Responsibility for your OWN life.

athiestic idealogies are the ones that have killed more people within a 100 year period than every other for thousands?

Atheism is not an ideology and declaring the state or a tyrant a god more closely resembles the 'dicine right' than anything else.

You're just as pathetically weak as everyone else. You are just too blind to acknowledge your weaknesses and ever actually grow into a decent human being.

Yet it is your religion which excuses all bad behavior by saying it's all the devil's fault. While an atheist must be responsible for his/her own actions, the Christian attributes his faults to a talking snake and a woman. The atheist can only atone for his acts through his deeds and redeem himself to his own self and his peers. The Christian, need simply 'repent' and all if forgiven- he need not make any real attempts to correct any wrongs that result from his action,.
Both atheists and theists have their challenges.

Atheists must deal with the isolation and distrust of living in a theist society. Theists must live under the constant threat of an angry, jealous, punishing God.


Pagans have to worry about whether or not this month's Luna (Full Moon) Sacrifice dance will be ruined because some ASSHOLE (you know who you are) forgot to bring the Keg and Body Oil!:evil:

So hard to find a virgin nowadays... it's a sad sign of the times and the state of our society when I can't find a virgin over the age of ten anymore. The little ones can barely remember the chants and incantations; we've almost had a few sacrifices go horribly wrong because they couldn't remember to evoke, not invoke.
The OP spelled out his(?) argument. You attacked blindly.

You've shown your colors in this thread.
There's some thoughtful discourse. Two grown men discussing sacrifices and 10 y.o. virgins.

I did not specify age.

However it is apparently a plus with christians to parade you unmarried pregger daughter on national tv in political campaigns now.

Ahh how religion based family values has changed since I was a captive of religion.
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There's some thoughtful discourse. Two grown men discussing sacrifices and 10 y.o. virgins.


Here's the FACT.......Athiests act morally i.e. don't let OUR rights extend to the point that they interfere with other people's rights, because it is the RIGHT thing to do. No promise of heaven nor threat of hell is required for an athiest to act morally. I submit to you that that is a FAR more PURE morallity than that of those who follow a religious doctrine that DOESN'T demand that you respect the rights of others. You need only follow your chosen religions doctrines which are SOOOO often about IMPOSING your beliefs on others.

Keep your religion out of OUR gov't and keep your views of morallity out of OUR legal system or you are VIOLATING MY RIGHTS! I don't seek to LEGISLATE against your religion but to uphold MY Constitutional right to keep OUR gov't both Fed and State from even the apperance of elevating ONE RELIGION over all others. If you REALLY believe in the Constitution then you could NEVER advocate for YOUR and ONLY YOUR religious symbols to be placed on PUBLIC property.

Keep your religion out of MY life!!! I have the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to be free of YOUR interferance and unwarranted infulance in OUR gov't.

Tell me this, WHY do you have the right to impose your "VALUES" based on YOUR religious doctrine on the rest of society? Why not the Mormans, or the Seventh Day Advantists, or the Amish, or the PAGAN, or any of a THOUSAND other religions?
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Athiests are FAR stronger emotionally than those who insist that "GOD" is responsible for EVERYTHING.

People who believe in God do not say, or even give Him full responsibility for their behaviors. However, just the fact that they ask for forgiveness means they at lease admit that they are sinners. Atheists don't actually take responsibility because they don't admit they are sinners.

You see we athiets can't assuage our guilt by praying to a "GOD" for forgiveness we must ATTONE for our acts through our future acts or accept the fact that we are without morals or character. We can not commit attrocities and beg for a death bed reprive from punishment from a "GOD" and if we could then WHY would we live a life that respects our fellow human beings?

Why do you have to atone for anything? Do you ever ask anyone for forgiveness? If you do, then you seem to be able to not take responsibility for at least those sins. If there are no consequences for your sins now, why would you " live a life that respects our fellow human beings? "

Consider the Westboro Babtist Church...............Are their VILE acts against their fellow citizens RIGHTOUS!!!??? Are their attacks leveled at the grieving families of our fallen servicemen JUSTIFIED by God and the Bible? If you say YES as you MUST since they are Christian and QUOTE the Bible in their attacks against gays and YES the grieving families of our fallen soldiers then what kind of person does that make YOU!!!???

No, let's not consider Westboro. They are not worthy of our consideration. They do not fit into any of the Christian community, in any way.

Falwell AND Robertson both well respected "Christians" have BOTH said that 9/11 was GOD'S punishment for our "GODLESS" society. What kind of a sick FUCKER would say that 3000+ Americans DESERVED to die!!!???

In the context of what those men said, they were not saying that the ones who died were being punished for their sinful contribution to the sick American immoral way of life. All of the believers who were killed in the events of that day are now with God in an awesome place. Those who were living without respect for the creator, well they also met Him and God made some judgement, or will, on them as well. The innocent (children) who died are also with God.

The judgment was on the nation, if that is what those events were. It may have been a warning that we are falling into favor with Satan. You do know that not all Christians believe that was God's judgment on America? Some of us just plain old don't know.

Athiests would NEVER utter such disgusting remarks!!!! Yet your Church LEADERS do so and you call CHRISTIANITY a religion of LOVE!!!???

You haven't experienced Christianity, so you don't know what it is. However, God will allow for a death bed repentence and request for forgivceness, if you get to that point.
f there are no consequences for your sins now, why would you " live a life that respects our fellow human beings? "

Why do you people need the pits of hell to keep you from raping and murdering? It reveals you as really shitty people, donchyathink?
Both atheists and theists have their challenges.

Atheists must deal with the isolation and distrust of living in a theist society. Theists must live under the constant threat of an angry, jealous, punishing God.

Your statements make no sense. Athiests are being praised in modern society. And I am not worried at all about God punishing me. I understand the mercy of God and am willing to acknowledge my wrongdoings.
Athiests are being praised? Come to the bible belt and procliam you are an atheist. At best you will be very lonley. At worst no job and perhaps physical violence against you or your family.
My thought on this is: disbelieve if you want, we'll all know the truth someday.

Me? I'm content in my beliefs. :)

Yeah but you gotta die to find out.

No. You assume you do. That way you dont have to put in any effort in this life. Convenient no?

Ok splain it to me. How can one know for absolute certain that heaven or any afterlife exists before they exit this life?

And like Spock I have been dead before.
I saw nothing while dead.
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☭proletarian☭;1834214 said:
f there are no consequences for your sins now, why would you " live a life that respects our fellow human beings? "

Why do you people need the pits of hell to keep you from raping and murdering? It reveals you as really shitty people, donchyathink?

Good question. Why are you that way?

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