Reuters “Fact checks” Thailand study that concluded 30% of children who get “vaxxed” experience cardiac abnormalities…Says its only 18%.

Yes. That poster is a cultist. They will give their children whatever the government tells them to give their children…and if their child dies…they will say they did it for the greater good.

They are fucked in the head, but at least they are self culling.

Yep according to you ignorant fucking nutsbags we should listen to you instead of FDA.

No thanks idiot, too many people ended up in ICU or dead listening to you already.
Because the mild heart inflammation in teens is EXTREMELY common. It comes from a variety of various factors not associated with the vaccines including such things as hayfever and stress.

However, this is an endocrine system virus and not a pulmonary system virus. The true damages from this virus will not be seen for decades. This isn't influenza or meningitis...

Currently the treatment of endocrine system disorders is still in the dark ages. We use one type of insulin manufactured from sheep when the human body requires four. We treat testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid deficiencies with sledgehammers instead of scalpels. This deficiency especially shows up in the use of psychotropic medications used for mental illnesses. We don't know enough about the endocrine system to adequately treat the issues and if this virus continues the human race will experience huge problems with successive generations in the population with the increase in abnormalities.

At one time nobody thought anything about lead plumbing pipes or lead based paint pigments....or the various types of asbestos that seemed inert...or even silicon dust or how an unseen gas coming from under your house will give you cancer.
True science demonstrated that these things were dangerous. Currently I see lots of hysteria over nothing burgers. However I also see hysteria over "long covid" symptoms that are likely caused by endocrine system issues.

I really don't recommend giving out medical advice or make determinations based upon a layman understanding of research.

Sure, you are entitled to an may not allow your teens to engage in the consumption of stimulant beverages like Soda, tea, or coffee...your choice as a parent. But your child will have to suffer from the consequences you thrust upon them too.

We've seen this before.

All of a sudden we have an "expert" here who will lie and shout down and spin each and every truth about MFV

The Mossad is worried.

Too many Americans now understand those who mandated the MFV engaged in

Deliberate intentional mass murder
Yep according to you ignorant fucking nutsbags we should listen to you instead of FDA.

A subscriber to the greater guru theory of parroting

I am parroting a greater guru than you

I'm parroting dr Fauci!!!!!!!

The only thing that parroting has ever proven is that the individual doing the parroting has a

A subscriber to the greater guru theory of parroting

I am parroting a greater guru than you

I'm parroting dr Fauci!!!!!!!

The only thing that parroting has ever proven is that the individual doing the parroting has a

You are just making my argument for me with your nutty ramblings.
4 people reporting some chest pain that went away?

Thats what you think is a resonable counterweight to all the complications Covid-19 causes, which btw includes ALL those symptoms at much higher rates?

If so, FDA considred risk and benefits and disagrees with your expert opinion:
  • The FDA’s evaluation and analysis of the safety, effectiveness and manufacturing data of these vaccines was rigorous and comprehensive, supporting the EUAs.
  • The agency determined that the known and potential benefits of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the known and potential risks in the pediatric populations authorized for use for each vaccine.
  • Prior to making the decision to authorize these vaccines for the respective pediatric populations, the FDA’s independent Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee was consulted and voted in support of the authorizations.
My gosh, you would give it to your children.:omg:
My gosh, you would give it to your children.:omg:
Nutbag, 20 million kids in United States have already had at least one Covid-19 shot. It been well proven to be safe.


Nutbag, 20 million kids in United States have already had at least one Covid-19 shot. It been well proven to be safe.


It's another flu.

Enjoy your shots....

Oh look. The CDC just launched an investigation last month....

Inflammation of the heart muscle is nothing to worry about. It won't shorten your life. You can be sure of that since there is long term data to make such a conclusion (NOT). Don't worry, just have your child visit their cardiologist and everything will probably be just dandy.....

COVID often causes no symptoms at all in young people...

So, COVID often causes no symptoms whatsoever in young people, and it does not cause serious symptoms in hardly any of them.

But if you get the shot, according to the OP, young people have...
  • 0.3% chance of myocarditis, but after five months the heart looked normal.
  • 18% chance of abnormal heart rhythm.
  • 2.3% chance of abnormal ECG including signs of heart injury.
  • 11.6% chance of headache.
  • 16.5% chance of fever.

The COVID jabs are meant to mimic the immune response of healthy people, but they don't work quite as well, and there are no long-term studies of these first-of-a-kind mRNA vaccines.

Go for it! COVID is really really scary.

> Nutbag

Let's see about that.

Tell me....

How many shots did you get?
How many times did you get COVID?
Did you ever wear two masks? We know you religiously wore at least one.
Did you change your lifestyle over COVID? Did you stand on the little dots at the store, and follow the arrows? Did you have groceries delivered or do curbside pickup because you were scared?
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Yes. That poster is a cultist. They will give their children whatever the government tells them to give their children…and if their child dies…they will say they did it for the greater good.

They are fucked in the head, but at least they are self culling.

Keep in mind that there is a lot of overlap between that cult, and the cult that supports allowing faggots, trannies, and similar disgusting, dangerous sexual perverts, to groom young children.
Yep according to you ignorant fucking nutsbags we should listen to you instead of FDA.

No thanks idiot, too many people ended up in ICU or dead listening to you already.

Someone who is stupid enough to let government deceive him into accepting dangerous, experimental drugs, is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's intelligence or sanity.

So they claim the study is false because REUTERS says its only 18%, not 30%?


Reuters is running interference for BIG PHARMA.

This shot should NOT be on the CDC vax schedule for children!

18% or 30%? Both are insanely high….why should the vax cause ANY heart problems?

Children are at very low risk to get COVID at all.

It's another flu.

Enjoy your shots....

Oh look. The CDC just launched an investigation last month....

Inflammation of the heart muscle is nothing to worry about. It won't shorten your life. You can be sure of that since there is long term data to make such a conclusion (NOT). Don't worry, just have your child visit their cardiologist and everything will probably be just dandy.....

COVID often causes no symptoms at all in young people...

So, COVID often causes no symptoms whatsoever in young people, and it does not cause serious symptoms in hardly any of them.

But if you get the shot, according to the OP, young people have...
  • 0.3% chance of myocarditis, but after five months the heart looked normal.
  • 18% chance of abnormal heart rhythm.
  • 2.3% chance of abnormal ECG including signs of heart injury.
  • 11.6% chance of headache.
  • 16.5% chance of fever.

The COVID jabs are meant to mimic the immune response of healthy people, but they don't work quite as well, and there are no long-term studies of these first-of-a-kind mRNA vaccines.

Go for it! COVID is really really scary.

> Nutbag

Let's see about that.

Tell me....

How many shots did you get?
How many times did you get COVID?
Did you ever wear two masks? We know you religiously wore at least one.
Did you change your lifestyle over COVID? Did you stand on the little dots at the store, and follow the arrows? Did you have groceries delivered or do curbside pickup because you were scared?

Flu? Children get routinely vaccinated for flu and yes, it's even required like many other vaccinations.

CDC, who you source to make your laughable half-baked arguments....recommends getting vaccinated, so what is it you think you are going to prove? What is it you think that a genius like you knows that they missed in their own published material?

Got my two shots and wear a mask everyday - it's required in a hospital setting.
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Someone who is stupid enough to let government deceive him into accepting dangerous, experimental drugs, is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's intelligence or sanity.

12+ billion vaccine shots administered...but nope, no one is going to decieve you with some experimental drug. You are too damn smart.


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