Right For The Wrong Reason


Sep 23, 2010
Let me begin by making my position clear for my opposites. My personal belief is that Hussein did not win the election. That belief took hold on the morning of November 7th. To me, it was inconceivable that a president who was so bad could be reelected. Since so many reports of election fraud are popping up all over the place it has to be more than sore losers crying the blues.

In future messages I will probably mention Hussein’s theft when it overlaps another topic. Referring to a stolen election does not mean I want Hussein removed. To be precise, I know that nothing would be done about it if he, and every one of his professional thieves, confessed on prime time television. Wasting time trying to have Hussein removed from the presidency is the very definition of pissing into the wind.

Benghazi and the election

Pundits appear to have settled on Hussein’s coverup motive regarding the attack on the Benghazi. Conventional wisdom says he stalled because the facts would have hurt his chances of winning reelection had the story come out before election day. Now that the chattering class has pretty much settled on the wrong reason I want to offer an alternate scenario.

The Benghazi Massacre was covered up to sure, but not for the reason the media has fixed on. The “election day” scenario only makes sense if Hussein & Company did not know the fix was in. The way Hussein so flagrantly handled Benghazi before and after the killings begs the question: How did Hussein know that he was going to win? His pre-election conduct was much more than simply oozing an air of confidence; the bald-faced lies, his complete indifference towards the vast majority of Americans told the real story:

On Friday, November 09, 2012, FoxNews published online “Obama holds firm to tax hikes as he invites Hill leaders to talks on ‘fiscal cliff’” In which Barack Obama, was in full puffery and arrogant narcissism three days after somehow managing to completely fool the polls by fixing a victory in the face of oft-predicted landslide proportions of defeat.

The arrogance was highly evident as Obama claimed his election was a vindication of his fiscal policy. Then he added this bit of self-puffery, “I refuse to accept any approach that isn’t balanced,”. “This was a central question during the election ... and on Tuesday night, we found out that a majority of Americans agree with my approach.”

The second part of that last sentence “we found out that a majority of Americans agree with my approach” is praise undeserved but seemingly routine for this self-loving egoist. There was NO majority of Americans agreeing with his approach.

A majority of Americans, with our population currently standing at 314+ million people (not counting the many millions of illegal aliens or non registered or undocumented foreigners, would be 157+million persons; the most recent total tally for Obama is slightly over 60 million votes - a far cry from that 157+ million majority. (In fact, only about 38 percent of a majority!)

Obama Arrogant and Narcisstic As Usual
Jerry McConnell Saturday, November 17, 2012

Obama Arrogant and Narcisstic As Usual

Approximately 38 percent is nowhere near a majority. That 38 percent would be lowered a few ticks if you discount all of the illegal votes Hussein got:

There are 15 states with photo ID requirements for voting. Mr. Obama lost in all of them. In places with the weakest controls, specifically counties in Florida, Ohio, Colorado, and Pennsylvania, he generally drew turnouts in the 90% or greater range and won by better than 95% of the vote.

Losers tend to look for external explanations, and a lot of conservatives looking at numbers like those from Florida's St. Lucie County (where Mr. Obama got 247,713 votes from only 175,554 registered voters) are starting to question the legitimacy of the electoral results as reported. That's not good news for democracy, because the system works only if we trust it -- and having a majority in the GOP write off a minority who think the results were rigged serves nobody. Not even Democrats.

November 17, 2012
Did Obama Cheat? How to Answer the Question
By Paul Murphy

Articles: Did Obama Cheat? How to Answer the Question

The recent election told us one provable thing. Hussein only needs those voters who vote for him no matter what he does. Democrats so control the vote-counting procedures they no longer care what those Americans who do not vote think.

Those who would replace limited government with democracy might want everybody to vote, but a full turnout on election day is the last thing Democrats want. Basically, democracy in America is exactly where Communists want it to be. Why throw in a winning hand!

In addition to the clues Hussein dropped all over the place Joe Biden’s bizarre behavior practically admitted counting the ballots was nothing more than a formality. As big a clown as Biden is no candidate behaves the way he behaved without knowing he had a lock.

Incidentally, in early October Biden said this about the consulate in Benghazi:

We weren’t told they wanted more security. We did not know they wanted more security there.

Of course, that turned out to be a lie; so how much input did Biden contribute to the Benghazi coverup? Hussein said Susan Rice had nothing to do with Benghazi but she is up to her eyeballs in the controversy. Surely the vice president was in the loop, yet I don’t see his name on the list of suspects.

Parenthetically, Susan Rice is no bargain:

Susan Rice's miserable record at the UN
By Richard Grenell
Published November 15, 2012

Susan Rice's miserable record at the UN | Fox News
Senate Republicans are legitimately displeased with Susan Rice. Two things stand apart from Benghazi:

1. Rice is being touted as the next S o S for no other reason than her gender. As bad as she is secretary of state is slipping into a permanent slot for women.

2. Senate Republicans are not torpedoing Rice’s chances for the good of the country. They are smoothing the way for one of their own —— John Kerry —— in the event secretary of defense falls through. No matter which one gets the S o S job the country gets another UN-loving traitor. If I had my druthers it would be Rice rather than a bum from the Senate.

Turning a negative into a plus

As it turned out stealing the election is working in Hussein’s favor. Now that keeping the massacre in Benghazi under wraps until after the election has become the official media version of events all other avenues of inquiry are closed. The media and congressional committees are focusing on the coverup. Nothing will come of it and Hussein knows it. I just cannot see the MSM tying election fraud to the Benghazi coverup.
Obama has never been "bad". It's the Arab owned right wing political/entertainment complex that has infected their viewers with delusions that has spread throughout the entire right wing blogosphere until the entire right wing believes the lies must be true. They have been said so often by lots of white people.

As their charges have been debunked one by one, the malicious right has grown more and more agitated.

There is a rule of thumb to start off with. Say it out loud and if it sounds stupid or retarded, then it's probably both stupid and retarded. Some examples:

Obama is a Marxist/Keynan Colonial Mau Mau.

Obama took a trip using half the US Navy cost 200 million dollars a day.

Obama (who has children) wants to destroy the nation.

Obama is a gun runner.

You try it. Say it out loud and see if it sounds stupid. The only problem is that the right has become so indoctrinated, this nonsense doesn't sound like nonsense to them. Then they have lost the ability to distinguish between reality and their bizarro reality.
Obama has never been "bad". It's the Arab owned right wing political/entertainment complex that has infected their viewers with delusions that has spread throughout the entire right wing blogosphere until the entire right wing believes the lies must be true. They have been said so often by lots of white people.

As their charges have been debunked one by one, the malicious right has grown more and more agitated.

There is a rule of thumb to start off with. Say it out loud and if it sounds stupid or retarded, then it's probably both stupid and retarded. Some examples:

Obama is a Marxist/Keynan Colonial Mau Mau.

Obama took a trip using half the US Navy cost 200 million dollars a day.

Obama (who has children) wants to destroy the nation.

Obama is a gun runner.

You try it. Say it out loud and see if it sounds stupid. The only problem is that the right has become so indoctrinated, this nonsense doesn't sound like nonsense to them. Then they have lost the ability to distinguish between reality and their bizarro reality.

To rdean: You are obviously one of those people who make Lloyd Marcus angry:

November 17, 2012
An Angry Black Man
By Lloyd Marcus

Articles: An Angry Black Man
Obama has never been "bad". It's the Arab owned right wing political/entertainment complex that has infected their viewers with delusions that has spread throughout the entire right wing blogosphere until the entire right wing believes the lies must be true. They have been said so often by lots of white people.

As their charges have been debunked one by one, the malicious right has grown more and more agitated.

There is a rule of thumb to start off with. Say it out loud and if it sounds stupid or retarded, then it's probably both stupid and retarded. Some examples:

Obama is a Marxist/Keynan Colonial Mau Mau.

Obama took a trip using half the US Navy cost 200 million dollars a day.

Obama (who has children) wants to destroy the nation.

Obama is a gun runner.

You try it. Say it out loud and see if it sounds stupid. The only problem is that the right has become so indoctrinated, this nonsense doesn't sound like nonsense to them. Then they have lost the ability to distinguish between reality and their bizarro reality.
It's the Arab owned right wing political/entertainment complex

They own 10% of the stock, not a controlling interest. But you knew that. Get over it and stop lying.
It's the Arab owned right wing political/entertainment complex

They own 10% of the stock, not a controlling interest. But you knew that. Get over it and stop lying.

To freedombecki: Liberals used to scream about the military/industrial complex. I can’t believe they see a “. . . right-wing political/entertainment complex*”. In fact, the Left’s media/entertainment/education complex tears this country down, while Eisenhower’s military/industrial complex defend this country. Listen to what he said:

Ike was correct. The military/industrial complex is necessary, while the media/entertainment/education complex is neither necessary, nor good, for the country.

He won whether you believe it or not.

To Politico: I believe he will be sworn in again.

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