Richard Painter & MSNBC Desperation to counter Trumps success


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well everytime Trump is doing something positive, the fake news has to counter
once again with the race baiting. Go figure.
Marginalizing racism and crying wolf all the time while using racism for weaponizing a groups plights and pandering to them for holding voter base is a disturbing form of racism in it'self.
But besides the race baiting MSNBC keeps creating repeated hypothetical scenerios to enrage it's snowflake base.
The man who sounds like he's crowning a Gerbil,
Richard Painter was on MSNBC said that it was highly wrong for members of congress (to do their job) and (in his subjective opinion - harshly) question Mueller(cause truth hurts as reality is harsh), but in that logic and standard isn't he himself letting the gerbil out of the bag and bashing Mueller and Dems for harshly going after (for political sabotage) the Trump team and Trump himself?
His fueling anger tactical threat was all you needed to know regarding the imaginary hypothetical talk of firing Mueller, because using their own logic this threat the Demwits make to the president and the rights to EQUAL justice is in essence the Dems trying to obstruct justice in that if Mueller is guilty of setting up this kangaroo court and abusing his position and power then restricting his being questioned, investigated, fired is the true obstruction of justice and the Dems are covering up their crimes and treasonous acts. This makes Richard Painter guilty of threatening a coup to cover up treasonous and criminal acts.
If nothing done was wrong then why worry about questioning Mueller and those inside the Bureau who were biased or planning their political sabotage or worse, a soft coup?
I think the gerbil went to his brain not having anything to do with his face paralysis, he forgot everything he's accusing his target
MIGHT DO, is exactly what he is involved in doing.
Look in the mirror much?
He's protecting the merger monopoly of the companies that have paid off politicians, and he's made those uncalled commentaries that he says is wrong when done to UNETHICAL PLAYERS who are doing his whims which involve removal of a democratically elected President =coup Richard Painter is basically admittedly part of.
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Sounds like you don't want to believe that all the Trump people got caught lying, let alone the fact that the buffoon himself does nothing but lie. Sheesh.

What, do you suppose, will cause you to wake the fuck up?
Sounds like you don't want to believe that all the Trump people got caught lying, let alone the fact that the buffoon himself does nothing but lie. Sheesh.

What, do you suppose, will cause you to wake the fuck up?

I'd guess that at least half of the people who frequent this board would gladly suck Trump's orange dick if he asked it of them. Though they would have to do some mental gymnastics afterward to justify how it doesn't make them gay (because gay people are the enemy, for some reason).

So I doubt they'll ever be able to see Trump for what he really is.
Hate much?
You guys sound as bitter as Richard Painter.
The 2 replies were not just oblivious to the topic and off topic, but also shows that when confronted with your own logic and accusations, you end up hating yourselves while deflecting.
Sounds like you don't want to believe that all the Trump people got caught lying, let alone the fact that the buffoon himself does nothing but lie. Sheesh.

What, do you suppose, will cause you to wake the fuck up?

^^ Someone has been watching CNN.
For those who didn't see the commentary Richard Painter had said Mueller served his country and was due respect, the same respect Flynn received by Richard Painter when trashing Flynn with his argument with Alan Dershowitz.-oops seems Richard Painter argued against himself this time.
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Hate much?
You guys sound as bitter as Richard Painter.
The 2 replies were not just oblivious to the topic and off topic, but also shows that when confronted with your own logic and accusations, you end up hating yourselves while deflecting.

You're out of your mind. Your premise is that Mueller is on a partisan fantasy witch hunt and he and his motives need to be questioned and investigated. Further, you're insinuating that Flynn and others who have clearly lied about their contact and cover-up of their involvement with Russians are victims of a coup because what? Not questioning Mueller's motives is obstructing justice?
Sounds like you don't want to believe that all the Trump people got caught lying, let alone the fact that the buffoon himself does nothing but lie. Sheesh.

What, do you suppose, will cause you to wake the fuck up?

^^ Someone has been watching CNN.
What? FOX doesn't cover the lies the buffoon spews daily?

What a surprise. Hey, I hear he's got you bozos convinced you're gonna love this tax cut and it's really gonna hurt him financially. Oh, and this tax bill was really really popular.
Sounds like you don't want to believe that all the Trump people got caught lying, let alone the fact that the buffoon himself does nothing but lie. Sheesh.

What, do you suppose, will cause you to wake the fuck up?

^^ Someone has been watching CNN.
What? FOX doesn't cover the lies the buffoon spews daily?

What a surprise. Hey, I hear he's got you bozos convinced you're gonna love this tax cut and it's really gonna hurt him financially. Oh, and this tax bill was really really popular.

What!!! The sky is falling.
Richard Painter is part of the deep state...
I just wonder if his beef comes from being devoted & thus protecting of the Bushes or if he switched parties or is protecting some further interest like these corporate donors.
I think most of these scenerios back your deep state assertion and any outsider is messing with his syndicate.
Hate much?
You guys sound as bitter as Richard Painter.
The 2 replies were not just oblivious to the topic and off topic, but also shows that when confronted with your own logic and accusations, you end up hating yourselves while deflecting.

Your premise is that Mueller is on a partisan fantasy witch hunt and he and his motives need to be questioned and investigated. Further, you're insinuating that Flynn and others who have clearly lied about their contact and cover-up of their involvement with Russians are victims of a coup because what?
Not questioning Mueller's motives is obstructing justice?
I said "if" as in there is "enough smoke to warrant an investigation" thus questioning Mueller is legit using Dems and Muellers own standard and done no harsher then Dem politicizing these hearings have of anyone on the Trump team.
By Richard Painter wanting no such even standard be held and threatening stance against Mueller being investigated is Richard Painter admitting wanting and trying to obstruct justice according to his own standards.=hates his own standards as Dems hate their own logic.

We know Mueller violated the law by not recusing himself which is enough to warrant firing him if they wanted to.
Look up in the law;
28 CFR Section 45.2
Jeff Sessions has the right to remove him by law.
28 USC Section 528 provides:
28 CFR Section 45.2 provides in part:
POLICING THE USA: A look at race, justice, media
Comey and Mueller have been friends for nearly 15 years. They were partners in the episode that defined Comey's professional persona more than any other in his public service. It would be surprising if it had not also forged a permanent bond with Mueller.

Fact: Mueller asked Don JR to provide emails for his meeting with Russian lawyer which was set up by British tabloid editor Goldstone who had ties to both Gore/Clinton press room publicists and the British Dozier company. The same Russian adoption lawyer
that met with many Dem politicians and campaign team members.
Yet, Mueller never asked for those Dem contact emails correspondance which matters towards the case as a whole and context of questions on Don Jr's meeting.
By not caring about the meetings with other party=proof of non partisan & politicization of the investigations as does the leaks one (maybe more)which we know was his friend Comey. His hiring all Clinton donors is also evidence requiring further investigation when placed in full context of the fusion one issues and other problematic
conflict of interest issues.
Please reveal to us one of the many emails from the Russian adoption lawyer to the Dem campaign and politicians and their emails to her. Just post one.
Why is Don Jr. trasparent releasing of those emails, but you can't find one transparent email from the Dems who corresponded with her. If that was you having a son being attacked while the agency was ignoring
one party while politicizing the process towards the other, would you be firing
that suspicious agents activity? Would it be justifiable? Yes, and yet it's not an issue because he wasn't fired it's all
threats to prevent firing him "or else" get ousted. =threat/obstruction of justice/coup
It's that simple, but you being on the side of the coup are in denial and deflecting the fact you hate your own logic and standards when reflected back. In laymans terms;
you are being intellectually dishonest.
I don't hate my own logic. But your silly strawman arguments only expose the idea the real facts mean nothing to you. Suggesting what you can't possibly know Mueller is doing or thinking is silly conjecture on your part. The facts are that Russians meddled in the election to support Trump. How eager were Trump's people to get that support is as obvious as the reasons why they wanted Clinton to lose.
What is also obvious is that the pile of ongoing lies is clearly covering-up something and it's likely Mueller will expose all of it because he's greatly respected as highly professional and extremely thorough. You're just going to have to live with that. From all accounts he has a superb team and it's likely the reason your biased sources are ratcheting-up this nonsense is that it looks like a huge pile of shit is about to hit the fan.

Your willful ignorance won't save you from the coming shitstorm, it is in fact, a big cause of it.
I don't hate my own logic. But your silly strawman arguments only expose the idea the real facts mean nothing to you. Suggesting what you can't possibly know Mueller is doing or thinking is silly conjecture on your part. The facts are that Russians meddled in the election to support Trump. How eager were Trump's people to get that support is as obvious as the reasons why they wanted Clinton to lose.
What is also obvious is that the pile of ongoing lies is clearly covering-up something and it's likely Mueller will expose all of it because he's greatly respected as highly professional and extremely thorough. You're just going to have to live with that. From all accounts he has a superb team and it's likely the reason your biased sources are ratcheting-up this nonsense is that it looks like a huge pile of shit is about to hit the fan.

Your willful ignorance won't save you from the coming shitstorm, it is in fact, a big cause of it.

Mirror reflecting your logic YOU YOURSELF ADMIT:
"what you can't possibly know Trump is doing or thinking is silly conjecture on your part."
But wait, you do know what Trump
was NOT DOING because Mueller illegally used Fusion GPS nonsense to spy on him and Obama used the Russian Ambassador as an agent spy. Remember Obama was the one who set up Sessions meeting and Lied about knowing about Flynn being surveilled, because that was illegal (cause Flynn was a civilian) and because it was an abuse of power being it was used for political campaign spying.
If you are saying Mueller is ignorant to this then you admit he should be fired, and if you say he knew and participated then he is guilty of the crimes you want to obstruct justice from a conclusion. Either excuse you expose the OP as right and you as intellectually dishonest as Painter was.
=checkmate you got backed in a corner by your own argument as did Painter.
You also pulled an Ad Hominem argument by ignoring the law broken by Mueller for recusing himself. Weaving in and out of arguments ignoring the parts oroving you wrong is avoidance techniques used by intellectual dishonest debate.=ad hominem avoidance replies are an admission of failure to refute the topic.

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