Richard Nixon would DESTROY Obama in debates


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
More than held his own with JFK.

People who only listened on radio thought that Nixon won the debates.
What is up with conservatives and dead politicians in a modern context?

Zombie Reagan and Zombie Nixon.
More than held his own with JFK.

People who only listened on radio thought that Nixon won the debates.

And people who watched on the television thought that he looked like a train wreck.

Looked terrible - the 5 O'Clock shadow on black and white TV , the sweating etc

Still almost won the election - then gracefully congratulated JFK.
Somebody saidthat Obama beat McCain in all 3 debates ??????????????????????

beg to differ

More than held his own with JFK.

People who only listened on radio thought that Nixon won the debates.

And people who watched on the television thought that he looked like a train wreck.

Looked terrible - the 5 O'Clock shadow on black and white TV , the sweating etc

Still almost won the election - then gracefully congratulated JFK.

In other words, you're comfortable with basing your conclusions on a favorable cherry picking of half the information.
Richard 'The Sweaty Criminal' Nixon vs. Barack 'One Cool A$$ MoFo' Obama


And some palookas are claiming Tricky Dicky would win....?


Nixon had substance.

I would have preferred that he hadn't kissed Brezchnev on-the-lips toasting a diplomatic success - but you do what you gotta do
Yeah - Nixon passed theEPA , Endangedws Species Act - all sorts or envirenoment measures - wouldn't pass-muster with thefar-right
the average obama supporter have never heard of Richard Nixon,,,shows u how they have the same mentality of a constipated turkey.
the average obama supporter have never heard of Richard Nixon,,,shows u how they have the same mentality of a constipated turkey.

are you really as stupid as you pretend to be?

for your sake, i hope not, because i'd think you'd be unable to get dressed by yourself if you are.

what? I can't be sarcastic time to time? don't many of the posters make smart aleck remarks as well?
the average obama supporter have never heard of Richard Nixon,,,shows u how they have the same mentality of a constipated turkey.

are you really as stupid as you pretend to be?

for your sake, i hope not, because i'd think you'd be unable to get dressed by yourself if you are.

what? I can't be sarcastic time to time? don't many of the posters make smart aleck remarks as well?

sarcasm? from time to time? is that what that is? i've never seen you post anything normal. i know you fancy yourself funny, but really, you're not... not even a little.
my holders fast & furious vs perry's pause wasn't serious? MSNBC is all over it as if it was a national crisis.

which has what to do with your post?

oh right... it doesn't.


and if i were you, i wouldn't be bragging on nixon. aside from the fact that he was delusional and paranoid and crooked, and racist and anti-semitic, he couldn't get past the rightwingnut primaries. he created the EPA; opened china and ended the vietnam war. you teanut gallery idiots would have hated him.

oh yeah... and he was really, really smart. that disqualifies him from republinut politics immediately.

not so funny to a rightwingnut, eh?
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