Responsibility for your OWN life.

Cold Fusion38

Athiests are FAR stronger emotionally than those who insist that "GOD" is responsible for EVERYTHING. You see we athiets can't assuage our guilt by praying to a "GOD" for forgiveness we must ATTONE for our acts through our future acts or accept the fact that we are without morals or character. We can not commit attrocities and beg for a death bed reprive from punishment from a "GOD" and if we could then WHY would we live a life that respects our fellow human beings?

Consider the Westboro Babtist Church...............Are their VILE acts against their fellow citizens RIGHTOUS!!!??? Are their attacks leveled at the grieving families of our fallen servicemen JUSTIFIED by God and the Bible? If you say YES as you MUST since they are Christian and QUOTE the Bible in their attacks against gays and YES the grieving families of our fallen soldiers then what kind of person does that make YOU!!!???

Falwell AND Robertson both well respected "Christians" have BOTH said that 9/11 was GOD'S punishment for our "GODLESS" society. What kind of a "Christian" would say that 3000+ Americans DESERVED to die!!!???

With respect I must admit that the Westboro church is a GLARING exception to TRUE Christian values but he DOES have followers and he DOES quote the Bible to justify his and his followers DISGUSTING behavior.

Athiests would NEVER utter such disgusting remarks!!!! Yet your Church LEADERS do so and you call CHRISTIANITY a religion of LOVE!!!???
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Atheists can and do utter such disgusting remarks every minute of every day. And every bad thing that happens is a CONSEQUENCE of our behavior and bad choices made along the way, i.e., a consequence for straying from the Path.

So how is that evidence of a lack of responsibility? Sounds to me like we're taking responsibility for our sins by acknowledging that our own behavior causes bad things to happen to us.
Atheists can and do utter such disgusting remarks every minute of every day. And every bad thing that happens is a CONSEQUENCE of our behavior and bad choices made along the way, i.e., a consequence for straying from the Path.

So how is that evidence of a lack of responsibility? Sounds to me like we're taking responsibility for our sins by acknowledging that our own behavior causes bad things to happen to us.

Wow you are of the ilk that I pointed out.................GOD killed the people on 9/11 because we are a FAG loving country.........GOD caused Katrina because of our FAG loving ways.

Go to Westboro and hang out with the fucking hypocrites!!!
Atheists can and do utter such disgusting remarks every minute of every day. And every bad thing that happens is a CONSEQUENCE of our behavior and bad choices made along the way, i.e., a consequence for straying from the Path.

So how is that evidence of a lack of responsibility? Sounds to me like we're taking responsibility for our sins by acknowledging that our own behavior causes bad things to happen to us.

Wow you are of the ilk that I pointed out.................GOD killed the people on 9/11 because we are a FAG loving country.........GOD caused Katrina because of our FAG loving ways.

Go to Westboro and hang out with the fucking hypocrites!!!

I don't believe I ever said any of those things.

It looks like the calm and thoughtful atheists are at it again, right here in our midst.

Once again, please explain how claiming responsibility for our own sins makes us less responsible, and not more responsible?
If you can manage to string two words together without drowning in your own slaver, that is.
Pffft. Pagans.

I have more admiration for pagans (and it's not a lot, sadly) than I do for tiny dicked atheist retards.
Is that why you flip out when someone wants to have a discussion about religion? All that emotional stability. Or why you are hostile to anyone who disagrees with you? Or why athiestic idealogies are the ones that have killed more people within a 100 year period than every other for thousands?

I know you like to pretend you are better than someone for non-believing something just like there are some people who like to pretend they are better for being something. Fact is you're human. You're just as pathetically weak as everyone else. You are just too blind to acknowledge your weaknesses and ever actually grow into a decent human being.
Athiests are FAR stronger emotionally than those who insist that "GOD" is responsible for EVERYTHING. You see we athiets can't assuage our guilt by praying to a "GOD" for forgiveness we must ATTONE for our acts through our future acts or accept the fact that we are without morals or character. We can not commit attrocities and beg for a death bed reprive from punishment from a "GOD" and if we could then WHY would we live a life that respects our fellow human beings?

Consider the Westboro Babtist Church...............Are their VILE acts against their fellow citizens RIGHTOUS!!!??? Are their attacks leveled at the grieving families of our fallen servicemen JUSTIFIED by God and the Bible? If you say YES as you MUST since they are Christian and QUOTE the Bible in their attacks against gays and YES the grieving families of our fallen soldiers then what kind of person does that make YOU!!!???

Falwell AND Robertson both well respected "Christians" have BOTH said that 9/11 was GOD'S punishment for our "GODLESS" society. What kind of a sick FUCKER would say that 3000+ Americans DESERVED to die!!!???

Athiests would NEVER utter such disgusting remarks!!!! Yet your Church LEADERS do so and you call CHRISTIANITY a religion of LOVE!!!???

Far stronger emotionally?? Then why the thread, do you need moral support, is that what you are looking for?

"We can not commit attrocities and beg for a death bed reprive from punishment from a "GOD" and if we could then WHY would we live a life that respects our fellow human beings?"

So you have been reincarnated?

Cold, you continue define stupidity, keep it up......:disbelief::disbelief::rofl::rofl:
Athiests are FAR stronger emotionally than those who insist that "GOD" is responsible for EVERYTHING. You see we athiets can't assuage our guilt by praying to a "GOD" for forgiveness we must ATTONE for our acts through our future acts or accept the fact that we are without morals or character. We can not commit attrocities and beg for a death bed reprive from punishment from a "GOD" and if we could then WHY would we live a life that respects our fellow human beings?

Consider the Westboro Babtist Church...............Are their VILE acts against their fellow citizens RIGHTOUS!!!??? Are their attacks leveled at the grieving families of our fallen servicemen JUSTIFIED by God and the Bible? If you say YES as you MUST since they are Christian and QUOTE the Bible in their attacks against gays and YES the grieving families of our fallen soldiers then what kind of person does that make YOU!!!???

Falwell AND Robertson both well respected "Christians" have BOTH said that 9/11 was GOD'S punishment for our "GODLESS" society. What kind of a sick FUCKER would say that 3000+ Americans DESERVED to die!!!???

Athiests would NEVER utter such disgusting remarks!!!! Yet your Church LEADERS do so and you call CHRISTIANITY a religion of LOVE!!!???

No, they said "God lifted his veil of protection because we allow gays and feminists". You see, it wasn't crazy Muslims. It was gays and feminists. They were the cause. They are the ones we need to "punish". Apparently "God" would like that.
Ohh it is much easier to go along and pretend to believe to be a Christian and you will be rewarded in heaven for the suffering your fellow man put you thru here. btw he will of course be going to heaven as well Since he repented and the devil was makiing him do it. ;)
It is much more difficult to not believe In God, heaven or hell and bear responsibility for your actions than to blame things on satan and believe you will be rewarded and god is answering your prayers, etc/
It is comfoting to those who bleieve.

ON a side note I wonder of self avowed christians, how many actually believe? And how many are just going along becuase of family and peer pressure?
Both atheists and theists have their challenges.

Atheists must deal with the isolation and distrust of living in a theist society. Theists must live under the constant threat of an angry, jealous, punishing God.
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My thought on this is: disbelieve if you want, we'll all know the truth someday.

Me? I'm content in my beliefs. :)
Atheists can and do utter such disgusting remarks every minute of every day. And every bad thing that happens is a CONSEQUENCE of our behavior and bad choices made along the way, i.e., a consequence for straying from the Path.

So how is that evidence of a lack of responsibility? Sounds to me like we're taking responsibility for our sins by acknowledging that our own behavior causes bad things to happen to us.

Wow you are of the ilk that I pointed out.................GOD killed the people on 9/11 because we are a FAG loving country.........GOD caused Katrina because of our FAG loving ways.

Go to Westboro and hang out with the fucking hypocrites!!!

What a very tolerant person you are. I don't judge you - I'd appreciate it if you would do likewise. Otherwise, you will lead me to think that you are, in fact, just an asshole.
Athiests are FAR stronger emotionally than those who insist that "GOD" is responsible for EVERYTHING.
And yet, you're one of the most emotional little 12 yr-old mentality pukes out there.

Care to explain that?

And before you get all puke dispensery on us about my so-called religious nature, I'll inform you I was atheist when atheist wasn't cool, and probably was before you were ever born. I just don't trumpet it like a religion, and don't attack others for their beliefs, like you weak pukes do.
Both atheists and theists have their challenges.

Atheists must deal with the isolation and distrust of living in a theist society. Theists must live under the constant threat of an angry, jealous, punishing God.


Pagans have to worry about whether or not this month's Luna (Full Moon) Sacrifice dance will be ruined because some ASSHOLE (you know who you are) forgot to bring the Keg and Body Oil!:evil:

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