Ret. General Robert Spalding: Moon Landing Couldn’t Happen in Today’s Deindustrialized America


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Ret. General Robert Spalding: Moon Landing Couldn’t Happen in Today’s Deindustrialized America
July 20,2019 ~ By ROBERT KRAYCHIK
Spalding continued, “When you look at America today, we have no telecommunication equipment manufacturers left that are American companies. When China entered the WTO in 2001, from that time period to 2017, we lost 78,000 factories. We unemployed 3.4 million manufacturing jobs. In the same time, we spent trillions in the Middle East.” “We fell Into this trap of believing that open markets lead to wealth, and wealth leads to democracy, and, therefore, if we just open ourselves up to the world, that the world would automatically democratize,” noted Spalding. “In the space of that 20 years, we essentially deindustrialized our entire country to the point where we almost can’t manufacture any of the things we need to defend ourselves.” “We even have F-35 circuit boards that are manufactured by Huawei,” noted Spalding. “We’ve gone from being the most sophisticated industrial countries on the planet to being one of the least sophisticated. There’s this fallacy and belief that Silicon Valley is this great engine of innovation in the United States. All they really build are business models based on software. All the hard sciences, all the hardware, all the real science and engineering is going on in China, right now.”
A revamped Space Program may provide the national focus necessary for a revitalized national industrial policy, speculated Spalding. “If we want to get back to that, we need to have a [national] focused effort. Maybe it is to go to the heavens. Maybe it is to go to Mars. But more importantly, when I got to the White House, all my colleagues that came from the Commerce Department and the Treasury Department said, ‘The United States doesn’t do industrial policy.’ I’ll tell you what: the countries that are actually creating the things that drive the world today do industrial policy. “I’ve been to the Hill many times in the last year, and every time I have a conversation about China — and every time I hear conversations about China — it’s clear people are beginning to wake up,” shared Spalding. “But they haven’t figured out that we actually have to protect our industries, [and] we actually have to invest our own dollars in our own country. Stop sending our retirement funds to China, and actually take that money — don’t invest them in algorithms in the stock market — let’s invest them in hard assets in America building things. We can do that.”

Hmm..., Remember China-Gate aka Commerce-Gate, Wen Ho Lee and the missing laptops, the sales of an aircraft manufacturing company lock stock and barrel, missile guidance technology... two Cray super computers to make it work... makes Julius and Ethel Rosenberg look like petty shoplifters.
"Judicial Watch brought the case on behalf of shareholders of Loral Space & Communications Ltd. They transferred sensitive US missile technology to China in the 1990s. The CEO Bernard Schwartz gave $1.5 million to various Democratic Party entities including Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection campaign.
At the same time Schwartz and Loral convinced the Clinton Administration to transfer technology export licensing authority from the State Department to the more politically-influenced Commerce Department. Schwartz and Loral then obtained licenses from the Commerce Department that were needed to launch Loral-manufactured communications satellites into orbit from China. They ended up advancing China’s missile program which is a threat to US national security much as the Clinton-Russian uranium deal is.. Federal racketeering charges were never brought (Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Thanks to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA our national education is focused on Marxist Socialist Indoctrination and gender studies, it’s difficult to invent new things.
He’s absolutely correct.
We’ve allowed ourselves to be coopted. In the name of multiculturalism and globalization. Instead of dictatorships coming around to our way, they’ve instead used our innovation to expand their own control and influence.
America was doing pretty well in the outer space buisness until Hussein grounded the Space Shuttle and put NASA at work with global warming propaganda. It should be noted that almost every 50th anniversary salute to the Moon Landing ignores the fact that it happened on Nixon's watch.
America was doing pretty well in the outer space buisness until Hussein grounded the Space Shuttle and put NASA at work with global warming propaganda. It should be noted that almost every 50th anniversary salute to the Moon Landing ignores the fact that it happened on Nixon's watch.

Obama took aim at Nasa specifically because it was the number one innovator on the planet and made huge discoveries useful for industry and manufacturing. He knew what he was doing that little prick.

We should have sky fighters that move on ION propulsion and do mach 7 by now...instead we are struggling with 35 year old technology that is rapidly being outdone by Russia and China.

Very Stupid


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