RNC Chairman defends "Magic Negro" song


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
(CNN) -- A candidate for the Republican National Committee chairmanship said Friday the CD he sent committee members for Christmas -- which included a song titled "Barack the Magic Negro" -- was clearly intended as a joke.

"I think most people recognize political satire when they see it," Tennessee Republican Chip Saltsman told CNN. "I think RNC members understand that."

The song, set to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon," was first played on conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh's radio show in 2007.

RNC chairman candidate defends 'Barack the Magic Negro' song - CNN.com
The term "Magic Negro" was coined by Liberal columnist David Ehrenstein of The L.A. Times:
Obama the 'Magic Negro' - Los Angeles Times

A parody of "Puff The Magic Dragon"
"Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.":


Rush Limbaughs' explanation of it:

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(CNN) -- A candidate for the Republican National Committee chairmanship said Friday the CD he sent committee members for Christmas -- which included a song titled "Barack the Magic Negro" -- was clearly intended as a joke.

"I think most people recognize political satire when they see it," Tennessee Republican Chip Saltsman told CNN. "I think RNC members understand that."

The song, set to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon," was first played on conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh's radio show in 2007.

RNC chairman candidate defends 'Barack the Magic Negro' song - CNN.com

There's nothing to defend... the song was written in reaction to a comment from the Radical leftist LA TIMES... which referred to Hussein, the currect Hesitant Elect of the US and a Negro himself; a Marxist ideologue who was born into and raised in the Muslim religion, as "The Magic Negro" It was hilarious and right on target... and otherwise brilliant political satire.
...which referred to Hussein, the current Hesitant Elect of the US and a Negro himself; a Marxist ideologue who was born into and raised in the Muslim religion, as "The Magic Negro" It was hilarious and right on target... and otherwise brilliant political satire.
Hesitant Elect! That's feckin' brilliant! It describes him perfectly.
Eh, I'm kinda split on this.

On the one hand, "magic negroes" are an established caricature type with examples as recent as Will Smith in The Legend of Bagger Vance and Morgan Freeman in about half his movies. The deification of Barack Obama by many of his followers, particularly young people getting involved in politics for their first time, is a worthy subject of parody and it's fair to say he has been placed by them into the "magic negro" territory of a seemingly mythical black man who will solve all of one's problems.

On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh and a great percentage of his followers are unrepentant racists and as such their use of racially charged, derogatory words should not be considered in the same way it would if it were used by someone with a legitimate satirical bent rather than a get-out-the-hate agenda.

Basically, I think equating Barack with the "magic negro" fictional character phenomenon is a fine subject of satire. The only reason it's problematic here is that the people doing it are not clever or funny and are instead petty assholes. But I don't think it's especially clear cut.
There's nothing to defend... the song was written in reaction to a comment from the Radical leftist LA TIMES... which referred to Hussein, the currect Hesitant Elect of the US and a Negro himself; a Marxist ideologue who was born into and raised in the Muslim religion, as "The Magic Negro" It was hilarious and right on target... and otherwise brilliant political satire.

Christ on a crutch.

The LA Times is not remotely a "Radical leftist" paper. It is a major corporate paper, if it has a slant it is for the status quo and quiet consent, like all mainstream news outlets.

Barack Obama (is there anyone else you refer to by middle name alone? Why the hell does the fact that his middle name is COINCIDENTALLY the same as a certain dictator matter at all? What are you, 5?) is not a "Negro" you backwards ignoramus. He's half Kenyan, a quarter Irish, a quarter English. No one is a "Negro".

Barack Obama is not a Muslim, he is a Christian. He was not "raised a Muslim," he attended a madrassa (which just means school) for four years in Indonesia, he also attended Catholic school there and a secular high school and college. His Muslim father was not a part of his upbringing. He was not religious until he found religion for himself as an adult:

"I was drawn to the power of the African American religious tradition to spur social change. In the history of these struggles, I was able to see faith as more than just a comfort to the weary or a hedge against death; rather, it was an active, palpable agent in the world. It was because of these newfound understandings–that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for economic and social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved–that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ one day and be baptized. It came about as a choice and not an epiphany; the questions I had did not magically disappear. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side of Chicago, I felt God's spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth."
-Barack Obama, Dreams From My Father

He is not a Marxist, he is a Capitalist. He does not want to disband all corporations and businesses and give the means of production to the people. Just because he is not a supporter of the least-regulated, most laissez-faire market in the modern history of the US like Bush II was does not put him in the same ballpark as Marxists. You clearly don't know what Marxism is and are completely without basic knowledge of its tenets, philosophy, and practice.

Get a library card and come back when you don't have the political, economic, and social understanding of a misled child.
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Eh, I'm kinda split on this.
LOL color me shocked... A centrist goin' both ways...

On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh and a great percentage of his followers are unrepentant racists

Absolute, total, comprehensive NONSENSE... either post a comment by Rush Limbaugh which indicates racism or retract this unadulterated LIE...

Basically, I think
False... there is no evidence on thisboard or anywhere else of you having ever engaged in 'thinking'... you're driven by emotion and limited to that by your shunted intellectual means.
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LOL color me shocked... A centrist goin' both ways...

I'm not a centrist at all, I just base my judgment on merit rather than political affiliation. And many things, like this, exist in gray. Equating the way some of his followers have considered Obama with the "magic negro" caricature is not in and of itself wrong, inappropriate, or racist. Done in the fashion this was however, it was all of those things.

Absolute, total, comprehensive NONSENSE... either post a comment by Rush Limbaugh which indicates racism or retract this unadulterated LIE...

A comment? How about seven comments:

--"I mean, let's face it, we didn't have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I'm not saying we should bring it back; I'm just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark."
--"You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed."
-- "Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"
-- "Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it."
-- "The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
-- "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back(to an African American female caller)."
-- "They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?"

An unrepentant racist. Now, let's see if you can be held to your own standards about your own absolute, comprehensive, total NONSENSE.

Either post an editorial comment by the LA Times inciting the proletariat to violently overthrow the heads of government and business and snatch the means of production for themselves or retract this unadulterated LIE.

Either post proof that Barack Obama is a Muslim or retract this unadulterated LIE.

Either post proof that Barack Obama is a Marxist or retract this unadulterated LIE.

Prove you're a hypocrite who can't be held to his own demands or prove you're right, up to you.
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If Obama can turn things around he will be the Magic Beige Guy.

Hussein is beige? ROFLMNAO... Sweet mother that is hilarious.

The guy is BLACK... Dark brown actually... and he is most definitely a NEEEGRO! Now as evidence of this I offer the conversation I overheard at the post office the other day... 'Dat boy BLACK! He black as hehhall... He ever BIT as black as my cousin and she da blackest person I ever saw...' the one young'ne said to the other... to which the second responded, 'sheeeit, I dont care what color that (racial epithet deleted) is, as long as he gets my momma her check, he's alright by me... his ass could be pale ass white with yeller eyes and as long as my chicken's on the table when I get home... he da man!' To which I thought to myself... 'huh... well at least they know who the next President is...' It should also be noted that neither one of those young lads were suffering from any recent deprivation of the aforementioned chicken... so we have to assume that they were also big Bush supporters... all things being equal.
Hussein is beige? ROFLMNAO... Sweet mother that is hilarious.

The guy is BLACK... Dark brown actually... and he is most definitely a NEEEGRO! Now as evidence of this I offer the conversation I overheard at the post office the other day... 'Dat boy BLACK! He black as hehhall... He ever BIT as black as my cousin and she da blackest person I ever saw...' the one young'ne said to the other... to which the second responded, 'sheeeit, I dont care what color that (racial epithet deleted) is, as long as he gets my momma her check, he's alright by me... his ass could be pale ass white with yeller eyes and as long as my chicken's on the table when I get home... he da man!' To which I thought to myself... 'huh... well at least they know who the next President is...' It should also be noted that neither one of those young lads were suffering from any recent deprivation of the aforementioned chicken... so we have to assume that they were also big Bush supporters... all things being equal.

It must kill you to not say the other N word for African Americans huh?
PubliusInfinitum said:
Absolute, total, comprehensive NONSENSE... either post a comment by Rush Limbaugh which indicates racism or retract this unadulterated LIE...

I'm not a centrist at all, I just base my judgment on merit rather than political affiliation. And many things, like this, exist in gray. Equating the way some of his followers have considered Obama with the "magic negro" caricature is not in and of itself wrong, inappropriate, or racist. Done in the fashion this was however, it was all of those things.

A comment? How about seven comments:

I mean, let's face it, we didn't have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I'm not saying we should bring it back; I'm just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark."

That's a fact... how it's potentially racist is known only to you and that is doubtful beyond measure...
--"You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed."
ROFLMNAO... CLEARLY A COMPLETE FABRICATION... dismissed out of hand until a viable source, with show date and transcript is provided... I'd say that at BEST it's one of the classic 'out of context' lies which are so often trotted out by these wingnuts...

"Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"

Yeah... I have... (See: above.)

"Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it."
-- So true... again where's the potential for racism here? Is it your contention that racism is evidenced by noting the existance of heavy set black guys wearing their colors?

"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."

Well that would help... I know if they would I'd attend myself... I think the best riots are the ones well planned... surely you can't disagree with that? Or do you just want to deny the whole blacks burning down their own neighborhood thing?

"Take that bone out of your nose and call me back(to an African American female caller)."

I actually heard that call and he was spot on... 'dat bitch whuh crazy... she crazy HEAYALL!'

"They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?"

Hands? Anyone care what percentage of the population 'they' are? Anyone? Anyone at all?

An unrepentant racist. Now, let's see if you can be held to your own standards about your own absolute, comprehensive, total NONSENSE.

Your an imbecile... making comments refering to ones race does not a racist make... particularly when those comments are taken out of context, stripped of their immitigated humorous intent... not to mention they're factual nature.

Either post an editorial comment by the LA Times inciting the proletariat to violently overthrow the heads of government and business and snatch the means of production for themselves or retract this unadulterated LIE.

Hey GREAT NON SEQUITUR... it completely takes leave of the issue and utterly misconstrues the entire point of the song at issue.

A leftist referred to Hussein as a magic negro... Hussein is by all objective standards a magic negro and the parity was brilliant.

Either post proof that Barack Obama is a Muslim or retract this unadulterated LIE.

No problem: Here ya go... Ready? Hussein was born to a Muslim father. Any questions? Now ya might want to look at the documents found where Hussein's mother enrolled him in school and listed him as Muslim... that might help.

Either post proof that Barack Obama is a Marxist or retract this unadulterated LIE.

No problem... Ready? Here we go...: "I think its good that we spread the wealth" this comment is indicative of redistributive economic policy, an indispensible element of Marxism... His policy desire to nationalize entire segments of the US economy, such as healthcare and energy... this evidenced by his own statements regarding his government paying for each citizens health care and his statements declaring his intent to bankrupt the coal industry... and the list goes on and on and ON...

Anything else?
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It must kill you to not say the other N word for African Americans huh?

Not really... It does however tickle me that you feel it does. I don't give a damn what color you are sis... you can be black as black gets and if you believe in the final authority of God almighty and the rights he endowed upon mankind and the sacred responsibilities inherent in those rights... you're welome at my table any time. By the same token you're ass can be offensively, glaring white with the bluest eyes ever seen and if you can't respect Gods authority and reject the inherent individual rights of mankind... you aren't fit to sweep my floors and you'll sure as hell never break bread with me for ANY reason.

I judge men and women by the content of their character... with the understanding that a leftist and a good person, without regard to the color of their skin... PERIOD.
The day after the election I got a text from my friend that said "All white people report to the cotton fields by 7am tomorrow" I thought that was hilarious. I sent it to a friend who knew I was big Obama supporter and he didn't think it was so funny and either did my brother who was kind of 'whatever' about obama!
and as for the song, I think they are making a bigger deal about it then it really is. How many DNC members emailed questable jokes about Bush? I know I sure have!

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