RNC Fundraising Surpasses DNC – Again


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Now if the dunderheads at the RNC will only spend the money wisely to ensure a win in November.

According to The Washington Examiner, the RNC hit another record-breaking month by pulling in $14.2 million, making this the first month ever in history for the committee to receive that much money in a nonpresidential election year.

As of the end of June, the DNC has raised only $109 million, while the RNC has raised $227.2 — which means the DNC has raised less than half of what the RNC has pulled in.

Unlike the RNC, the DNC is experiencing cash problems. The committee suffered a major blow in Georgia when they lost a special election for a House seat last June — and that lost ultimately cost them $40 million.

The RNC on the other hand has $42 million on hand and has no debt.

More @ RNC fundraising surprasses DNC by… how much!?
Sheldon Adelson and Robert Mercer and the elitist who hate to pay taxes.

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