Rip up NAFTA, apply 15-20% border tariff and 10's of thousands of jobs will be recovered from Canada


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.
The future is open trade, not restrictive trade. All high tariffs accomplish is retaliation and a sinking global economy.
Is the cost of labor that much cheaper in Canada?
No. Which begs the question, why does Canada have 100's of thousands, possibly millions of U.S jobs?

Read my other posting regarding the "Canadian tariff". There are many underhanded tactic that the Canadian Security Apparatus uses to punish American businesses and steal jobs, I mention two of them in that posting.

Bribery (payments) and covert interference in American businesses. They make a border tax look like a sweetheart deal. Sort of like Canada receiving full defense from America while being a serial laggard in NATO due payments. Hey, better to use that money to fund businesses to move to Canada rather than pay for their military.
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Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.
That might work if done in conjunction with a flat tax.
Is the cost of labor that much cheaper in Canada?
No. Which begs the question, why does Canada have 100's of thousands, possibly millions of U.S jobs?

Our trade deficit with Canada is small. A large portion of Canada's exports to the US are raw materials such as oil, minerals, lumber. You can't move a Canadian lumberjack job to the US.
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

wow ..

Is the cost of labor that much cheaper in Canada?
No. Which begs the question, why does Canada have 100's of thousands, possibly millions of U.S jobs?

Our trade deficit with Canada is small. A large portion of Canada's exports to the US are raw materials such as oil, minerals, lumber. You can't move a Canadian lumberjack job to the US.

You can't move a Canadian lumberjack job to the US.

Why not? We moved US lumberjack jobs for the stupid spotted owl.
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

You'll note that Trump will NEVER go after countries where the Trump empire has expanded. Like China--because they own hotels there.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Trump has really pissed off Mexico.

Oh no!!
Does that mean all their illegal aliens are going to go home now?
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Trump has really pissed off Mexico.

Oh no!!
Does that mean all their illegal aliens are going to go home now?

If you're to stupid to realize that the second largest purchaser of American Products in the world, believing Mexico can't hurt us--then you're dumber than shit.

Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. Price of the products skyrocket in a trade war, meaning more money out of American consumer pockets, while making foreign products, like foreign cars that much more attractive to American consumers.

In fact the Smoot-Hawley tariff of the 1930's during the great depression is responsible for making the depression more severe and last much longer.
Remember Smoot-Hawley: America's last trade war worsened Great Depression

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Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Trump has really pissed off Mexico.

Oh no!!
Does that mean all their illegal aliens are going to go home now?

If you're to stupid to realize that the second largest purchaser of American Products in the world, Mexico can't hurt us--then you're dumber than shit.

Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. Price of the products skyrocket in a trade war, meaning more money out of American consumer pockets, while making foreign products, like foreign cars that much more attractive to American consumers.

In fact the Smoot-Hawley tariff of the 1930's during the great depression is responsible for making the depression more severe and last much longer.
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Theodore Phalan


I'm not stupid, I was accepted to prestigious MBA program in Canada, almost pursued a joint law/business degree. Not that it would have done me any good anyways after I confronted Canada over their violations of NAFTA against America.

Bottom line, yes in general tariffs are a problem, except when your trading partners are already engaging in such tactics, and/or worse. Unfortunately; you like so many others are naive to tactics of abuse. China devalues their currency, Mexico allows the border to be open and keeps wages low. Canada enters US corporations and tampers with the free market a la Eastern Block nations in the 1970's. Here is a posting I just made about Canadian abuses, read it and counter my arguments if you want I stand by what I state:

Canada bribing, paying off U.S businesses to move jobs to Canada. Violate NAFTA:"Canadian Tarriff"

America has been exploited, taken advantage of for decades by multiple nations. The biggest loser by far is the American worker and the middle class. Not to mention the world risks having countries like China lead whiel they weaken America. It has to stop. Trump has to stop this, take it from someone who has paid a steep price for speaking the truth and blowing the whistle. If I outlined to you what my wife and I experienced from this socialist state you would be floored.
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Trump has really pissed off Mexico.

Oh no!!
Does that mean all their illegal aliens are going to go home now?

If you're to stupid to realize that the second largest purchaser of American Products in the world, Mexico can't hurt us--then you're dumber than shit.

Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. Price of the products skyrocket in a trade war, meaning more money out of American consumer pockets, while making foreign products, like foreign cars that much more attractive to American consumers.

In fact the Smoot-Hawley tariff of the 1930's during the great depression is responsible for making the depression more severe and last much longer.
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Theodore Phalan


I'm not stupid, I was accepted to prestigious MBA program in Canada, almost pursued a joint law/business degree. Not that it would have done me any good anyways after I confronted Canada over their violations of NAFTA against America.

Bottom line, yes in general tariffs are a problem, except when your trading partners are already engaging in such tactics, and/or worse. Unfortunately; you like so many others are naive to tactics of abuse. China devalues their currency, Mexico allows the border to be open and keeps wages low. Canada enters US corporations and tampers with the free market a la Eastern Block nations in the 1970's. Here is a posting I just made about Canadian abuses, read it and counter my arguments if you want I stand by what I state:

Canada bribing, paying off U.S businesses to move jobs to Canada. Violate NAFTA:"Canadian Tarriff"

America has been exploited, taken advantage of for decades by multiple nations. The biggest loser by far is the American worker and the middle class. Not to mention the world risks having countries like China lead whiel they weaken America. It has to stop. Trump has to stop this, take it from someone who has paid a steep price for speaking the truth and blowing the whistle. If I outlined to you what my wife and I experienced from this socialist state you would be floored.

The Federal Government cannot demand that American corporations keep jobs in this country. The only thing they can do is lower tax rates and regulations to give them incentives to stay in this country. That's it.

Republicans are not going to issue tariffs, or impose a 10% penalty tax on American corporations that move jobs overseas. This would only start a trade war, driving the cost of goods up on American consumers, making foreign products that more attractive to American consumers.

We are a global economy today. If American corporations only sold to Americans they would be out of business in 2 weeks. So they have to move some of their operations overseas to stay competitive in the world market. Someone in India would not be able to purchase an I-phone for $1400.00 US if it was made in this country. Your next shirt would cost $75.00 versus the $15.00 you're paying for it now. Trade has always been a double edged sword. While Americans enjoy cheaper products it also means job loss's in this country.

It's really not rocket science.
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Trump has really pissed off Mexico.

Oh no!!
Does that mean all their illegal aliens are going to go home now?

If you're to stupid to realize that the second largest purchaser of American Products in the world, Mexico can't hurt us--then you're dumber than shit.

Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. Price of the products skyrocket in a trade war, meaning more money out of American consumer pockets, while making foreign products, like foreign cars that much more attractive to American consumers.

In fact the Smoot-Hawley tariff of the 1930's during the great depression is responsible for making the depression more severe and last much longer.
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Theodore Phalan


I'm not stupid, I was accepted to prestigious MBA program in Canada, almost pursued a joint law/business degree. Not that it would have done me any good anyways after I confronted Canada over their violations of NAFTA against America.

Bottom line, yes in general tariffs are a problem, except when your trading partners are already engaging in such tactics, and/or worse. Unfortunately; you like so many others are naive to tactics of abuse. China devalues their currency, Mexico allows the border to be open and keeps wages low. Canada enters US corporations and tampers with the free market a la Eastern Block nations in the 1970's. Here is a posting I just made about Canadian abuses, read it and counter my arguments if you want I stand by what I state:

Canada bribing, paying off U.S businesses to move jobs to Canada. Violate NAFTA:"Canadian Tarriff"

America has been exploited, taken advantage of for decades by multiple nations. The biggest loser by far is the American worker and the middle class. Not to mention the world risks having countries like China lead whiel they weaken America. It has to stop. Trump has to stop this, take it from someone who has paid a steep price for speaking the truth and blowing the whistle. If I outlined to you what my wife and I experienced from this socialist state you would be floored.

The Federal Government cannot demand that American corporations keep jobs in this country. The only thing they can do is lower tax rates and regulations to give them incentives to stay in this country. That's it.

Republicans are not going to issue tariffs, or impose a 10% penalty tax on American corporations that move jobs overseas. This would only start a trade war, driving the cost of goods up on American consumers, making foreign products that more attractive to American consumers.

We are a global economy today. If American corporations only sold to Americans they would be out of business in 2 weeks. So they have to move some of their operations overseas to stay competitive in the world market. Someone in India would not be able to purchase an I-phone for $1400.00 US if it was made in this country. Your next shirt would cost $75.00 versus the $15.00 you're paying for it now. Trade has always been a double edged sword. While Americans enjoy cheaper products it also means job loss's in this country.

It's really not rocket science.

Look at the Canadian lumber dispute with America, or the various "GST taxes" American goods are hit with when they are sold in Canada, these are in essence "tariffs". Or the Canadian government fighting tooth and nail to prevent America from forcing Canadian meat to be labelled "Made in Canada". That is how confident we are in our own producers products, there is a fear Americans won't buy Canadian eat due to our bad reputation and lax regulations that have caused us problems in the past. To hell with your health, choices and information, just accept Canadian meat as if it were from down the street.

Canada ruined my life for speaking the truth and essentially taking a stance you are taking to some degree, I told the government "stay out of the free market" and for standing up for America and free markets, I paid a steep price. Again you would be quite shocked at what I experienced, hence my name.

Bottom line, the federal government works for Americans and is there to ensure fair trade. that winners and losers are chosen by their talent and innovation, not the race to the bottom and government bribery and interference. There is no measurement in which an apples to apples system of Canadian socialism versus American capitalism in which Canada would prevail in such trade. Again, how is it that we still take so many jobs from America?
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Trump has really pissed off Mexico.

Oh no!!
Does that mean all their illegal aliens are going to go home now?

If you're to stupid to realize that the second largest purchaser of American Products in the world, Mexico can't hurt us--then you're dumber than shit.

Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. Price of the products skyrocket in a trade war, meaning more money out of American consumer pockets, while making foreign products, like foreign cars that much more attractive to American consumers.

In fact the Smoot-Hawley tariff of the 1930's during the great depression is responsible for making the depression more severe and last much longer.
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Theodore Phalan


I'm not stupid, I was accepted to prestigious MBA program in Canada, almost pursued a joint law/business degree. Not that it would have done me any good anyways after I confronted Canada over their violations of NAFTA against America.

Bottom line, yes in general tariffs are a problem, except when your trading partners are already engaging in such tactics, and/or worse. Unfortunately; you like so many others are naive to tactics of abuse. China devalues their currency, Mexico allows the border to be open and keeps wages low. Canada enters US corporations and tampers with the free market a la Eastern Block nations in the 1970's. Here is a posting I just made about Canadian abuses, read it and counter my arguments if you want I stand by what I state:

Canada bribing, paying off U.S businesses to move jobs to Canada. Violate NAFTA:"Canadian Tarriff"

America has been exploited, taken advantage of for decades by multiple nations. The biggest loser by far is the American worker and the middle class. Not to mention the world risks having countries like China lead whiel they weaken America. It has to stop. Trump has to stop this, take it from someone who has paid a steep price for speaking the truth and blowing the whistle. If I outlined to you what my wife and I experienced from this socialist state you would be floored.

The Federal Government cannot demand that American corporations keep jobs in this country. The only thing they can do is lower tax rates and regulations to give them incentives to stay in this country. That's it.

Republicans are not going to issue tariffs, or impose a 10% penalty tax on American corporations that move jobs overseas. This would only start a trade war, driving the cost of goods up on American consumers, making foreign products that more attractive to American consumers.

We are a global economy today. If American corporations only sold to Americans they would be out of business in 2 weeks. So they have to move some of their operations overseas to stay competitive in the world market. Someone in India would not be able to purchase an I-phone for $1400.00 US if it was made in this country. Your next shirt would cost $75.00 versus the $15.00 you're paying for it now. Trade has always been a double edged sword. While Americans enjoy cheaper products it also means job loss's in this country.

It's really not rocket science.

stupid ass RW's constantly bitch about raising taxes, and how a tax increase would only be passed on to consumers, yet when Trump takes office those same tax increases are magically good for the economy and create jobs.

it's not real difficult to laugh them off as the dumbest MF'rs on the entire planet.
So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Trump has really pissed off Mexico.

Oh no!!
Does that mean all their illegal aliens are going to go home now?

If you're to stupid to realize that the second largest purchaser of American Products in the world, Mexico can't hurt us--then you're dumber than shit.

Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. Price of the products skyrocket in a trade war, meaning more money out of American consumer pockets, while making foreign products, like foreign cars that much more attractive to American consumers.

In fact the Smoot-Hawley tariff of the 1930's during the great depression is responsible for making the depression more severe and last much longer.
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Theodore Phalan


I'm not stupid, I was accepted to prestigious MBA program in Canada, almost pursued a joint law/business degree. Not that it would have done me any good anyways after I confronted Canada over their violations of NAFTA against America.

Bottom line, yes in general tariffs are a problem, except when your trading partners are already engaging in such tactics, and/or worse. Unfortunately; you like so many others are naive to tactics of abuse. China devalues their currency, Mexico allows the border to be open and keeps wages low. Canada enters US corporations and tampers with the free market a la Eastern Block nations in the 1970's. Here is a posting I just made about Canadian abuses, read it and counter my arguments if you want I stand by what I state:

Canada bribing, paying off U.S businesses to move jobs to Canada. Violate NAFTA:"Canadian Tarriff"

America has been exploited, taken advantage of for decades by multiple nations. The biggest loser by far is the American worker and the middle class. Not to mention the world risks having countries like China lead whiel they weaken America. It has to stop. Trump has to stop this, take it from someone who has paid a steep price for speaking the truth and blowing the whistle. If I outlined to you what my wife and I experienced from this socialist state you would be floored.

The Federal Government cannot demand that American corporations keep jobs in this country. The only thing they can do is lower tax rates and regulations to give them incentives to stay in this country. That's it.

Republicans are not going to issue tariffs, or impose a 10% penalty tax on American corporations that move jobs overseas. This would only start a trade war, driving the cost of goods up on American consumers, making foreign products that more attractive to American consumers.

We are a global economy today. If American corporations only sold to Americans they would be out of business in 2 weeks. So they have to move some of their operations overseas to stay competitive in the world market. Someone in India would not be able to purchase an I-phone for $1400.00 US if it was made in this country. Your next shirt would cost $75.00 versus the $15.00 you're paying for it now. Trade has always been a double edged sword. While Americans enjoy cheaper products it also means job loss's in this country.

It's really not rocket science.

Look at the Canadian lumber dispute with America, or the various "GST taxes" American goods are hit with when they are sold in Canada, these are in essence "tariffs". Or the Canadian government fighting tooth and nail to prevent America from forcing Canadian meat to be labelled "Made in Canada". That is how confident we are in our own producers products, there is a fear Americans won't buy Canadian eat due to our bad reputation and lax regulations that have caused us problems in the past. To hell with your health, choices and information, just accept Canadian meat as if it were from down the street.

Canada ruined my life for speaking the truth and essentially taking a stance you are taking to some degree, I told the government "stay out of the free market" and for standing up for America and free markets, I paid a steep price. Again you would be quite shocked at what I experienced, hence my name.

Bottom line, the federal government works for Americans and is there to ensure fair trade. that winners and losers are chosen by their talent and innovation, not the race to the bottom and government bribery and interference. There is no measurement in which an apples to apples system of Canadian socialism versus American capitalism in which Canada would prevail in such trade. Again, how is it that we still take so many jobs from America?

Link to that?
Trump and his team can't keep his eye off of this issue, if he does, the Democrats will sweep in and take away those who left their party and voted GOP, it's a guarantee. It is by far the #1 reason why he won the election from what I can glean. People want unfair trade deals to be eliminated and jobs to return. After he deals with Mexico and Canada, he needs to work on he China unfair file. This will be heavy lifting, but will be in the best interest of American workers and the future.

This means applying the border tariff to Canada, ripping up NAFTA (which is violated by Canada all the time anyways, as you will read from me). This will ensure American businesses avoid Canada, and, in many cases, move jobs back to America from Canada since any perceived benefit will be gone. Coupled with the tax cuts, this is a powerful antidote.

As someone who considers himself a fiscal conservative and who would never have prescribed to increased tariffs, this has to be done. Globalization requires tweaking, I've stated it before, it has become far too unequal for National economies of liberty loving nations and a massive and unequal drain of jobs from these same countries. Meaning less revenue, a withering middle class and a future that s bleak.

Furthermore, even the globalists need to understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China. Not only will human rights along the world suffer from such a realisation, by osmosis, the watering down of American individualism and rights will be eroded too.

So you want to take out the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products MEXICO whom in 2015 purchased 257.3 BILLION in American products?

And you want to take out Canada who purchase 198.2 BILLION American products.

So once you've ripped up NAFTA and created all these jobs in America who do you think is going to buy the stuff that Americans make?


Trump has really pissed off Mexico.
One Mexican legislator is calling to boycott American corn, and instead buy in from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn down there. Now what do you suppose this is going to do to American farmers here.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Trump has really pissed off Mexico.

Oh no!!
Does that mean all their illegal aliens are going to go home now?

If you're to stupid to realize that the second largest purchaser of American Products in the world, believing Mexico can't hurt us--then you're dumber than shit.

Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. Price of the products skyrocket in a trade war, meaning more money out of American consumer pockets, while making foreign products, like foreign cars that much more attractive to American consumers.

In fact the Smoot-Hawley tariff of the 1930's during the great depression is responsible for making the depression more severe and last much longer.
Remember Smoot-Hawley: America's last trade war worsened Great Depression


If you're to stupid to realize that the second largest purchaser of American Products in the world, believing Mexico can't hurt us--then you're dumber than shit.

If Mexico doesn't realize that we can hurt them.....they're dumber than you!
...understand something very important, if America fails, the world leader will be China...
Related news item:

The new world order: China is now Germany’s largest trading partner

As China steps into the role of globalization’s biggest supporter—a position vacated by the US since Donald Trump was elected on an “America First” platform—Europe is shifting its focus east. Last year, China unseated the US as Germany’s largest trading partner. An added insult: the US fell to third place, behind France, in the trade rankings with Europe’s largest and most powerful economy...​

Help me out here. Are we saying that we want America to start being some new kind of world leader that's no longer able to buy and sell stuff?
The future is open trade, not restrictive trade. All high tariffs accomplish is retaliation and a sinking global economy.
Why do you always ignore points that make your rant false? Like for example, we are talking about FAIR trade. Why leave that word out? Can you tell us? I won't hold my breath.

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