Revolution on the Horizon?


Feb 17, 2011
With the global rise in revolution is there enough angst here in our own country to bring about a sort of revolution? Well probably not in the form that we’re seeing overseas. I doubt that the people of this country will walk in mass against the president or a change in government. But, there still could be a revolution in a way we don’t expect. Perhaps the Middle class will revolt from being forced into poverty or slavery. Maybe the corporations will gain control over the governments and form and underground leadership. Maybe the verbal attacks of the various political parties will escalate and force more violent attacks around the country. Any of these are possible, we see it happening around the world, but the truly scary part is that I feel that all three may be happening at the same time. And one inch of instability in this country could open us to a world of pain from those who would see America fall.

I want to step off on the right foot here and let everyone know that I am not a raciest, I don’t believe in any form of slavery, and I am not a sexist, I believe men and women should have equal rights in any facet of living (I also don’t believe that the rights of an individual should change due to their race, sex, creed, or sexual orientation).

In the mid to late 1930’s Women began to enter the work force. This was a fine thing, and personally I have no problem with it. It wasn’t until the women that were entering the work force where mothers and wives that the problem began. For the most part there was no immediate impact on a social and economical scale. But when more homes went from single working parent homes to both parents working (somewhere near the late ‘70s) families began to spend more money. This is of course a good thing, however like all good things, they are only good in moderation. The demand for things began to out way the supply (even if only slightly) and the prices of these goods went up. Again not exactly a bad thing. The bad part is that the suppliers were starting to get a taste of a little thing called greed. The rise in prices, while slow, didn’t stop rising. And a lot of the families that were already a two income household soon realized that it was no longer just an option but now a necessity, and all the one income households realized that they needed to become two income homes. Welcome to the late ‘80s. The “luxury items” became necessities (i.e. TVs, Two Cars, Owning not renting, etc). Had the “suppliers” simply kept in pace with natural inflation there wouldn’t be an issue. But they didn’t. The cost of living has always been higher than the median income of a two income family household. On top of which the employers didn’t keep salaries of all its employees in par with the cost of living. Instead they began the practice of large increases in salaries to only its top members, and small increases if any to its lower employees. We are currently living in a world where it takes three incomes per household to do the same things that one income did in the early ‘70s. These days a job is hard to come by, and once you have one you don’t want to rock the boat and jeopardise that income. An employee has no control over their employment anymore. The entire working middle class are slaves to their employers. The capitalists will scream at this saying it’s your choice to continue to work, you’re not forced to do the job, quit if you don’t like it. But there in lies the catch, there are no other jobs. Even the highly educated and more than willing to do whatever it takes young graduates can’t find work. How is a 2yr graduate out of college and in the work force doing the same job for the past 5-10 years supposed to find another job. They can’t. So those that can’t find work are delegated to poor status, and those that have work are delegated to slave status. And Slave is the right word to use here. Lets face it, there are more people working there job because they have to than those that may work because they want to. We’re not talking about laziness or lack of motivation here, we’re talking about those that have to work at a job they despise because they can’t get work at what they want. Unfortunately this isn’t the whole picture of the problem, this is only the beginning of the problem. With all this happening the “slaves” are living outside there means. Not that they’re living luxuriously, just that the income they are taking home doesn’t cover their cost of living. So their credit begins to suffer and sooner or later the homes are foreclosed on, their possessions are repossessed, and their debt becomes seemingly insurmountable. The “slaves” become poor. Now we have all this poor and they all need help. State assistance (welfare and the like) is there for them. But with so many people, even working “slaves”, applying for state aid and getting it, the state begins to suffer. Once the money supporting that state aid disappears so will the state aid. But it wont stop there, more will suffer. Schools, Police Departments, Fire Departments, even the state departments themselves will begin to loose state funding. What happens to communities with little to no education, no police or fire departments, and no state services? They turn into 3rd world countries, and very unhappy citizens. And poof... Perhaps the beginning of a revolution. History has proven to us time and time again that when the middle class disappears and the poor significantly out number the wealthy revolution will occur.

I was planning on ranting on the other two as well... but this one got a bit long.

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