Riddle me this Batman - Fox and Usama

It is test of penetration, the gutter/ quatar debate
same thing to see how much reach a broadcasters message reaches
Q-Qh-Qu-Kh-K-aD-Da-F-F-I has been screwed up for decades. Osama has not and now wondering why Fox decided to go down that road now. Seeing as they were the only ones out there last night deciding to wallpaper their channel with what most people would consider the improper spelling of the name of the world's most notorious terrorist. Seems to add to the pin-headed-ness that they so willingly do not seem to want to seem to alter or fix.

Nothing wrong with the spelling. But we understand that you don't like FOX so why don't you just change back to MSNBC where you are more comfortable.
The STOOPID runs deep in this thread it does.

Just Frelling Stating The Obvious.

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