Right-wing Washington Times fires reporter over Cruz "affair" tweet.


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Washington Times fired reporter Drew Johnson for confirming Ted Cruz's affairs. He also claimed that another source, Briebart new about affairs but refused to go with it.....hmmmm.

The funny part of this story is that the right-wing source Washington Times first tried to deny that Johnson was a columnist for the paper, deleted his page from their website but he wrote a piece just recently, (Mar 4) and his pieces continue to appear via search engine.

Seems like the Washington Times is another "Faux News" - not publishing real news....keeping their readers (mostly right-wing) in the dark.

After Johnson’s tweets went viral, the Times first denied he was a columnist for the paper, although his last piece was a pro-fracking article on March 4. The paper also deleted his page on their website, although his pieces continue to appear there via search engine.

Washington Times Fires Writer For Confirming Cruz Mistress Bomb
And here I thought the Cruz affair thing might be good to counter-act his oft reciting Princess Bride.

It will be interesting to see if it was Donald Trump, like Cruz said, that planted the rumor...:)
It is funny......that the right-wing rag would try to cover it up....without much luck....everyone knows they do that.
It is funny......that the right-wing rag would try to cover it up....without much luck....everyone knows they do that.
I love the quote by Drew Johnson, the former Wash Times reporter that was fired for his comments:

"I cannot support #Trump because I believe that Liberty is far more important than patriotism."

And here I thought the Cruz affair thing might be good to counter-act his oft reciting Princess Bride.

It will be interesting to see if it was Donald Trump, like Cruz said, that planted the rumor...:)

You need to get up to speed. Daily Beast, Kirsten Power and Salon all confirmed that it was Rubio operatives pedaling the scandal for over 6 months. None of those media outlets are pro Trump.

Rubio's people all the way.
Not surprising. Unlike the hit piece in the enquirer which specified that they were only reporting rumors, his tweets did not and would have constituted undefendable libel. I wouldn't be opening my paper to that kind of lawsuit either
And here I thought the Cruz affair thing might be good to counter-act his oft reciting Princess Bride.

It will be interesting to see if it was Donald Trump, like Cruz said, that planted the rumor...:)

You need to get up to speed. Daily Beast, Kirsten Power and Salon all confirmed that it was Rubio operatives pedaling the scandal for over 6 months. None of those media outlets are pro Trump.

Rubio's people all the way.

It won't matter who started the rumor, within two weeks the DC Madam's lawyer plans to release the names on the Madam's list, and he claims it will influence how people vote (affects Presidential candidates)......hmmmmmm! I wonder if Ted Cruz is sweating it.

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