ROFLMAO Carly Fiorina: My Medieval History Degree Will Help Defeat ISIS

Three Terrifying Instruments Of Torture At The Tower Of London

If Carly Fiorina really wanted to fight ISIS and kill it she would volunteer to lead it. Meanwhile, I am going to invest heavily in ACME broadsword and trebuchet company, Beep Beep.

"For over three decades, Carly Fiorina’s bachelor’s degree from Stanford University in medieval history and philosophy has had little real-world application.

But as she mounts a presidential bid, the Republican candidate says her degree is finally of use as she considers how she would deal with ISIS as commander-in-chief.

“Finally my degree in medieval history and philosophy has come in handy,” Fiorina said Sunday night, “because what ISIS wants to do is drive us back to the Middle Ages, literally.”
She is ya fucking idiot,commander and chief,leads the military.
You must be trying to out stupid R Dean,and that Guno knot head.

A carnaptious, taradiddle from a quisquilious source. Chickenwing remains as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.
Fiorina has bigger balls than all the other candidates put together, I give her that. She's a hammer, and every problem is a nail.

That's how she came across in the last debate, and it raised her poll numbers, which says a lot about the mood out there.

It's a sad truth that much of the Islamic world is about four centuries behind the developed world when it comes to separation of Church and State and some basic human rights.

That doesn't mean it will take them four centuries to catch up, but it will take a lot of bloodshed. And that blood should not be ours, Carly.

She's got a lot bigger problem now. She doesn't pay her bills, either. Or at least she doesn't until it's time to declare her run for POTUS.

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