Rev. Sharpton lie by omission.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Last night Sharpton had a 94 years old Black women from Penn who said the state new voter ID law would prevent her from voting because she don’t have a “birth certificate.” Sharpton failed you ask her how she got a social security number, applied for a jobs and cashed her checks and applied for Social Security benefits. Other pertinent question as what form of proof of birth have she used. A certified birth certificate is no the only document that can prove birth. She has never had to prove citizenship in her 94 years?
Photo ID do not prevent people from voting, it prevent non citizens like Illegal Aliens from voting.
Maybe she is not a American born citizen and should not be voting.

Another upcoming post; ROMNEY LIE BY SILENCE.
Yes, I saw part of that too. Sharpton never said a word about trying to help her with getting a voter I.D.
He never said anything at all about starting a movement or going the Democratic party to help any of them to get I.D.'s.
Why don't the Dem's want any of these people to have free voter I.D.'s? Why won't they help them instead of trying to get rid of the laws ?
Because they still want voter fraud that's why.

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