Rev. Wright paid to sabotage Obama campaign


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
It really is the only logic conclusion I can fathom. It is beyond comprehension that he could possibly think he is helping. Even if he is that divorced from reality, Obama isn't. So it is also beyond comprehension that the Obama campaign has not repeatedly asked him to shut his yap and go crawl under a rock somewhere. Yet there he is, whoring for facetime, making a total characature of himself and doing his damnedest to wipe as much of his stink on Obama as possible. And since people usually don't prostitute themselves without compensation, somebody must be paying him. The only question is who: Clinton or McCain backers? :eusa_think:
As I said on another thread, I think he's sabotaging Obama intentionally so he can say "see, I told you a black man couldn't be president". I think he also thinks Obama isn't "black enough". Now this is totally surmise on my part. But I can't think of any reason, short of senility, that a man of Wright's intelligence would say the things he is saying.

But I don't think he's being paid. ;)
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As I said on another thread, I think he's sabotaging Obama intentionally so he can say "see, I told you a black man couldn't be president". I think he also thinks Obama isn't "black enough". Now this is totally surmise on my part. But I can't think of any reason, short of senility, that a man of Wright's intelligence would say the things he is saying.

But I don't think he's being paid. ;)

That doesn't make any sense to me. In the absense of compensation, he stands to gain much more from an Obama win than he does an Obama loss.
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Depends on what one's agenda is. If the agenda is to intensify the racial divide, then the Obama loss is greater gain.

Whoaaaaaaaa Nelly!

I'm sorry, but I'm not signing up for that conspiracy theory.

I think it's far more reasonable to accept that one guy would screw over another guy for a few duckets. But to suggest he'd intentionally sell out his own people, for generations to come, because he intends to profit from their suffering and injustice, well...that's some pretty evil shit right there. It's one thing to exaggerate and sensationalize it for profit, like Sharpton. It's another thing entirely to intentionally try to stand in the way of real progress. I wouldn't even accuse Sharpton of that, even though many do.
Whoaaaaaaaa Nelly!

I'm sorry, but I'm not signing up for that conspiracy theory.

I think it's far more reasonable to accept that one guy would screw over another guy for a few duckets. But to suggest he'd intentionally sell out his own people, for generations to come, because he intends to profit from their suffering and injustice, well...that's some pretty evil shit right there. It's one thing to exaggerate and sensationalize it for profit, like Sharpton. It's another thing entirely to intentionally try to stand in the way of real progress. I wouldn't even accuse Sharpton of that, even though many do.

Oh... I didn't say I really believed it. It's pure surmise. But I think that surmising that Obama or Clinton paid him is in the surmise zone, too.

I kind of figured it's for the same reason that Ralph Nader likes sabotaging the dems even though the dems represent more of what he believes in. He's a megalomaniac who wants everything to get torn down so it can be rebuilt in the image he wants.

Do you really think it's not possible that the good rev (given whom he finds admirable, like Farrakhan) wants to see the whole thing come to a head.
"I think it's far more reasonable to accept that one guy would screw over another guy for a few duckets. But to suggest he'd intentionally sell out his own people, for generations to come, because he intends to profit from their suffering and injustice, well...that's some pretty evil shit right there. It's one thing to exaggerate and sensationalize it for profit, like Sharpton. It's another thing entirely to intentionally try to stand in the way of real progress. I wouldn't even accuse Sharpton of that, even though many do."

i think in the preacher's mind he is not selling out his people at all. wink, wink, obama has to do what he has to do as a politician. his latest antics create an opportunity for obama to appear to separate himself. i happen to think it's too late, but it seems like that might be the intention here.
Oh... I didn't say I really believed it. It's pure surmise. But I think that surmising that Obama or Clinton paid him is in the surmise zone, too.

I kind of figured it's for the same reason that Ralph Nader likes sabotaging the dems even though the dems represent more of what he believes in. He's a megalomaniac who wants everything to get torn down so it can be rebuilt in the image he wants.

Do you really think it's not possible that the good rev (given whom he finds admirable, like Farrakhan) wants to see the whole thing come to a head.

Well of course it's speculation in either case. And of course they're are both possible, but I consider the compensation assumption far far more probable. People are willing to do a lot of things for money. Everyone is motivated by money to some extent. How many people are truly motivated by political ideals and convictions? Regardless, at least we agree that he's intentionally trying to sabotage Obama.
Well of course it's speculation in either case. And of course they're are both possible, but I consider the compensation assumption far far more probable. People are willing to do a lot of things for money. Everyone is motivated by money to some extent. How many people are truly motivated by political ideals and convictions? Regardless, at least we agree that he's intentionally trying to sabotage Obama.

oh my... whatever the reason. no question its intentional.

but it was so venal... that it seemed personal, not for compensation. But either way, Obama was right to toss him under the bus and then back up over him.
It really is the only logic conclusion I can fathom. It is beyond comprehension that he could possibly think he is helping. Even if he is that divorced from reality, Obama isn't. So it is also beyond comprehension that the Obama campaign has not repeatedly asked him to shut his yap and go crawl under a rock somewhere. Yet there he is, whoring for facetime, making a total characature of himself and doing his damnedest to wipe as much of his stink on Obama as possible. And since people usually don't prostitute themselves without compensation, somebody must be paying him. The only question is who: Clinton or McCain backers? :eusa_think:

Doubtful. Maybe he's got a few screws loose in his head or has an agenda of his own.
I think he believed Obama was on the same page, based on his long-standing and close relationship with him, and I think he's angered that Obama sold out.
"I think it's far more reasonable to accept that one guy would screw over another guy for a few duckets. But to suggest he'd intentionally sell out his own people, for generations to come, because he intends to profit from their suffering and injustice, well...that's some pretty evil shit right there. It's one thing to exaggerate and sensationalize it for profit, like Sharpton. It's another thing entirely to intentionally try to stand in the way of real progress. I wouldn't even accuse Sharpton of that, even though many do."

maybe mani has a few screws loose, eh...?
talk about exaggeration!

do rational people believe that if hillary is the nominee the sky will fall for the black community?
? They said they were friends. Close friends. You don't liken somebody to an uncle if you aren't friends.

But go ahead and work from your own bias if you like, and ignore what the actual participants in the play have said.
I dunno if im convinced yet that Wright is acting outside of his 15 minutes of fame. I think he's pulling a cindy sheehan replacing code pink for the naacp. Im betting Wright's greater motivation is to be this generations MJK rather than simply trying to sabatage Obama.

However, I don't think it will be just an easy matter of promoting racial divide if Obama loses. Wright, at this point, can't put too much distance between him and the only crack in Obama's political armor thus far. In other words, it's not whiteys fault this time.

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