Respectable increase to sea levels caused by El nino!!!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
2015_rel3: Global Mean Sea Level Time Series (seasonal signals removed)
Edited: 2015-07-23


The opposite of the nina drop in 2010-2011 is occurring! How far out of means will it go?
El Ninos do affect sea levels, but not from warming. El Ninos result in more of a dry pattern over land masses, so less water is stored on the land, so more water stays in the ocean,raising sea level. La Nina is the reverse. That big 2011 dip was due to massive La Nina rains over Australia, enough to form a temporary inland sea there.
Ohmahgawd. Everybody living in Pasadena better move to higher ground as the LA Basin gets flooded by el Pacifico.
How much of a reduction in CO2 will it take to make the big bad El Nino's disappear?
Know what you'll never see here?

The AGWCult giving us a number. All that money wasted on "Climate research"
Hot Water just like Hot Air rises.............

Wow..............what a revelation.
I don't believe anyone thinks el Ninos were created by increased CO2. Here, from Wikipedia, is a discussion of the effects of global warming on El Nino. Read this Frank:

Global warming
During the last several decades the number of El Niño events increased,[49] although a much longer period of observation is needed to detect robust changes.[50] The question is, or was, whether this is a random fluctuation or a normal instance of variation for that phenomenon or the result of global climate changes as a result of global warming. A robust tendency to increase in extreme El Niños was reported in Nature 2014.[51]

Several studies of historical data suggest the recent El Niño variation is linked to global warming but there is no consensus on this aspect. For example, even after subtracting the positive influence of decadal variation, is shown to be possibly present in the ENSO trend,[52] the amplitude of the ENSO variability in the observed data still increases, by as much as 60% in the last 50 years.[53]

It may be that the observed phenomenon of more frequent and stronger El Niño events occurs only in the initial phase of the global warming, and then (e.g., after the lower layers of the ocean get warmer, as well), El Niño will become weaker than it was.[54] It may also be that the stabilizing and destabilizing forces influencing the phenomenon will eventually compensate for each other.[55] More research is needed to provide a better answer to that question. However, new models published in Nature 2014 indicated unmitigated global warming would particularly affect the surface waters of the eastern equatorial Pacific and double extreme El Niño occurrence.[6]
I don't believe anyone thinks el Ninos were created by increased CO2. Here, from Wikipedia, is a discussion of the effects of global warming on El Nino. Read this Frank:

Global warming
During the last several decades the number of El Niño events increased,[49] although a much longer period of observation is needed to detect robust changes.[50] The question is, or was, whether this is a random fluctuation or a normal instance of variation for that phenomenon or the result of global climate changes as a result of global warming. A robust tendency to increase in extreme El Niños was reported in Nature 2014.[51]

Several studies of historical data suggest the recent El Niño variation is linked to global warming but there is no consensus on this aspect. For example, even after subtracting the positive influence of decadal variation, is shown to be possibly present in the ENSO trend,[52] the amplitude of the ENSO variability in the observed data still increases, by as much as 60% in the last 50 years.[53]

It may be that the observed phenomenon of more frequent and stronger El Niño events occurs only in the initial phase of the global warming, and then (e.g., after the lower layers of the ocean get warmer, as well), El Niño will become weaker than it was.[54] It may also be that the stabilizing and destabilizing forces influencing the phenomenon will eventually compensate for each other.[55] More research is needed to provide a better answer to that question. However, new models published in Nature 2014 indicated unmitigated global warming would particularly affect the surface waters of the eastern equatorial Pacific and double extreme El Niño occurrence.[6]

Crick you linked to an obviously unread article that lists global warming as a possible cause for El Ninos
El Ninos do affect sea levels, but not from warming. El Ninos result in more of a dry pattern over land masses, so less water is stored on the land, so more water stays in the ocean,raising sea level. La Nina is the reverse. That big 2011 dip was due to massive La Nina rains over Australia, enough to form a temporary inland sea there.

Oh really???!!!:eek-52:

LOL....who couldn't have guessed that the AGW climate crusaders would be in here like slugs to a can of beer to try and refute this. They find some goofball answer to everything.......even something as black and white fact as this!! Like the stoopid-ass explanations for more snow being related to warming.:coffee:

These freaks would throw themselves off a 40 foot cliff in a heartbeat if it meant perpetuating the hoax........... their silly sea-rise prediction blows up in their face. Prediction after prediction getting nuked.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

This dumbass Mamooth was saying Miami would be under water by now!!!:ack-1::spinner::spinner::spinner:
I've said no such thing, ever. Skook, you owe me an apology for being so flagrantly dishonest.

Skook, this would be either where you:

1. Back up your crazy claim by showing where I said such a thing.
2. Apologize.
3. Flap you limp wrists around hysterically, scream and pout, and generally demonstrate how how cowardly and dishonest you are.

There are no other options. Which option do you pick?
Anyone seen Crick?

Has he read the article he linked to yet? The one that says Global Warming might cause the El Nino

Matty, how much of a CO2 reduction to eliminate El Nino for-EHAV!?
Anyone seen Crick?

Has he read the article he linked to yet? The one that says Global Warming might cause the El Nino

Matty, how much of a CO2 reduction to eliminate El Nino for-EHAV!?

we will have nino no matter what...I don't honestly believe that global warming causes the short term climate pattern...What I do believe is it gives it more energy to play with when it comes to transporting the heat the ocean collects into the atmosphere.
Anyone seen Crick?

Has he read the article he linked to yet? The one that says Global Warming might cause the El Nino

Matty, how much of a CO2 reduction to eliminate El Nino for-EHAV!?

we will have nino no matter what...I don't honestly believe that global warming causes the short term climate pattern...What I do believe is it gives it more energy to play with when it comes to transporting the heat the ocean collects into the atmosphere.

Yeah, walk me through the math of how 120PPM of atmospheric CO2 generates the necessary energy to "heat the oceans"

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