Right Sector Leader Predicts New Maidan, Larger and Bloodier Than Before

Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
Rada MP and Right Sector Leader Dmitri Yarosh told Ukrainian media that a third Maidan would be bloodier than before, given that growingly impatient young revolutionaries are now heavily armed.
In a recently released excerpt from his Sunday interview for Ukrainian newspaper Obozrevatel, MP, militant activist and Right Sector Leader Dmitri Yarosh noted that if a third Maidan were to take place in Ukraine, it would be bloodier and more terrible than anything ever witnessed before it.
Right Sector Leader Predicts New Maidan Larger and Bloodier Than Before Sputnik International
Ofcourse it would be much more bloodier with Nazis in the head. I think it's his first of all desire to make such a mess. Hope he won't find enough money to make it true
Plenty of Nationalist and Nazi groups come from Russia. Both sides take fighters from where they can. When men show up with guns ready to fight they are welcomed at the front. Ukraine nationalist want Russia out of Ukraine. Russian nationalist want Ukraine given back to Russian colonist who occupy parts of Ukraine. As always, the ugly parts of nationalism are used to influence the thoughts of recruits. Blame those who are different and the "outsiders" for all the problems.



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