Role Model or Parole Model?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I recall reading about the importance of having black teachers so that students will mirror the behavior of same, somewhat along these lines: "They need to see black role models. They need to see some black professionals," said Jackson, 27, a teacher at Fort Couch Middle School. "They need to get rid of stereotypes of minorities as being in gangs or mainly playing sports."
A Question of Quality: Minority teachers are a missing ingredient

2. “IRVINGTON — Five Irvington High School students suspected of beating a math teacher have been expelled, district officials said. According to police accounts: A 15-year-old boy entered Muideen Oladoja’s eighth-period classroom and started knocking items off the teacher’s desk. Oladoja got the boy out and locked the classroom, but another student let him back in. The boy then approached Oladoja and punched him once in the face. A subsequent altercation spilled into the hallway, and four other students started punching and kicking Oladoja. Much of the attack was captured by school security cameras, police and Inman said. Those images formed part of the evidence against the students. ” Five Irvington High School students accused of beating math teacher are expelled |

3. Now, if there is an orthodoxy among the educrats that subscribe to item #1 above, and I certainly agree with the expulsions in item #2, then how to comprehend this, also from the article:

“Despite their expulsions, the students are still the district’s responsibility.”

These student will be back in school…either this one or another in the district. Where is the consistency, i.e., providing models of one sort or another?
Students who provide the kind of standard of infamy should be removed from situations where they can influence other students…for the same reasons that minority paragons are supported.

Are we serious about education??

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