Right Wingers Imbecility On Languishing Bills

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Right Wingers Imbecility On Languishing Bills

They whine that Senate Democrats act like House Republicans. How stupid is that?

The line was buried deep in the16th paragraph of a missive dashed off from the desk of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA). On Wednesday, Cantor penned a letter to rank-and-file Republicans about expectations in the 113th Congress. He specifically addressed the pent-up frustration many House Republicans have with the Democratically-controlled Senate.

"There is no magic procedure that will make someone vote for something to which they are violently opposed," Cantor wrote.

However, Cantor could just as easily been writing about members of his own party. Certainly House Republicans grouse daily about their bills languishing in the Senate. Over the past two years, a chunk of House Republicans consistently refused to vote for legislation that raised the debt ceiling, kept the government operating and temporarily extended a payroll tax break. The House struggled for months on end to find the votes to approve a major bill to fund the nation's transportation programs. And to date, the House Republican leadership has never conjured up the votes to okay a farm bill.

Read more: Political Ice Caps - Fox News

Are the Republicans calling for more gridlock? Hope not.

Eric Cantor put it best in his letter on Wednesday.

"There is no magic procedure that will make someone vote for something to which they are violently opposed," wrote Cantor.

The House will be violently opposed to some things. The Senate will be violently opposed to some things. And Mr. Obama will be violently opposed to some things.

How do they come around? "When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat."

Read more: Political Ice Caps - Fox News
On Friday, President Obama again called for a deal to impose higher taxes on the wealthy.

"Americans from across the political spectrum made it clear that they want a balanced approach to tax policy that asks millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). "The sooner Republicans come to grips with this reality, the sooner we can forge an agreement to avoid the fiscal cliff and prevent a tax hike on middle class Americans."

Read more: Political Ice Caps - Fox News

here is what right wingers hate so much ... compromise.

the Right Wing wants a dictatorship of ideology...their way or the highway
On Friday, President Obama again called for a deal to impose higher taxes on the wealthy.

"Americans from across the political spectrum made it clear that they want a balanced approach to tax policy that asks millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). "The sooner Republicans come to grips with this reality, the sooner we can forge an agreement to avoid the fiscal cliff and prevent a tax hike on middle class Americans."

Read more: Political Ice Caps - Fox News

here is what right wingers hate so much ... compromise.

the Right Wing wants a dictatorship of ideology...their way or the highway

The House may vote down legislation the conservatives don't agree with, the Senate (harry reed) refuses to let the Senate vote on it. Put it to a vote either up or down.
On Friday, President Obama again called for a deal to impose higher taxes on the wealthy.

"Americans from across the political spectrum made it clear that they want a balanced approach to tax policy that asks millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). "The sooner Republicans come to grips with this reality, the sooner we can forge an agreement to avoid the fiscal cliff and prevent a tax hike on middle class Americans."

Read more: Political Ice Caps - Fox News

here is what right wingers hate so much ... compromise.

the Right Wing wants a dictatorship of ideology...their way or the highway

The House may vote down legislation the conservatives don't agree with, the Senate (harry reed) refuses to let the Senate vote on it. Put it to a vote either up or down.

The Senate has voted to reject the temporary spending bill passed by the House late last night.


Senators rejected dueling Democratic and Republican small-business tax cut plans on Thursday, the latest futile effort to break the election-year gridlock that’s consumed Capitol Hill on issues dealing with jobs and the economy.

On a 53-44 vote, Republicans shot down the Democratic bill that would have provided a 10 percent income tax credits to small businesses that hire new workers or give current workers raises, as well as allow companies to quickly write off purchases on new equipment. Sixty votes were needed.

Read more: Gridlock: Senate rejects two small-business bills - Scott Wong - POLITICO.com


Senate Republicans have thwarted a quick vote sought Wednesday by Democrats on a House-passed GOP bill to extend the payroll tax cut.

of course there are more examples of Reed allowing Republicans to vote on bills.

stop living in a bubble
On Friday, President Obama again called for a deal to impose higher taxes on the wealthy.

"Americans from across the political spectrum made it clear that they want a balanced approach to tax policy that asks millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). "The sooner Republicans come to grips with this reality, the sooner we can forge an agreement to avoid the fiscal cliff and prevent a tax hike on middle class Americans."

Read more: Political Ice Caps - Fox News

here is what right wingers hate so much ... compromise.

the Right Wing wants a dictatorship of ideology...their way or the highway

Both frustrating and true.

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