Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

1. Nope. YOu insulted me, so I insulted you back. THe difference is that your insults are based on crazy Kevin Bacon games.

2. The status quo is not my immigration policy.

3. YOur points about the various issues, some of them, are generally wrong.

4. Incentiving people to work, is not going to save the Constitution, especially if we keep importing the Third World who don't give a fly f***k about it.

5. People will leave, when we deport their asses, and/or don't let them work here.

1) You lie. I have a policy to never draw first blood. Your initial posts were aimed at taking pot shots at my intelligence. It doesn't matter because you have not shown to be much of a man of integrity or honor

2) The status quo exists due to the talking points made by a group of individuals that have been exposed time and time again. You choose to limit yourself to their solutions

4) Incentivizing people to go back to work will not save the Constitution nor our culture, but it will provide the ground troops it takes to sustain political battles and build foot soldiers for future fights - be they political, legal, or physical

5) You cannot keep people from coming here and working as long as you have the 14th Amendment absolutely guaranteeing them Liberty and the equal protection of the laws.

You cannot keep people out of this country when a sizable number of your own citizenry are hooked on drugs and the suppliers live outside the U.S.

You cannot keep people out of this country when the primary goal of business is to keep expanding. People are commodities not self sufficient / self reliant human beings with a sense of self worth. It's up to you to change that dynamic if you think you're going to win any freaking war: political, legal, or physical

You are not going to win as long as just anyone can become a citizen. We are at the tipping point where foreigners hold as much of the balance of power as do people who believe like you. About 12 percent of the federally elected officials are immigrants or second generation immigrants (most being immigrants.) The blacks took America when they represented 16 percent of the population. Foreigners are way the Hell beyond that point right now.

All you're getting right now is a reprieve with Donald Trump. When he's gone, you have no billionaires; no guys with stellar records (like war heroes or statesmen to replace him.) You're going to have a Congress full of pissed off liberals and lefties with an agenda that will destroy this country forever. Look what this thread is about, son. You want some more examples just like this? I won't even wander out of my home state. I'll do a few that lived within a half hour drive from me:

Militia Extremist Convicted of Attempting to Cause a Civil Disturbance While Armed

Trucker with illicit tastes led FBI to Georgia militia plot

Waffle House Terrorists - Waffle House Terrorist Plot

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty

The irony is I knew all of them and all of them were warned by the state leaders at the Militia of Georgia where their activities and political ties would lead. You come here and tell people that listening to me will send people to jail. Think again. ALL of those people above followed the same leadership as you; they made the same arguments; they pretended to be above anyone giving them sound counsel. And just like the founders of the wallist religion you follow, they all ended up in prison. Now kid you can talk all the shit you like, but I knew all those guys and watched them try to talk down to people like me - people telling them what was going to happen. So, you talk your shit on this board. Be a nice little subject and hide behind your keyboard. I'll do the fighting. And if anyone entertains the idea of taking you serious, all they have to do is look at those links. ALL those guys lived within a half hour's drive from me. Do you want about ten times that many links of people I knew from adjoining states or TWENTY times that number from across the U.S?

1. Then you dropped the ball this time.

2. The status quo exists because of a the complete failure of our political class. My talking points are not the cause of the problem.

4. People are already Incentivized to work. Increasing employment is not a bad idea, but it, at best, would reduce the demand for illegals, somewhat.

5. The misapplication of the 14th, is a big part of the problem, and undoing that would be a large help. But regardless of whether that happens or not, we need to deport those we can, and secure the border to greatly reduce those coming.

6. I am well aware of how late in the game it is. Allowing them to keep coming in, basically unchecked, is only going to make it worse.

1) Sorry, dude. I didn't drop any ball. You thought it would be cool to disrespect me out of the chute. Fuck with me again and I'll prove to every poster that stops by that you're a liar. I WILL take the time to reread the thread. You haven't read it ONCE yet.

2) Your talking points ARE the reason nothing gets done. You've admitted that you are wholly ignorant of both immigration laws and history. I'm not

3) You had no number 3 to respond to

4) If people are so incentivized, why do we have more people on drugs than any country in the world? Work with me and I'll teach you how to dispel that myth. I know a LOT of guys in their 20s through their 50s who don't have an education, no job skills, no drivers license in many cases, and have NO INTENTION OF EVER GOING TO WORK. Their mothers feed and house them; Uncle Scam gives them a welfare check and there is no reason on God's green earth they cannot work a job. What you believe from the security of your keyboard is inconsistent with the real world. That is why I challenge you every day to work with me for a week. You could be sad to learn you've spouted absolute horseshit

5) There is no misapplication of the 14th Amendment. It's doing exactly what its authors intended. The problem is, the Amendment was illegally ratified

6) There is no way you "check" people coming in. Their government is not likely to give you the straight skinny; many things that are crimes here are NOT crimes in foreign countries; under the 14th Amendment everyone is given the equal protection of the laws. If the Right to Privacy cannot protect the foreigner, it damn well cannot protect you. If the foreigner has no presupposition of innocence, neither do you. I don't like your trade-off.

If one employer can hire a foreigner and another cannot, then quotas fail the employer's Right to the equal protection of the laws. Either every person has a guarantee of Liberty or they don't. So, which is it?

You're either a Preamble Citizen where the Constitution is about you and your Rights OR you are a subject under the 14th Amendment with limited privileges and immunities that the government doles out to foreigners as well as the citizenry. There is NO provision in the 14th Amendment allowing the government to limit Liberty or the equal protection of the laws to what you erroneously call "legal" citizens.

1. Post 658, you were unable to make the connection between your use of "their" and my use of "they". I asked if you were stupid, or just playing stupid. I'm still a little suspicious of your confusion, but I was the first to insult. My Bad.

2. What should be happening is that the government should be enforcing the freaking laws. That that is not happening is not because I saying that I want it to be done. Your explanation makes no sense.

4. A number of factors, one of the big ones is that we have had such long wage stagnation that unskilled or semiskilled people have great difficulty finding a job with any prospects, imo. Let's fix that and see if it encourages people to build lives instead of doing drugs.

5. It was written so that the children of slaves would be treated as citizens. It is not doing that. It is being misused.

6. If a government will not work with US, in doing back ground checks on it's citizens who want to move here, than we should not accept ANY of their citizens who want to come here. That is not a violation of equal protection, because they have no right to come here. We have to be convinced that they are someone we want to be part of our community.

7. I don't see why a limited number of foreigners, so that some employers can hire a foreigner and some of forced to hire Americans, because their are no foreigners available for them, is a violation of equal protection.

It's almost funny that in saying you're sorry, you have to insult me. Be that as it may, I'll answer your responses once again:

1) The government does enforce the laws. It's just that the law does not say what you want it to say. Unless the immigration officials interact with a foreigner at the border, that foreigner has the same basic rights as you do. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that being in the United States without papers is not a crime.

Since about 1804 (IIRC) when the United States Supreme Court (questionably) declared themselves to be the final arbiter of the law, not even God almighty has seen fit to over-rule them. In my mind it should not take a law degree from Harvard to understand that if you deny to ALL foreigners the equal protection of the laws, YOUR Rights are then in jeopardy. But, sadly, that is a fact nobody seems to appreciate until it's THEIR ass on the line. If you were looking at 25 to life and the government did not extend Due Process to you, your personal outlook would be different.

Next, when a law violates the Constitution, the people are not required to obey it. Again, that is the word of the United States Supreme Court. I suppose you want people forced to obey every law ever passed? How do you suppose that the blacks got to be so politically powerful AND without a war in this country? What this boils down to is either you believe that everybody in this country is due the guarantee of Liberty OR you believe that the Constitution is specific to the posterity of the Constitution in the Preamble. It can't be both.

2) The 14th Amendment has been ruled by the United States Supreme Court, the final arbiters of what the law is (Google Marbury v. Madison), that anyone born in the United States is a citizen. No branch of government, certainly no LEO has the authority or the power to over-rule the United States Supreme Court. FWIW, Wikipedia has this to say:

"The Supreme Court of the United States affirmed in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees citizenship for nearly all individuals born in the United States, provided that their parents are foreign citizens, have permanent domicile status in the United States, and are engaging in business in the United States except performing in a diplomatic or official capacity of a foreign power."

Anchor baby - Wikipedia

3) To your credit, you did preface your notions about employment with "imo." What I can say to you is that I work full time trying to get Americans, mostly white, to go back to work. If you work with me for one week I will fix your erroneous opinion. There is nothing like real hard core experience - and some of my own opinions were put to the test some years ago. I got involved so that critics could not call me dumb, stupid, uneducated... or their favorites neo- nazi, prejudiced, racist, bigot. So, I did it. I challenge you to work with me for one week and you'll see the sorriest sons of bitches on God's green earth. They will be Americans

4) If any employer is denied the same Right to hire a foreigner, then he does not have an equal opportunity. When I was 17, they implemented racial quotas and affirmative action. I lost my job due to the color of my skin. That winter I spent it in a mobile home with no electricity or running water. Since that time I have not supported preferential hiring schemes.

Furthermore, carrying your logic to its final destination, if we "enforced" the laws as it applies to foreigners the way you demand, millions of homes and apartments would belong to the government; most corporations would be shut down; YOU would probably be in prison... because Walmart was convicted of knowingly using subcontractors that hired undocumented workers. So, if the government owns the jobs as you contend and an undocumented foreigner got hired by that corporation (or its subsidiaries) and you shopped there, then you just received stolen property (since the profit belonged to the subjects of the state as opposed to the business.)

1. The millions of illegals that cross the border without being interacted with by the government is not "enforcing". THe millions that come here and over stay, without ever being followed up on, without or without due process, is not "Enforcing".

2. THe ruling was a stupid and wrong rulings. Whether it is overturned or not, that is still the case. Hopefully it will be reversed at somepoint, though the damage to the nation my already be mortal.

3. Labor participation is rising steadily. We must be doing something right. Let's keep doing it, and see what happens. I am happy to consider reforms on criminal records, as an additional help.

4 . Not allowing foreigners to flood the US labor market, is not a racial or ethnic quota system.
Correll my quote reply feature isn't working. But here is your reply


You and I will NEVER agree. At the founding of this country the Declaration of Independence proclaimed:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all menare created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

By the time we get to the Constitution, our ancestors had this to say:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

There are two interpretations between these two. In the Declaration of Independence, Liberty is a gift from the Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) It is unalienable which means it is above the reach of government. Government has NO JURISDICTION over unalienable Rights.

In the Constitution, we created the equivalent of a contract between we, the people, and that entity called government. That contract applied only to the posterity of the white race and that entity called government. (See the United States Supreme Court decision Dred Scott v. Sanford)

The 14th Amendment nullified the ruling in Dred Scott v. Sanford. The 14th Amendment guarantees to ALL PERSONS (not citizens) the now privilege (NOT RIGHT) ofLiberty.

It's obvious to me that you have not studied law or history so you don't know which of those positions you are taking. But, so far what you articulate is the third position. Government grants you your rights? Is that your position? So, you have NO Rights... no Right to own a firearm, no Right to choose your own religion (or no religion), no Right to Freedom of Speech or Privacy; no Right to Due Process, etc. You're going to put government in charge of that? Really? So, what you're arguing is that government is in the Rights granting business? I want you think about where you stand on this and get back to me. The balance of your post is in my next reply.

3. Labor participation is rising steadily. We must be doing something right. Let's keep doing it, and see what happens. I am happy to consider reforms on criminal records, as an additional help.

4 . Not allowing foreigners to flood the US labor market, is not a racial or ethnic quota system.
1) You lie. I have a policy to never draw first blood. Your initial posts were aimed at taking pot shots at my intelligence. It doesn't matter because you have not shown to be much of a man of integrity or honor

2) The status quo exists due to the talking points made by a group of individuals that have been exposed time and time again. You choose to limit yourself to their solutions

4) Incentivizing people to go back to work will not save the Constitution nor our culture, but it will provide the ground troops it takes to sustain political battles and build foot soldiers for future fights - be they political, legal, or physical

5) You cannot keep people from coming here and working as long as you have the 14th Amendment absolutely guaranteeing them Liberty and the equal protection of the laws.

You cannot keep people out of this country when a sizable number of your own citizenry are hooked on drugs and the suppliers live outside the U.S.

You cannot keep people out of this country when the primary goal of business is to keep expanding. People are commodities not self sufficient / self reliant human beings with a sense of self worth. It's up to you to change that dynamic if you think you're going to win any freaking war: political, legal, or physical

You are not going to win as long as just anyone can become a citizen. We are at the tipping point where foreigners hold as much of the balance of power as do people who believe like you. About 12 percent of the federally elected officials are immigrants or second generation immigrants (most being immigrants.) The blacks took America when they represented 16 percent of the population. Foreigners are way the Hell beyond that point right now.

All you're getting right now is a reprieve with Donald Trump. When he's gone, you have no billionaires; no guys with stellar records (like war heroes or statesmen to replace him.) You're going to have a Congress full of pissed off liberals and lefties with an agenda that will destroy this country forever. Look what this thread is about, son. You want some more examples just like this? I won't even wander out of my home state. I'll do a few that lived within a half hour drive from me:

Militia Extremist Convicted of Attempting to Cause a Civil Disturbance While Armed

Trucker with illicit tastes led FBI to Georgia militia plot

Waffle House Terrorists - Waffle House Terrorist Plot

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty

The irony is I knew all of them and all of them were warned by the state leaders at the Militia of Georgia where their activities and political ties would lead. You come here and tell people that listening to me will send people to jail. Think again. ALL of those people above followed the same leadership as you; they made the same arguments; they pretended to be above anyone giving them sound counsel. And just like the founders of the wallist religion you follow, they all ended up in prison. Now kid you can talk all the shit you like, but I knew all those guys and watched them try to talk down to people like me - people telling them what was going to happen. So, you talk your shit on this board. Be a nice little subject and hide behind your keyboard. I'll do the fighting. And if anyone entertains the idea of taking you serious, all they have to do is look at those links. ALL those guys lived within a half hour's drive from me. Do you want about ten times that many links of people I knew from adjoining states or TWENTY times that number from across the U.S?

1. Then you dropped the ball this time.

2. The status quo exists because of a the complete failure of our political class. My talking points are not the cause of the problem.

4. People are already Incentivized to work. Increasing employment is not a bad idea, but it, at best, would reduce the demand for illegals, somewhat.

5. The misapplication of the 14th, is a big part of the problem, and undoing that would be a large help. But regardless of whether that happens or not, we need to deport those we can, and secure the border to greatly reduce those coming.

6. I am well aware of how late in the game it is. Allowing them to keep coming in, basically unchecked, is only going to make it worse.

1) Sorry, dude. I didn't drop any ball. You thought it would be cool to disrespect me out of the chute. Fuck with me again and I'll prove to every poster that stops by that you're a liar. I WILL take the time to reread the thread. You haven't read it ONCE yet.

2) Your talking points ARE the reason nothing gets done. You've admitted that you are wholly ignorant of both immigration laws and history. I'm not

3) You had no number 3 to respond to

4) If people are so incentivized, why do we have more people on drugs than any country in the world? Work with me and I'll teach you how to dispel that myth. I know a LOT of guys in their 20s through their 50s who don't have an education, no job skills, no drivers license in many cases, and have NO INTENTION OF EVER GOING TO WORK. Their mothers feed and house them; Uncle Scam gives them a welfare check and there is no reason on God's green earth they cannot work a job. What you believe from the security of your keyboard is inconsistent with the real world. That is why I challenge you every day to work with me for a week. You could be sad to learn you've spouted absolute horseshit

5) There is no misapplication of the 14th Amendment. It's doing exactly what its authors intended. The problem is, the Amendment was illegally ratified

6) There is no way you "check" people coming in. Their government is not likely to give you the straight skinny; many things that are crimes here are NOT crimes in foreign countries; under the 14th Amendment everyone is given the equal protection of the laws. If the Right to Privacy cannot protect the foreigner, it damn well cannot protect you. If the foreigner has no presupposition of innocence, neither do you. I don't like your trade-off.

If one employer can hire a foreigner and another cannot, then quotas fail the employer's Right to the equal protection of the laws. Either every person has a guarantee of Liberty or they don't. So, which is it?

You're either a Preamble Citizen where the Constitution is about you and your Rights OR you are a subject under the 14th Amendment with limited privileges and immunities that the government doles out to foreigners as well as the citizenry. There is NO provision in the 14th Amendment allowing the government to limit Liberty or the equal protection of the laws to what you erroneously call "legal" citizens.

1. Post 658, you were unable to make the connection between your use of "their" and my use of "they". I asked if you were stupid, or just playing stupid. I'm still a little suspicious of your confusion, but I was the first to insult. My Bad.

2. What should be happening is that the government should be enforcing the freaking laws. That that is not happening is not because I saying that I want it to be done. Your explanation makes no sense.

4. A number of factors, one of the big ones is that we have had such long wage stagnation that unskilled or semiskilled people have great difficulty finding a job with any prospects, imo. Let's fix that and see if it encourages people to build lives instead of doing drugs.

5. It was written so that the children of slaves would be treated as citizens. It is not doing that. It is being misused.

6. If a government will not work with US, in doing back ground checks on it's citizens who want to move here, than we should not accept ANY of their citizens who want to come here. That is not a violation of equal protection, because they have no right to come here. We have to be convinced that they are someone we want to be part of our community.

7. I don't see why a limited number of foreigners, so that some employers can hire a foreigner and some of forced to hire Americans, because their are no foreigners available for them, is a violation of equal protection.

It's almost funny that in saying you're sorry, you have to insult me. Be that as it may, I'll answer your responses once again:

1) The government does enforce the laws. It's just that the law does not say what you want it to say. Unless the immigration officials interact with a foreigner at the border, that foreigner has the same basic rights as you do. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that being in the United States without papers is not a crime.

Since about 1804 (IIRC) when the United States Supreme Court (questionably) declared themselves to be the final arbiter of the law, not even God almighty has seen fit to over-rule them. In my mind it should not take a law degree from Harvard to understand that if you deny to ALL foreigners the equal protection of the laws, YOUR Rights are then in jeopardy. But, sadly, that is a fact nobody seems to appreciate until it's THEIR ass on the line. If you were looking at 25 to life and the government did not extend Due Process to you, your personal outlook would be different.

Next, when a law violates the Constitution, the people are not required to obey it. Again, that is the word of the United States Supreme Court. I suppose you want people forced to obey every law ever passed? How do you suppose that the blacks got to be so politically powerful AND without a war in this country? What this boils down to is either you believe that everybody in this country is due the guarantee of Liberty OR you believe that the Constitution is specific to the posterity of the Constitution in the Preamble. It can't be both.

2) The 14th Amendment has been ruled by the United States Supreme Court, the final arbiters of what the law is (Google Marbury v. Madison), that anyone born in the United States is a citizen. No branch of government, certainly no LEO has the authority or the power to over-rule the United States Supreme Court. FWIW, Wikipedia has this to say:

"The Supreme Court of the United States affirmed in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees citizenship for nearly all individuals born in the United States, provided that their parents are foreign citizens, have permanent domicile status in the United States, and are engaging in business in the United States except performing in a diplomatic or official capacity of a foreign power."

Anchor baby - Wikipedia

3) To your credit, you did preface your notions about employment with "imo." What I can say to you is that I work full time trying to get Americans, mostly white, to go back to work. If you work with me for one week I will fix your erroneous opinion. There is nothing like real hard core experience - and some of my own opinions were put to the test some years ago. I got involved so that critics could not call me dumb, stupid, uneducated... or their favorites neo- nazi, prejudiced, racist, bigot. So, I did it. I challenge you to work with me for one week and you'll see the sorriest sons of bitches on God's green earth. They will be Americans

4) If any employer is denied the same Right to hire a foreigner, then he does not have an equal opportunity. When I was 17, they implemented racial quotas and affirmative action. I lost my job due to the color of my skin. That winter I spent it in a mobile home with no electricity or running water. Since that time I have not supported preferential hiring schemes.

Furthermore, carrying your logic to its final destination, if we "enforced" the laws as it applies to foreigners the way you demand, millions of homes and apartments would belong to the government; most corporations would be shut down; YOU would probably be in prison... because Walmart was convicted of knowingly using subcontractors that hired undocumented workers. So, if the government owns the jobs as you contend and an undocumented foreigner got hired by that corporation (or its subsidiaries) and you shopped there, then you just received stolen property (since the profit belonged to the subjects of the state as opposed to the business.)

1. The millions of illegals that cross the border without being interacted with by the government is not "enforcing". THe millions that come here and over stay, without ever being followed up on, without or without due process, is not "Enforcing".

2. THe ruling was a stupid and wrong rulings. Whether it is overturned or not, that is still the case. Hopefully it will be reversed at somepoint, though the damage to the nation my already be mortal.

3. Labor participation is rising steadily. We must be doing something right. Let's keep doing it, and see what happens. I am happy to consider reforms on criminal records, as an additional help.

4 . Not allowing foreigners to flood the US labor market, is not a racial or ethnic quota system.

I am responding to numbers 2 through 4, my first reply to number precedes this. Hopefully this works:

2) I have quoted United States Supreme Court rulings. Under our Constitution the United States Supreme Court does not have the authority to reverse their rulings. That is legislating from the bench. Yes, they do it and yes, Trump stacked the Court hoping they would change precedents. I know this will fly over your head, but Kamala Harris has said if she becomes president, she will use Executive Orders to put America out of the gun business... she won't stop there. Being a second generation immigrant, she disagrees with you 100 percent.

There will be life after Trump. A Democrat will eventually come to power. Now how much leeway you give them is up to you, but when the liberals use YOUR precedents against you, then you might begin to understand why what you're advocating is foolish

3) If you think that we're doing is working, keep doing it and abandon this silliness that it can only take place with a wall. You just testified against your own wallist religion

4) Denying people the equal protection of the laws is unconstitutional, Correll. Furthermore, the current laws were put into place to disenfranchise the white people and then those quotas would be used to help the Republic implode. The laws did exactly what they were supposed to do. You have to decide what side of the issue you're really on. So far you've disagreed with real conservatives like Ronald Reagan - who opposed the nutty wall idea AND opposed quotas.
Correll my quote reply feature isn't working. But here is your reply


You and I will NEVER agree. At the founding of this country the Declaration of Independence proclaimed:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all menare created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

By the time we get to the Constitution, our ancestors had this to say:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

There are two interpretations between these two. In the Declaration of Independence, Liberty is a gift from the Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) It is unalienable which means it is above the reach of government. Government has NO JURISDICTION over unalienable Rights.

In the Constitution, we created the equivalent of a contract between we, the people, and that entity called government. That contract applied only to the posterity of the white race and that entity called government. (See the United States Supreme Court decision Dred Scott v. Sanford)

The 14th Amendment nullified the ruling in Dred Scott v. Sanford. The 14th Amendment guarantees to ALL PERSONS (not citizens) the now privilege (NOT RIGHT) ofLiberty.

It's obvious to me that you have not studied law or history so you don't know which of those positions you are taking. But, so far what you articulate is the third position. Government grants you your rights? Is that your position? So, you have NO Rights... no Right to own a firearm, no Right to choose your own religion (or no religion), no Right to Freedom of Speech or Privacy; no Right to Due Process, etc. You're going to put government in charge of that? Really? So, what you're arguing is that government is in the Rights granting business? I want you think about where you stand on this and get back to me. The balance of your post is in my next reply.

3. Labor participation is rising steadily. We must be doing something right. Let's keep doing it, and see what happens. I am happy to consider reforms on criminal records, as an additional help.

4 . Not allowing foreigners to flood the US labor market, is not a racial or ethnic quota system.
1. Then you dropped the ball this time.

2. The status quo exists because of a the complete failure of our political class. My talking points are not the cause of the problem.

4. People are already Incentivized to work. Increasing employment is not a bad idea, but it, at best, would reduce the demand for illegals, somewhat.

5. The misapplication of the 14th, is a big part of the problem, and undoing that would be a large help. But regardless of whether that happens or not, we need to deport those we can, and secure the border to greatly reduce those coming.

6. I am well aware of how late in the game it is. Allowing them to keep coming in, basically unchecked, is only going to make it worse.

1) Sorry, dude. I didn't drop any ball. You thought it would be cool to disrespect me out of the chute. Fuck with me again and I'll prove to every poster that stops by that you're a liar. I WILL take the time to reread the thread. You haven't read it ONCE yet.

2) Your talking points ARE the reason nothing gets done. You've admitted that you are wholly ignorant of both immigration laws and history. I'm not

3) You had no number 3 to respond to

4) If people are so incentivized, why do we have more people on drugs than any country in the world? Work with me and I'll teach you how to dispel that myth. I know a LOT of guys in their 20s through their 50s who don't have an education, no job skills, no drivers license in many cases, and have NO INTENTION OF EVER GOING TO WORK. Their mothers feed and house them; Uncle Scam gives them a welfare check and there is no reason on God's green earth they cannot work a job. What you believe from the security of your keyboard is inconsistent with the real world. That is why I challenge you every day to work with me for a week. You could be sad to learn you've spouted absolute horseshit

5) There is no misapplication of the 14th Amendment. It's doing exactly what its authors intended. The problem is, the Amendment was illegally ratified

6) There is no way you "check" people coming in. Their government is not likely to give you the straight skinny; many things that are crimes here are NOT crimes in foreign countries; under the 14th Amendment everyone is given the equal protection of the laws. If the Right to Privacy cannot protect the foreigner, it damn well cannot protect you. If the foreigner has no presupposition of innocence, neither do you. I don't like your trade-off.

If one employer can hire a foreigner and another cannot, then quotas fail the employer's Right to the equal protection of the laws. Either every person has a guarantee of Liberty or they don't. So, which is it?

You're either a Preamble Citizen where the Constitution is about you and your Rights OR you are a subject under the 14th Amendment with limited privileges and immunities that the government doles out to foreigners as well as the citizenry. There is NO provision in the 14th Amendment allowing the government to limit Liberty or the equal protection of the laws to what you erroneously call "legal" citizens.

1. Post 658, you were unable to make the connection between your use of "their" and my use of "they". I asked if you were stupid, or just playing stupid. I'm still a little suspicious of your confusion, but I was the first to insult. My Bad.

2. What should be happening is that the government should be enforcing the freaking laws. That that is not happening is not because I saying that I want it to be done. Your explanation makes no sense.

4. A number of factors, one of the big ones is that we have had such long wage stagnation that unskilled or semiskilled people have great difficulty finding a job with any prospects, imo. Let's fix that and see if it encourages people to build lives instead of doing drugs.

5. It was written so that the children of slaves would be treated as citizens. It is not doing that. It is being misused.

6. If a government will not work with US, in doing back ground checks on it's citizens who want to move here, than we should not accept ANY of their citizens who want to come here. That is not a violation of equal protection, because they have no right to come here. We have to be convinced that they are someone we want to be part of our community.

7. I don't see why a limited number of foreigners, so that some employers can hire a foreigner and some of forced to hire Americans, because their are no foreigners available for them, is a violation of equal protection.

It's almost funny that in saying you're sorry, you have to insult me. Be that as it may, I'll answer your responses once again:

1) The government does enforce the laws. It's just that the law does not say what you want it to say. Unless the immigration officials interact with a foreigner at the border, that foreigner has the same basic rights as you do. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that being in the United States without papers is not a crime.

Since about 1804 (IIRC) when the United States Supreme Court (questionably) declared themselves to be the final arbiter of the law, not even God almighty has seen fit to over-rule them. In my mind it should not take a law degree from Harvard to understand that if you deny to ALL foreigners the equal protection of the laws, YOUR Rights are then in jeopardy. But, sadly, that is a fact nobody seems to appreciate until it's THEIR ass on the line. If you were looking at 25 to life and the government did not extend Due Process to you, your personal outlook would be different.

Next, when a law violates the Constitution, the people are not required to obey it. Again, that is the word of the United States Supreme Court. I suppose you want people forced to obey every law ever passed? How do you suppose that the blacks got to be so politically powerful AND without a war in this country? What this boils down to is either you believe that everybody in this country is due the guarantee of Liberty OR you believe that the Constitution is specific to the posterity of the Constitution in the Preamble. It can't be both.

2) The 14th Amendment has been ruled by the United States Supreme Court, the final arbiters of what the law is (Google Marbury v. Madison), that anyone born in the United States is a citizen. No branch of government, certainly no LEO has the authority or the power to over-rule the United States Supreme Court. FWIW, Wikipedia has this to say:

"The Supreme Court of the United States affirmed in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees citizenship for nearly all individuals born in the United States, provided that their parents are foreign citizens, have permanent domicile status in the United States, and are engaging in business in the United States except performing in a diplomatic or official capacity of a foreign power."

Anchor baby - Wikipedia

3) To your credit, you did preface your notions about employment with "imo." What I can say to you is that I work full time trying to get Americans, mostly white, to go back to work. If you work with me for one week I will fix your erroneous opinion. There is nothing like real hard core experience - and some of my own opinions were put to the test some years ago. I got involved so that critics could not call me dumb, stupid, uneducated... or their favorites neo- nazi, prejudiced, racist, bigot. So, I did it. I challenge you to work with me for one week and you'll see the sorriest sons of bitches on God's green earth. They will be Americans

4) If any employer is denied the same Right to hire a foreigner, then he does not have an equal opportunity. When I was 17, they implemented racial quotas and affirmative action. I lost my job due to the color of my skin. That winter I spent it in a mobile home with no electricity or running water. Since that time I have not supported preferential hiring schemes.

Furthermore, carrying your logic to its final destination, if we "enforced" the laws as it applies to foreigners the way you demand, millions of homes and apartments would belong to the government; most corporations would be shut down; YOU would probably be in prison... because Walmart was convicted of knowingly using subcontractors that hired undocumented workers. So, if the government owns the jobs as you contend and an undocumented foreigner got hired by that corporation (or its subsidiaries) and you shopped there, then you just received stolen property (since the profit belonged to the subjects of the state as opposed to the business.)

1. The millions of illegals that cross the border without being interacted with by the government is not "enforcing". THe millions that come here and over stay, without ever being followed up on, without or without due process, is not "Enforcing".

2. THe ruling was a stupid and wrong rulings. Whether it is overturned or not, that is still the case. Hopefully it will be reversed at somepoint, though the damage to the nation my already be mortal.

3. Labor participation is rising steadily. We must be doing something right. Let's keep doing it, and see what happens. I am happy to consider reforms on criminal records, as an additional help.

4 . Not allowing foreigners to flood the US labor market, is not a racial or ethnic quota system.

I am responding to numbers 2 through 4, my first reply to number precedes this. Hopefully this works:

2) I have quoted United States Supreme Court rulings. Under our Constitution the United States Supreme Court does not have the authority to reverse their rulings. That is legislating from the bench. Yes, they do it and yes, Trump stacked the Court hoping they would change precedents. I know this will fly over your head, but Kamala Harris has said if she becomes president, she will use Executive Orders to put America out of the gun business... she won't stop there. Being a second generation immigrant, she disagrees with you 100 percent.

There will be life after Trump. A Democrat will eventually come to power. Now how much leeway you give them is up to you, but when the liberals use YOUR precedents against you, then you might begin to understand why what you're advocating is foolish

3) If you think that we're doing is working, keep doing it and abandon this silliness that it can only take place with a wall. You just testified against your own wallist religion

4) Denying people the equal protection of the laws is unconstitutional, Correll. Furthermore, the current laws were put into place to disenfranchise the white people and then those quotas would be used to help the Republic implode. The laws did exactly what they were supposed to do. You have to decide what side of the issue you're really on. So far you've disagreed with real conservatives like Ronald Reagan - who opposed the nutty wall idea AND opposed quotas.

1. The Declaration states that RIghts are god given. That the Constitution provides a "contract" between the people and the government to "secure the blessings" of those rights is not the same as GRANTING those rights. I don't see a contradiction there.

2. A court can reverse previous rulings. That is NOT "legislating from the bench". Trump, filling vacancies is not "stacking" the court, but normal filling of vacancies.

I reject your argument that the lefties care about precedence. When they get the power, they will use it, whether they have to ignore the law, and/or precedent or not. We already see this type of behavior.

3. What we are doing in the context of labor participation is working and we should do more of it. That was unfair of you to take that out of context to another issue. A wall will help do more of restricting labor pool, to get rising wages.

4. Foreigners do not have the right to come to this country. That is not an equal protection of the law issue. They have the full rights of citizens in their own countries. I have no right to move to, say Bermuda and become a citizen there.

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