Rising GOP star: Mia Love is in the house

I'm sure if Mia were a Dem they would be all for her.

Since she's black and a Rep, well, you know.
A black woman who marries a white guy and joins a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God?

There's got to be some serious self-loathing going on there.

You're a bigot and a racist.

Just pointing out the obvious...

I can't see why anyone in their right mind would convert to Mormonism, but a person of color doing it is beyond insane, given their history.
I'm posting my favorite part of her speech everywhere. Yay!

""President Obama's version of America is a divided one. Often pitting us against each other based on income level, gender, *and social status. His policies have failed us, we are not better off then we were four years ago, and no rhetoric, *bumper sticker, or no Hollywood ad campaign can change that.*

Mr President the people are awake and we are not buying what you are selling in two thousand twelve." ~ Mia Love
The libtards are afraid to comment on what she said, most are attaching her race and/or religion.

But she didn't say anything to comment on. It was all just platitudes. Essentially, she's a black Sarah Palin. That's your great hope?

Would anyone of the conservatives care to explain exactly what differentiates her from Sarah Palin, other than skin color?

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