in Communist Romania, I managed a large intelligence organization that, among other tasks, was charged with keeping alive a nationalized health care system which in the end bankrupted the country and generated popular contempt. That system, very similar to the Affordable Health Care for America Act, was a bureaucratic nightmare. And it still is a nightmare in the former Soviet empire.

A European Union report on post-Communist Romania’s “Health Care System in Transition” stated that this system “devastated the country,” whose infant mortality rate (20.2 per 1,000) was among the highest in Europe and whose death rate was 70% higher that the EU average. The world’s leading general medical journal, The Lancet, reported that even twenty years after the Soviet Union collapsed, “life expectancy at birth is 66 years for Russians; 16 years less than for people in Japan and 14 less than the European Union average.”[ii]

That is fascinating and I'd sure like to hear more about your life.
You are spot on with your analysis. National HC is a proven disaster everywhere it's been tried.

That's why the US is #37?
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Say No To Socialism » Romania’s 20-Year Nightmare: Unraveling Socialized Health Care

In my other life in Communist Romania, I managed a large intelligence organization that, among other tasks, was charged with keeping alive a nationalized health care system which in the end bankrupted the country and generated popular contempt. That system, very similar to the Affordable Health Care for America Act, was a bureaucratic nightmare. And it still is a nightmare in the former Soviet empire.

A European Union report on post-Communist Romania’s “Health Care System in Transition” stated that this system “devastated the country,” whose infant mortality rate (20.2 per 1,000) was among the highest in Europe and whose death rate was 70% higher that the EU average. The world’s leading general medical journal, The Lancet, reported that even twenty years after the Soviet Union collapsed, “life expectancy at birth is 66 years for Russians; 16 years less than for people in Japan and 14 less than the European Union average.”[ii]

That is fascinating and I'd sure like to hear more about your life.
You are spot on with your analysis. National HC is a proven disaster everywhere it's been tried.

That's why the US is #37?


Sounds OK to fact it may be a tad high....perhaps we should aim at #50.


As long as illegal immigrants can receive emergency room care, I'm good.
Dumb fuck, we are not Romania. The health care systems of Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and even little Costa Rica have results in longevity and infant mortality that are much better than the results we get in our nation. In fact, by the CIA world book data, even Cuba does better than we do.

You're comparing apples and oranges, dipshit. we will be Romania after Obamacare is fully implemented.

If you believe Cuba has a good healthcare system, then you are a special kind of stupid, right up there with Michael Moore.
I see you've never been to Cuba. That doesn't surprise me since travelling wherever you want is against the law in the land of flag waving FreeDumb.

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