Robert Reich: The Billionaires' Long Game


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
I keep hearing that the billionaires and big corporations that poured all that money into the 2012 election learned their lesson. They lost their shirts and won’t do it again.

Don’t believe that for an instant.

It’s true their political investments didn’t exactly pay off this time around.

“Right now there is stunned disbelief that Republicans fared so poorly after all the money they invested,” said Brent Bozell, president of For America, an Alexandria, Maryland-based nonprofit that advocates for Christian values in politics.

“Congrats to @KarlRove on blowing $400 million this cycle,” Donald Trump tweeted. “Every race @CrossroadsGPS ran ads in, the Republicans lost. What a waste of money.”

Rove’s two giant political funds—American Crossroads, a super PAC, and Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, a so-called nonprofit “social welfare organization” that doesn’t have to report its donors—backed Mitt Romney with $127 million spent on more than 82,000 television spots. Rove’s groups spent another $51 million on House and Senate races. Ten of the 12 Senate candidates they supported lost.

The return on investment for American Crossroads donors turned out to be just 1 percent, according to an analysis by the Sunlight Foundation, a Washington-based group that advocates for open government.

The Billionaires' Long Game
"Looking ahead, Adelson tells The Wall Street Journal he’s ready to double his 2012 investment next time around. 'I happen to be in a unique business where winning and losing is the basis of the entire business,' he says, 'so I don’t cry when I lose. There’s always a new hand coming up. ... I know in the long run we’re going to win.'

"Exactly. Adelson, Simmons, the Koch brothers, and other billionaires will keep pouring in as much money as it takes to eventually win—unless they’re stopped. And procurers like Karl Rove will make sure they’re at the gaming table."

The Billionaires' Long Game

In a free country, rich thugs like Sheldon Adelson would die a slow, painful death in prison.
Stop "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth and the rich stop winning.
Are you so completely naive that you don't realize that Billionaries invested in Barack Obama's reelection?
The richest 1% of US voters fund the campaigns of both major parties.
That's why I don't see any reason to "choose" between them when there are already existing third party alternatives appearing on most US ballots.
Are you so completely naive that you don't realize that Billionaries invested in Barack Obama's reelection?

Whose naive? The same billionaires who are saying go ahead and "Tax Me More"?

Those same billionaires who have publicly stated that they're not being taxed enough and say this isn't fair?

The same billionaires that didn't spend 100's of millions of dollars to buy the election for the President?

Those same billionaires who don't have nothing to do with financially supporting the Heritage Foundation or ALEC or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Only naive person is you to actually believe that most Obama supporters didn't know this.
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The actual long game of wingnut billionaires is to keep finding stooges like Rick Snyder and Scott Walker to run campaigns where they sound perfectly reasonable, get them elected, have them do their bidding, then give them cushy jobs with big paychecks after they are thrown out after one term.
The government overspends by $1 trillion annually but people spending $6 Billion of their own money threatens the pillar of Democracy

Liberals are either Liars or morons
The richest 1% of US voters fund the campaigns of both major parties.
That's why I don't see any reason to "choose" between them when there are already existing third party alternatives appearing on most US ballots.

which really don't equate to a bag of beans when it comes to the Presidential race, not with both parties having a strangle hold on our political landscape. With the billionaires being far more radioactive on our political process by far.

So to falsely equate both as the same is a big mistake, while one side is clearly seeking total dominance over one party, with Republicans willing to let US go off the fiscal cliff to protect their tax break.

Who do you think was behind the intimidation of the Republican Governor and State politicians to fast track that bill in Michigan, yesterday? The Koch Brothers and other billionaire families in that State.
The actual long game of wingnut billionaires is to keep finding stooges like Rick Snyder and Scott Walker to run campaigns where they sound perfectly reasonable, get them elected, have them do their bidding, then give them cushy jobs with big paychecks after they are thrown out after one term.
The richest 1% of US voters fund the campaigns of both major parties.
That's why I don't see any reason to "choose" between them when there are already existing third party alternatives appearing on most US ballots.

which really don't equate to a bag of beans when it comes to the Presidential race, not with both parties having a strangle hold on our political landscape. With the billionaires being far more radioactive on our political process by far.

So to falsely equate both as the same is a big mistake, while one side is clearly seeking total dominance over one party, with Republicans willing to let US go off the fiscal cliff to protect their tax break.

Who do you think was behind the intimidation of the Republican Governor and State politicians to fast track that bill in Michigan, yesterday? The Koch Brothers and other billionaire families in that State.
And when Obama "reforms" Social Security during his second term, Wall Street billionaires will cut him a billion dollar retirement plan.

Republicans AND Democrats have had a stranglehold on US politics since 1860.

It's long past time to FLUSH both parties from power along with all the billionaires.
Are you so completely naive that you don't realize that Billionaries invested in Barack Obama's reelection?

Whose naive? The same billionaires who are saying go ahead and "Tax Me More"?

Those same billionaires who have publicly stated that they're not being taxed enough and say this isn't fair?

The same billionaires that didn't spend 100's of millions of dollars to buy the election for the President?

Those same billionaires who don't have nothing to do with financially supporting the Heritage Foundation or ALEC or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Only naive person is you to actually believe that most Obama supporters didn't know this.

You realize that the evil rich ask for more taxes because they already have the wealth and they are trying to prevent poor and middle class people from becoming wealthy and challenging their power base, don't you?

If someone has a billion dollars. They don't have to earn money. Taxing the "rich" doesn't hurt them. It hurts the people who are poor and middle class trying to become rich. THAT does threaten them.
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Are you so completely naive that you don't realize that Billionaries invested in Barack Obama's reelection?

Whose naive? The same billionaires who are saying go ahead and "Tax Me More"?

Those same billionaires who have publicly stated that they're not being taxed enough and say this isn't fair?

The same billionaires that didn't spend 100's of millions of dollars to buy the election for the President?

Those same billionaires who don't have nothing to do with financially supporting the Heritage Foundation or ALEC or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Only naive person is you to actually believe that most Obama supporters didn't know this.

You realize that the evil rich ask for more taxes because they already have the wealth and they are trying to prevent poor and middle class people from becoming wealthy and challenging their power base, don't you?

If someone has a billion dollars. They don't have to earn money. Taxing the "rich" doesn't hurt them. It hurts the people who are poor and middle class trying to become rich. THAT does threaten them.
Why does ultra-rich dick taste so good to you?

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