ROFL! Obama Touts "Green Energy" in SOTU. Another Green Energy Co goes Bankrupt!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
After months of financial turmoil, an Energy Department-backed lithium ion battery company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

The company, Ener1, received a $118 million grant from DOE in 2010 as part of the president’s stimulus package. The money, which went to Ener1 subsidiary EnerDel, aimed to promote renewable energy storage battery technology for electrical grid use.

But despite generous federal support for the company, Ener1 was racked by problems last year. In October, NASDAQ delisted the company due to non-compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission filing requirements. A month later, the company’s president, chief executive, and top financial officer were fired.

Another Stimulus-Backed Energy Company Files for Bankruptcy

How's that HOPE AND CHANGE working for ya libs? Obama devoted a big part of his SOTU speech to "Green Energy," despite the fact they are all falling into financial ruin.

You know why? BECAUSE HE HASN'T ANY OTHER IDEAS! He shot the whole wad and it all FAILED MISERABLY.

So, in typical liberal fashion what does he do when everything fails?

Why, OF COURSE. Just double down on the whole mess and insist this time it will work.

That's what liberals always do and what Obama will triple down on if God has decided he's given up on us and Obama is elected again.

November's coming libs. You can't keep these failures out of the news.

After months of financial turmoil, an Energy Department-backed lithium ion battery company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

The company, Ener1, received a $118 million grant from DOE in 2010 as part of the president’s stimulus package. The money, which went to Ener1 subsidiary EnerDel, aimed to promote renewable energy storage battery technology for electrical grid use.

But despite generous federal support for the company, Ener1 was racked by problems last year. In October, NASDAQ delisted the company due to non-compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission filing requirements. A month later, the company’s president, chief executive, and top financial officer were fired.

Another Stimulus-Backed Energy Company Files for Bankruptcy

How's that HOPE AND CHANGE working for ya libs? Obama devoted a big part of his SOTU speech to "Green Energy," despite the fact they are all falling into financial ruin.

You know why? BECAUSE HE HASN'T ANY OTHER IDEAS! He shot the whole wad and it all FAILED MISERABLY.

So, in typical liberal fashion what does he do when everything fails?

Why, OF COURSE. Just double down on the whole mess and insist this time it will work.

That's what liberals always do and what Obama will triple down on if God has decided he's given up on us and Obama is elected again.

November's coming libs. You can't keep these failures out of the news.

No they can't hide it any longer...but will poo-poo the notion and claim not enough was given to them in taxpayer funds...(and why the O wants more stimulus)...

The Myth of Green Energy Jobs: The European Experience

With $2.3 billion in Recovery Act tax credits allocated for green manufacturers, President Barack Obama and other Democratic politicians have high hopes for green technology. But their expectations clash with both economic theory and practical experience in Europe. Green programs in Spain destroyed 2.2 jobs for every green job created, while the capital needed for one green job in Italy could create almost five jobs in the general economy. Wind and solar power have raised household energy prices by 7.5 percent in Germany, and Denmark has the highest electricity prices in the European Union. Central planners in the United States trying to promote green industry will fare no better at creating jobs or stimulating the economy.
Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?
After months of financial turmoil, an Energy Department-backed lithium ion battery company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

The company, Ener1, received a $118 million grant from DOE in 2010 as part of the president’s stimulus package. The money, which went to Ener1 subsidiary EnerDel, aimed to promote renewable energy storage battery technology for electrical grid use.

But despite generous federal support for the company, Ener1 was racked by problems last year. In October, NASDAQ delisted the company due to non-compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission filing requirements. A month later, the company’s president, chief executive, and top financial officer were fired.

Another Stimulus-Backed Energy Company Files for Bankruptcy

How's that HOPE AND CHANGE working for ya libs? Obama devoted a big part of his SOTU speech to "Green Energy," despite the fact they are all falling into financial ruin.

You know why? BECAUSE HE HASN'T ANY OTHER IDEAS! He shot the whole wad and it all FAILED MISERABLY.

So, in typical liberal fashion what does he do when everything fails?

Why, OF COURSE. Just double down on the whole mess and insist this time it will work.

That's what liberals always do and what Obama will triple down on if God has decided he's given up on us and Obama is elected again.

November's coming libs. You can't keep these failures out of the news.

No they can't hide it any longer...but will poo-poo the notion and claim not enough was given to them in taxpayer funds...(and why the O wants more stimulus)...

The Myth of Green Energy Jobs: The European Experience

With $2.3 billion in Recovery Act tax credits allocated for green manufacturers, President Barack Obama and other Democratic politicians have high hopes for green technology. But their expectations clash with both economic theory and practical experience in Europe. Green programs in Spain destroyed 2.2 jobs for every green job created, while the capital needed for one green job in Italy could create almost five jobs in the general economy. Wind and solar power have raised household energy prices by 7.5 percent in Germany, and Denmark has the highest electricity prices in the European Union. Central planners in the United States trying to promote green industry will fare no better at creating jobs or stimulating the economy.

Which is what they always do.

Same thing they did with the stimulus.

They claimed the reason it failed is "because not enough was spent."

It doesn't matter how much was spent they would claim it wasn't enough.

Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?

No one is saying dont continue to develop.

Forcing the issue with non viable products is the ultimate in stupidity.
Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?

Okay, that's like saying we can't allow China to lead in communism.


How many companies have to go bankrupt before you libs see a failure?

Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?

No one is saying dont continue to develop.

Forcing the issue with non viable products is the ultimate in stupidity.
^THIS. It isn't viable, and won't be for the forseeable I asked in another thread herabouts? Where are superconductors when you need them?
Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?

Okay, that's like saying we can't allow China to lead in communism.


How many companies have to go bankrupt before you libs see a failure?

ALL of them?
Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?

No one is saying dont continue to develop.

Forcing the issue with non viable products is the ultimate in stupidity.

And the government can't make a failure work.

IF an energy is commericially viable, it will come to the market.

As much as liberals hate fossil fuels, they forget that is what saved the whales from being hunted to complete extinction.

It was a much more viable energy source than whale oil.

If there is a much better source of energy besides oil out there, it will be found. The government trying to force it with boondoggles that don't work and waste taxpayer funds, isn't going to make it work.
Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?

Okay, that's like saying we can't allow China to lead in communism.


How many companies have to go bankrupt before you libs see a failure?

ALL of them?

I doubt if all of them failed liberals would see the truth.

How many countries have failed at communism and YET there are leftists who claim it just hasn't been tried "with the right people in charge."

It doesn't matter the "right people" have never existed, they keep hoping.

Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?

No one is saying dont continue to develop.

Forcing the issue with non viable products is the ultimate in stupidity.

And the government can't make a failure work.

IF an energy is commericially viable, it will come to the market.

As much as liberals hate fossil fuels, they forget that is what saved the whales from being hunted to complete extinction.

It was a much more viable energy source than whale oil.

If there is a much better source of energy besides oil out there, it will be found. The government trying to force it with boondoggles that don't work and waste taxpayer funds, isn't going to make it work.
But they can MAKE it work with the full force and credit of the US

Did you know that NASA once owned the patents for modern wind turbines? Reagan sold them to make his oil buddies happy, how much of your opposition to alternative energy is based on oil company propaganda?
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Letting other countries lead in non fossil fuel energy tech would be the worst kind of negligence, why are republicans willing to allow China to end up on top when the world will be forced by shrinking supplies to find alternatives to burning fossil fuels? Are they just incapable of looking any further ahead than the next business quarter or political term?

So other countries have some magical technology they are'nt telling us about?
Because everywhere I have seen.... these 'magical technologies' tried... they fail miserably to beat out fossil fuels. They use a tremendous amount money to implement for a fraction of other technologies, with minimal results.
Meanwhile we are finding new ways to burn fossil fuels more efficiently and cleaner.

The greenie wiener bullshit is is killing us as a country. :evil:

If he cant do it one way.... he will find another way to kill America.

[ame=]Barack Obama Admits: Energy Prices Will Skyrocket Under Cap And Trade - YouTube[/ame]
Did you know tha NASA once owned the patents for modern wind turbines? Reagan sold them to make his oil buddies happy, how much of your opposition to alternative energy is based on oil company propaganda?
Well good. Taxpayers got something for what they invested...albiet Liberals (especially in Massechussetts) will tell you they don't want those unsightly things off thier coast...

Kennedy Defeats Cape Cod Wind Farm

The third green company hits the skids.

Drip, Drip, Drip: Yet Another Green Energy Stimulus Recipient Hits the Skids (the third this week!)

Earlier this week, Stimulus beneficiary Evergreen Energy bit the dust. Then, Ener1, a manufacturer of batteries for electric vehicles and recipient of Stimulus largesse, filed for bankruptcy. And today, the Las Vegas Sun reports that Amonix, Inc., a manufacturer of solar panels that received $5.9 million from the Porkulus, will cut two-thirds of its workforce, about 200 employees, only seven months after opening a factory in Nevada.

Okay, that's like saying we can't allow China to lead in communism.


How many companies have to go bankrupt before you libs see a failure?

ALL of them?

I doubt if all of them failed liberals would see the truth.

How many countries have failed at communism and YET there are leftists who claim it just hasn't been tried "with the right people in charge."

It doesn't matter the "right people" have never existed, they keep hoping.

Failures in history repeat continually...interesting that the left never seems to see it...but claim it hasn't been tried thier way.

Nuances, don't ya know?
Did you know tha NASA once owned the patents for modern wind turbines? Reagan sold them to make his oil buddies happy, how much of your opposition to alternative energy is based on oil company propaganda?


Wind turbines DON'T WORK. Did you hear Obama talk about it? "Oh, and this will bring energy to 30,000 homes!"

Goody! There are only 300 MILLION people in the country. Yeah, that will get us off fossil fuels.

I hate to break it to you but guess what those "wind turbines" run on when there isn't any wind?

They demand LOTS OF OIL

14000 Abandoned Wind Turbines In The USA « Tory Aardvark

You ever see those things spinning on a windless day? Guess how that happens, WITH ELECTRICITY. And Electricity is created with oil. It's done for one reason. COSMETICS. To make these things look as if they are working when they aren't.

Wind Power Scams

The Wind Farm Scam | FrontPage Magazine

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